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Yes this is a day earlier than normal. Basically dong this now as I don't want it to be hanging over my head tomorrow and distracting me as I focus to get this dang hotfix out the door.

  • No Haven

A patron on my discord joked that this update was cursed a couple of weeks back. 

They were not wrong. 

Should be out ASAP and then I can put this mess behind me cause effing zogging nora this has been not good in every sense of the word. 

Can I learn anything from this so this doesn't happen again, can I get back to normalcy, what even is normal anyway, and other questions should be all answered soon. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Right so see above, and what I said last one of these. 

Okay so for the first time since the whole thing that started a couple of years back which I've tried not talk about, in part as it did such a number on my mental state which I'm still in the process of putting back together, I will actually be leaving the country the week after next for ten days. 

So that I very much decidedly need to get both the hotfix and public release done and dusted before that, and then won't actually be in the same country as my PC so that means that the next stream will take place on Thursday 23rd of June with every intention going forward that I really must stop cancelling them when things start looking hairy with the update/hotfix.

I'm also going to push the next Fortnightly back a week because again I will have pretty limited access to everything so I'll do the next one of these on the same day which means you won't need to remember the date cause I'll be back by then to do that for you.  

  • Commissions

January+February - They Choose You + A Taste of Glory : Taste of Glory has had a more refined sketch. Now coming in two parts which was unexpected but I think it's a really nice improvement on the concept I pitched. 

They Choose You hasn't been started yet. If I've not heard anything by next one of these I'll start poking them. 

March - Sudden Betrayal : No progress since last time. Again pokes will be deployed as needed.

March+April - Hot Seat, Standard Trading, and Decadence :  In a highly unusual poll to art to implementation turnaround both Decadence and Standard Trading are already finished, and in the game for the hotfix that will be out sharpish.  Discord voted to have Standard Trading be random pic selection by the way as they like making me do more work apparently. 

Hot Seat is going well with the other new artist I'm trying and is at the base colours stage.

Current commission poll is looking like this:

Oh neat! I hadn't looked at this and from what the discord had said on the day it was posted I assumed I had another land slide on my hands again, this time for the Scare Crow. Turns out it's still impressively close with seven days left to go.  I'm also amused by the $25+ votes who are all rather emphatically voting for anything as long as it isn't Sweet Elixir. 

I'll aim to put up the next commission poll up next Friday. 

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thank you so, so much for your patience and support!



Sounds good! I wish you a successful break in another country, try to relax, gain as much strength and creative energy as possible!