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Greetings Patrons,

For this week's track, I imagined a massive Nordic troll nestled in his cave and surrounded by bones and trinkets. Settings like this a great for set pieces in which the story revolves around sneaking in or out, stealing an item, or perhaps something more dastardly.

About halfway through working on this, I named the troll 'Mog'. I toyed briefly with the idea of having Mog utter various phrases in Norwegian but then I reverted to the guttural grumbling you hear in the final version. I didn't want any native speakers to be distracted by Mog's terrible accent.

The ambience is cave wind and rock noises synthesized through some interesting reverbs. The Troll vocals are all me processed into oblivion. Mog paces up and down and occasionally snacks on some bone marrow.

Musically this was really fun. I used lots of acoustic percussion and various strings to augment the more usual synth and orchestral sounds. African shell shakers, finger cymbals, a ney flute, and some heavy rhythmic breathing. The end product is a hybrid of tribal and underscore that works quite well. It will definitely work with a lot of fantasy scenarios.

As this track is in Patreon-only sneak-peek mode, I've included the mixed-version (live on the site next week), as well as music-only, and ambience-only versions of this track here for patrons. Additionally, I've created 2 'no-troll' versions of both the mixed and ambient-only versions for added flexibility. I hope you find these useful.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.






Peter Tierney

This is really fun! I'm singing along with the Oh-Oh-Oh bass vocals.

Anthony Falk

This one i just absurdly delightful and will be really flexible in game!