New Ambience: River of Blood (Patreon)
Greetings Patrons,
Once again, I found myself in a position where the music for this was almost completely finished and I found myself asking; "cool, but what is it?" I'm not sure how I landed on the idea for a river of blood, but it could very likely be that as I was looking over my suggestions list the words River of Blood jumped out at me!
The challenge then, was to make something sound like blood. I tried several approaches and arrived at a combination of pitching the sound of flowing water down, filtering out the higher frequencies, and layering it with thicker sounds of geothermal mud pools and..well..oatmeal.
Musically this is a moody hybrid score. Synths and synthetic drums blended with orchestral instruments, choir, and some sploshy old-school reverbs. I tried to make this weird, without being spooky, and moody, without being overtly dark. I think this would work well for a variety of genres. It could be one of the planes in D&D's multiverse, or a sci-fi planet, or horror, obviously.
As this is in patron-only sneak-peek mode, I've included the mixed-track (live on the site next week), as well as ambience-only and music-only versions. In the original track I populated the landscape with the noises of creatures that I thought might scavenge on the banks. In case you want your landscape lifeless and barren, I've included No-Creatures versions of the ambience-only and mixed tracks as well.
Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.