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Hey, did another Q&A on the twitter and tumblr which might be the fastest turnaround since those heady carefree days when I was responding to tumblr asks individually. 

Also I did get permission from Lucien to offer merch on Patreon using that No Haven logo they very nicely did for me back in the day thinking that might be a fun add to have it on a mug or something for those on higher tiers. Course what I probably should have done first is actually look at the costs, and now I'm a lot less sure it's worth it. The cost of the item is one thing being subtracted from pledges, but the extra percentage fee on total earnings is less than ideal to put it lightly. 

So yeah, if you really, really want that let me know, but if not as I suspect then I'll drop the idea.

  • No Haven

0.94 and it's versions are entirely done including the public release. I do a random poll each one of those on TFGames given they have an inbuilt thing for that, and I've also been doing poll for those not on there which you can find here https://www.strawpoll.me/42599957 Though apparently more people need to see The Big Lebowski as the refference to that is really not that hard to get given it just needs a success, and was a way to allude to the same assignment where a unique slaver can be found. 

Started work on the next update which is definitely a biggy. Ended up starting up with an extra new mechanic inspired by a comment which struck me as a fun add. It's a new way to start the game and the idea is to have a quick start which includes some extra options. Some are familiar ones from Full Custom, while others will be entirely new. There will also be options to take ones from TF Edition for those with that version. 

That's pretty much done and next up are the several assignments that need doing. Two from commissions in Burning Passions (the Dark Elf Elementalist) and Ice Breaker (which will be needed to continue the Biomancy storyline). There's also some being added from patron requests.

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Didn't get to these as quickly as I planned, but they are back! Got two done this week, and I'm planning to do another one tonight.

  • Commissions

November + December Commission Poll - Word in your Ear: This one is now arranged, and should be starting this week apparently. 

November - Asanei Duellist: Been delayed and waiting to hear on this one. Base colours are great so should be one to look forward to.

The Veil: Alas, did not make it in for the Year of the Rat due to understandable and unfortunate circumstances. Hopefully won't be too long now until you get to see it.

January Commission Poll: To absolutely no one's surprise the Marshlands Lamia took on all comers and won handily. Arranged this and will be starting in March. 

New poll is up:

Looks like the Savage Orc may finally make it through the polls though it's not uncatchable quite yet. Also nicely close with a joint second place.

  • Discord Assignment the 3rd

This is finished in terms of the posts. Did a finish up one on Monday for all patrons, not just for those ones on the Discord, to lay out what happened. Next up is working out which artist will be taking on the idea that ended up being the one that will be used for this assignment.

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!


Alice Tag

Thanks for the update!




How is the Twine conversion coming? I confess I haven't been paying great attention, but I thought it was close at one point last year?


It was to some extent and still is. To sum a long story short I had a bit of a tizzy over panicking due to the pivital stage it was at combined with how badly the WR conversion went over with some. Not helped by falling behind on the RAGS work which rather stalled things badly. However I've started the conversion streams back up again and I believe I've got a better strategy to finish things off.