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May+June Commission Poll and Hotfix Update

  • Barbarous Bargains 18
  • Whores for the Whore Makers + Beneath their Notice 8
  • A Brief Foray + Raid Nomad Camp 7
  • Fallen + Taggerfolk + Cherry Blossoms 5
  • Land Piracy + Tribute of the Lost + Fulfil Opportunity 7
  • Scare Crow + Laughing Trickster Priestess + Scour Dockside Taverns 28
  • 2022-06-11
  • —2022-07-05
  • 73 votes
{'title': 'May+June Commission Poll and Hotfix Update', 'choices': [{'text': 'Barbarous Bargains', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Whores for the Whore Makers + Beneath their Notice', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'A Brief Foray + Raid Nomad Camp', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Fallen + Taggerfolk + Cherry Blossoms', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Land Piracy + Tribute of the Lost + Fulfil Opportunity', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Scare Crow + Laughing Trickster Priestess + Scour Dockside Taverns', 'votes': 28}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 5, 16, 46, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 11, 16, 8, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 73}


So as I mentioned on the last hotfix the plan was to get the hotfix done, to the commission poll yesterday, and go abroad for a week tomorrow. 

Then this week a family member, the family member who is entire the reason why this trip is happening in the first place, came down with covid.


Not the best of timing. 

So that rather knocked me for six, not helped that the concern I was having that it was hitting them hard with a serious temperature. Yesterday it was looking like the trip was 100% cancelled and being very thankful for insurance. Even today it was looking more likely nay than yay, but thanks to two red lines no longer showing, and that with the timing they're okay to not self-isolate as of tomorrow based on what the guidance says and when they came down, the trip is back on. 

Spent most of the week in not the best of mental states, which was impressive as it hadn't exactly been sunshine and roses before, so pretty glad of that result, as man do I need that trip now even more than I did before. Accentuating the positive... okay, perhaps better to say hey ho silver lining, I am taking my laptop with me so I can polish up the writing to the point where I might finally be happy with it. So plan now is get back, get out the hotfix, and then do the fortnightly on the 23rd as previously mentioned. 

Here's hoping this will be the end of a rather rubbish first half of 2022 and will change it up for a significantly better second half of the year. 

Now on to the regularly scheduled commission poll. 

