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Firstly as an update I've deleted the higher goals on the patreon. For some reason patreon is now showing the highest by default instead of the next closest to be reached, and as the next one is BY FAR the most important of the goals I've removed the others for now. 

Not gone for good, and if/when we get past the break even point I'll add them back in. 

As a second note before I get into the games is the question has come up of me having a Twitter. One advantage I can see is that it would be a way of getting out quick updates on progress if you don't want to wait for the fortnightly reports on here. I used to do daily tumblr updates and I stopped those as trying to make two-three paragraphs of grinding away at endless RAGS conditions interesting after a while was an impossibility to put it mildly.  No pressure there though with Twitter so could be useful for quick titbits of what I'm looking at on a particular day along with links to updates and streams. 

Idea would be to keep it reasonable work safe though the links certainly wouldn't be. Would keep it reasonably focused, but there might be the odd mention of anime and the like on occasion. Wouldn't be too spammy either. Probably around a tweet or two a day I'd guess with more around releases. I'll also totally follow you back for anyone who cares about that. 

Added a poll to this update to gauge interest.  

  • No Haven

Currently neck deep in updating all the assignments so they will acknowledge your presence. 

My aim of a release around now in mid April is looking out of the question as those delays and problems I've mentioned in previous reports really did a number on me. I will admit that learning Twine has highlighted just how clunky RAGS is to program in, but I'll persevere on regardless.

Super optimistic would be end of April now and probably early May for the next update which I'm well aware isn't ideal.  

There's also definitely issues with the clothing/armour when you have to much of it since I last had a crack at them, so that's going to need a serious delve into as well.  

  • Whorelock's Revenge 

Next update which will include all of the starts from the RAGS version along with other content like levelling up and polymorph, should be out on the patreon tomorrow. 

That is a far, far, FAR faster turn around on a big chunk of content than I expected as the name generation especially I thought was going to be a massive time sink, but man, regular expressions are bloody sourcery now that I've got a better handle on using them. 

This also includes the first chunk of converted No Haven content to Twine as Whorelock's will now use the updated and much improved name generators from there. 

Also been thinking about the TF edition a bit. What I think I'm going to do once the rest of the base content is converted is take a similar tack to No Haven and have it mainly about giving more options for starts. So races like Nethemir, Succubi, and Harpies, other gender options, and starting perks that you wouldn't normally get a chance to get. 

  • Tumblr

I was very lucky to get away this for months as all the other NSFW tumblrs I'm aware of got marked as such and blocked to people not logged in ages back, but it looks like tumblr finally noticed me. 

You will now need a log in to view my posts on there. For those that sent anonymous asks you still can as an option, but again it looks like you will need to be logged in to be able to do that. 

  • Commissions 

Advanced Blowjob Training is still making good progress. Artist did have some entirely understandable delays, but you should see this around the weekend and by the end of April at the latest. 

Still eight days left to vote on the commission poll. Thanks by the way for the most votes on one of these!

Also what is it with the incredible allure of that fifth choice every time? If the current leader wins that's going to be four in a row. 

  • Picarto

Continuing with keeping the streams twine only. The different RAGS designer chugs I had to change to chugs when I'm not streaming, so having a stream on might well bring the slow crawl to a total halt.

22:30 BST Thu 19th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Fri 20th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sat 21st Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sun 22nd Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Wed 25th Apr (or 26th) - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Fri 27th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sat 28th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Sun 29th Apr - Whorelock's Revenge 
22:30 BST Wed 2nd Apr (or 3rd)  - Whorelock's Revenge 

As always I hope that was useful, and thanks for your support!  


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