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Greetings Patrons,

The working title for this was 'frontier bivouac'. The idea was to create a temporary camping site where soldiers, explorers, adventurers could rest for a day or two. But, that was before I got my viola out. There's just something about that instrument, and the way it's voiced, that calls out for sad melodies. 

Not quite realizing where I was going with it, I finished the track and got as far as being about to upload it when I realized that the title was all wrong.

Normally, I'm not too much of a stickler with titles. In fact, I've gone blue in the face trying to get people to ignore them and use them for whatever stories and ideas they want. I don't know why this one bothered me so much.

It's clearly quite melancholy, but also a bit hopeful as well. I had this image of soldiers (or adventurers, or explorers!) returning in tatters from some outing that didn't quite go as planned. I realized this was about survivors, and then it all made sense.

Anyway, now that I've said way too much about this thing, I think it works really well for down-time, reminiscences, or just battle-weariness. I've included music-only and ambience-only versions. I've also included the mixed track here, as it's in Patreon-only sneak-peek mode on the site.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.






Dan S

Late to the party, but wow! This track is incredible. I have an emotional scene coming up in my game soon, this will be perfect.

Bryan Schulz

Fantastic piece here!