2016 September+October - Board the River Barges / November+December - Biomancy
2017 January+February - Corruption / March+April - Draki Maid / May+June - Savage Hunt + A Lesson in Futility / July+August - Scout the Coast + Kitsune / September+October- Road 'Tax' Collecting and TollBridge / November+December - Quick as you Like, Scout the Mountains and Draenei
2018 January+February - Ori'Nek slave and Advanced Blowjob Training / March+April - Lead Astray and Hold Back the Dark / May+June - Basic Bimbo and Advanced Bimbo Training / July+August - Truly Divine / September+October - Lady of Light and Witch / November+December - Tentacle Beast and Scout the City
2019 January - Mistress of the Ensnared Rose / January+February - Wrapped in Webs and Seduction of the Light / March - Raid High Elven Dwelling / March+April - Renegade Lago'Mae Biomancer and Scout the Ever Forest / May - Asanei Maid / May+June - Cheerleaders / July - Hidden Temple / July+August - Deep Mountains Slave Caravan, Watchtower, and Fake Herald of Paradise / September - Nymph and Wood Elf / September+October - Encampment / November - Dark Elf Fire Elementalist / November+December - To Hunt a Paladin
2020 January - Raid Human Village / January+February - Basic/Advanced Maid Training + Deep Mountains Forest Goblin Assignment / March - Fel Tainted Lamia / March+April - Neko Protection and Recapture / May - Explore Abandonned Mine : All completed and in the game.
May+June - Lesbian Training : First two parts are done and in the game. Third part is ready to go in order the commissions were done.
July - Heal Slut Training / Healing: Done and in the game.
July/August - Spa Drider: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
July/August - Listening to Whispers Tagg: Done and in the game. (Was for Decadence but ended up changing the plan for that)
July/August - Gorgon: Done and in the game.
September - Deeper into the Infestation: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
September/October - Bar Fuck: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
September/October - Custom Orders aka The Horny Pair: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
November - Asanei Duellist : Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
November/December - Sky-Shaman: Done. Going to see if I can include her sooner than the others given I want to re-write that assignment a lot to reflect the new art.
November/December - Word in Your Ear: Done and in the game.
January - Marshlands Lamia: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
January/February - Profane Ritual: Done and in the game.
January/February - Fending off Naughty Humans aka Darker Desires: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
March Commission Poll - Endurance Training: Done and in the game.
March/April - Some Enchanted Nightmare: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
May - Bio-Bun: Done and in the game.
May+June - Nest of Vipers + Cutprice Roses: Done and in the game.
July - Centaur Outrider:  Done and in the game.
July+August - Snakes on Wheels: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
July+August - Horned One vs. Wood Elf: Ready to go in order the commissions were done.
September - Mistress-of-Torments : Done and will be in the forthcoming update
September+October - Tall Tails gone Wrong (or Right) + Mystery at Sea : Both ready to go in order the commissions were done.
November  - Negotiate Entry to the Lord's Gate : Done and in the game.
November+December - Changing Places + Dance the Night Away + Coastal Corsairs : Coastal Corsairs and Dance the Night Away are both done. Changing Places is at last done, and it was most definitely worth waiting for! Will be posting it Saturday.
January - Victims of Forest Goblins : It's done, and man was it fantastic.
January+February - They Choose You + A Taste of Glory : Taste of Glory has had a more refined sketch. Now coming in two parts which was unexpected but I think it's a really nice improvement on the concept I pitched. They Choose You hasn't been started yet.
March - Sudden Betrayal : Left side is mostly done, right needs a lot, artist has moved to a different country so understandable progress has stalled.
March+April - Hot Seat, Standard Trading, and Decadence :  In a highly unusual poll to art to implementation turnaround both Decadence and Standard Trading are already finished, and in the game for the hotfix that will be out sharpish.  Discord voted to have Standard Trading be random pic selection by the way as they like making me do more work apparently. Hot Seat is so almost done you'll likely be seeing it when I'm back. It's pretty sweet imo.
May - ? : I was doing the spreadsheet for this and both Scare Crow and Laughing Trickster Priestess were on 37 and I was thinking what to do, then I noticed I had missed a late $25 vote and so Saving Glory had an extra 3 which put it on 38. Again yes really. Truly this is the week of unexpected events.  Before you scroll done yes I did put the Scare Crow and Laughing Trickster Priestress together in an option below. 

Pixiv link for a gallery for the commissions. I've also now started to slowly build up a gallery on Picarto now that's a thing.  And now the usual preamble:

Based on previous experience commissions with things like mounts, those that need proper backgrounds and so on I'm going to have to count those too as one of the character slots. I'll show what I feel is the effective number of characters at the end of each option in brackets for clarity that I'm aiming to keep each choice roughly equal in terms of cost.

With that out the way onto the actual options.

Ones that are entirely new or now are entirely changed ideas for previously tried alternate depictions of assignments can be found in 3 and 5. Brought some old ones back, changed up the races in some of the others, and I've also moved some previous options around.

All the races/genders involved this time : 1. Amazon (Fu/F-Dom), Marlsune (Fu-Sub), City Elf (M-Sub), and Veil (F-Sub)

2. Succubus (F-Sub), Horned One (M-Dom), Nethemir (M-Dom), Ogre (M-Dom), Asanei (F-Sub)

3. Draenei (Fu-Dom), Wood Elf (F-Sub), Wright (F-Dom), and Human Wastelander (F-Sub)

4. Fallen (M-Dom), Human Fancy (F-Sub), Taggerfolk (F-Sub), and Tsumi Harpy (F-Sub)

5. High Elf (F-Sub), Kreen (F-Sub) Lago'Mae (F-Sub), and Witch (F-Sub)

6. Kestrae Harpy (F-Dom), Neko (F-?), and Quintari (F/Fu-?)

5-6 Character Options

1. Barbarous Bargains :

All in the similar theme with a big busty Human Amazon on her crude wooden throne in her hut, and then getting three different versions with different gendered races and somewhat altered poses. First her fucking a Marlsune futa with her bouncing her up and down on her shaft while stroking the foxgirl's tail to drive her absolutely out of her mind. Second her fucking a City Elf guy's butt in a cute pink chastity cage which forcing his heavily made up mouth open with her stronger hand, and then thirdly her fucking a slight looking Veil as her bigger hands gropes her small breasts and pierced nipples.

