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Greetings Patrons,

Here's the 28th entry in the SoundPad series, Secret Agent.

I've been working on this off and on for several weeks. During that time, I watched many (many!) James Bond films and attempted to distill them, as best I could, into some basic story telling audio components.

SoundPads are always a puzzle. How can I tell the most stories, with a limited number of sounds - and importantly, small file size (this one is about 4MB). As always, I start with backgrounds. Casinos, computer heavy command centers, tropical beaches, planes, trains and automobiles.

Many of these backgrounds work very well together. For instance, the Skydiving sound, essentially a rushing and whooshing wind, works as a wonderful overlay for skiing. Similarly, it adds excitement to the classic fight-on-top-of-a-moving train scene, for which Train Ext: was created.

Gun Battle works with everything, and if you're feeling Roger Moore-ish (or Archer), you can add Ice in Glass to everything as well - certainly with Jacuzzi! Try combining Busy Market with Car Chase Int: and Gun Battle, and don't forget to knock over a few fruit stands.

But really, the fun of SoundPads is figuring out your own combinations and sequences of sounds. There are 3 tone tracks which can all be layered together, or used individually, and 2 stingers (musical punctuation) for transitions. There are 4 musical tracks including a theme song which is an homage  *cough* to Monty Norman and John Barry.

I often include the musical tracks as Patreon downloads for SoundPads, but for this one I'm including all 36 sounds as a patron bonus.

These should appear in the Custom SoundPad as soon as I can get to them.

Finally, (sorry this has been so long) I'm leaving this Friday for a much needed 10 day vacation with my family. Apologies in advance if I'm not as responsive as usual.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.



Secret Agent SoundPad 

ps. check out my Instagram for a very silly trailer video I made for this.




Well done. I love the homage theme.

Franck Florentin

One of my favorites so far, it captures the genre perfectly. And thanks for providing the sounds as a download, it's a very nice bonus.


Great work as always. I'm curious if you have any plans for a Cthulhu or WWII inspired Soundpad? I'm starting an Achtung! Cthulhu game next month, lol


This should work great for my Nights Black Agents Campaign! Can’t wait to try these.


Perfect! I love these Soundpads, and also very much appreciate being able to download all the sounds and thus make them accessible in Foundry VTT.


Thank you ! DL the soundpad is great for users like me :)

Arick Johnson

I love your soundpads, and I love that you decided to let us download them. It helps out a ton for those of using using FoundryVTT. Any chance we could see some of the older soundpads made available for download?


Same as Arick :) I, sometimes, makea short MP3 for my players to help them remember when we have a few weeks between 2 sessions, and love to use sounds to illustrate. It would be great !