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Right unless this one still has major problems, like the ones that unfortunately plagued one of the new assignments, will be used for the public release later today.  



-Added a new ogre start using the commision for Scout the Deep Mountains. 

-Added some better checks to avoid the rare cases when uniques might have incorrect talk to options.

-Toned down the number of corruptions on the Pursuit of Arrogance success result.  

-In something I’d not thought of at all if you send a slave(s) for the Fulfil Opportunity from Male Perfidity they will have more appropriate removal text if they weren’t actually the drow males in question. 

-Added pointed ears to the your character races as appropriate. 

-Fixes for the far too many issues with Treachery Most Foul. 

-Fix for repeated demonic visages. 

-Text fixes. 


Arco Deman

Question about the new Neko Succubus starts - which one is the commissioned one with new gameplay? I tried all three choices and they all seem bog-standard....


The Chosen of Sin, though you do need to be playing as Futanari to get the extra stuff.


Bug Report: Seems that sending your leader on Tyrannical Legacy causes a crash with RAGS, it's easy enough to avoid, but thought I'd point it out. At least in my case, I tested ten times with the leader and it crashed every time. After testing without, the mission ran normally. Could also be something with leader/mission type level-up occurring at the same time.


Edit: It also seems that missions keep locking out sending slavers, I've been getting notices saying I can't send anymore of my people on missions while keeping the camp secure or it says there are non available to send. Right now I have 6 slavers on standby and five slaves and it says I can't keep the camp secure. Seems to have occurred after Tyrannical Legacy as this first happened when I tried to send more on a mission after starting it.


Right got an idea how to possibly work round the very long assignment with you being on them crashes as it's not something I've been able to recreate myself on system. When the update comes out I'd really appreciate if you'd try this again on a fresh playthrough and let me know if it worked.