(6 - 3 same character with variations of pose also w. futa/strap-on, 3 different characters, background  )

3-4 and 1-2 Character options

2. Whores for the Whore Makers + Beneath their Notice

One horned Succubus getting thouroughly mindbroken by being gangbanged. Big cock in both her hand, betwen her pierced and chained tits, and from behind. Some offscreen but figure with the angle I have in mind a male Horned One with big impressive horns getting his also impressive cock stroked, and the male Nethemir with small nubby horns pounding her from behind in both her holes with a more more impressive double cock corruption could be shown in full. All horns this time as why not as people liked the Succubus idea more than the Human for this one. 

Asanei having been caught by an Ogre male and is now dangling helplessly while held by the head by the big brute's fist as her hair tentacles try to squirm out of his fingers. Ogre would be using his other hand to hold the ripped remains of what the Asanei had been wearing before it had been just removed.

(6.  - 3 Characters+ Offscreen cocks, 2 Characters+Complex Background  )

3. A Brief Foray + Raid Nomad Camp Great Plains assignment:

Two Draenei futas vigorously spitroasting an unfortunate Wood Elf lady who thought it would be a good idea to tresspass in their territory. 

Chests up of a lady Wright and a lady Human Wastelander, as they press their tits together (the human's being much larger), both having turned their heads towards the viewer the Wright would be smiling maliciously/smugly, while the unfortunate Wastelander smiles happily with empty eyes.

(6 -  3 Characters+Background, 2 Characters+Simple Background  )

1-2 Character options

4. Fallen Based Great Plains Assignment + Taggerfolk based Ever Forest assignment + Cherry Blossoms Rare City of Aversol assignment

A very, very pretty Male Fallen with a large mirrored shield showing his lady Human Fancy battlemaid opponent has been so overwhelmed with his unnatural hotness that she's forgotten about the fight and is now figering herself frantically.  (Would also be used for the Male Fallen examine)

Toll Bridge mentioned how it was a very bad idea to go into the rivers of the Ever Forest. This assignment would explore some of the whys. A pale Taggerfolk emerging dripping wet from a black river wearing freaky looking black glowing jewels all over her otherwise naked body.

A Tsumi Harpy mistress of a noble in the city with a serious Cathayan kink. Sitting by a cherry blossom tree, showing off her impressive, likely Keldan enhanced body in a scandalously revealing china dress.

(6 - 2 characters+complex background, 1 character+complex background, 1 character+complex background  )

5. Land Piracy + Tribute of the Lost + Fulfil Opportunity - Deep Mountains :

A pair of refined High Elf sisters have been dressed up as pirate sluts for the amusement of their captors while the big chunky metal collars and chains make it obvious what they still are. One is incredibly concerned at the terror-bird (think the background of the single female laywer asanei) clutching onto her shoulder.  

Kneeling Kreen and Lago'Mae kneeling with head bowed in all white skimpy ritual outfits as strange lights play over them.

Witch seen from behind with an upwards angle in all white including her pointed hat, fishnet stockings, and high heels, her leash disappearing as she is pulled into a demonic portal that is clearly the source of the light that had being playing over the previous two.

(6 - 2 character+background, 2 character+complex background, 1 characters+ complex background )

6. Scare Crow Great Plains assignment + Laughing Trickster Priestess based Dreadsea Coast assignment + Scour Dockside Taverns for New Talent :

A Kestrae Harpy is tormenting some farmers who really would like her to stop impersonating their scarecrows. She'd be perched on a wooden poll, wearing a straw hat, have some straw intertwined in one wing, and the other black wing conspiratorially telling the viewer to shush.

A lady Neko wearing only her long black thighhigh boots, and a disreputable fantasy trenchcoat she's let fall open to show that's all she's wearing, and in her hand is a pair of dice where each face depict grinning/laughing faces.

A Quintari drinking alone in a tavern with a glass of wine glancing around with a haughty expression on her face as if she can't believe she's been reduced to this, and yet would also be getting off on being so degraded so would either be stroking her pussy or immense horse cock depending on version. Futanari version would ideally also have more muscle definition.

(6 - 1 character+background, 1 character+background, 1 character+background )


Alice Tag

Hope your trip goes well and be sure to take some time to just unwind as well <3