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Greetings Patrons,

This ambience is a bit of a departure in terms of structure. I usually try to avoid any sense of time or linearity when designing ambiences. The idea is that they can loop over and over again, or start anywhere and still give the listener a sense of  place. For Grand Theater, I made an exception.

This track has a clear beginning and end. The audience arrives, the orchestra tunes, the curtain opens, and the play/concert begins. At the end, the curtain closes, and the audience applauds.

I went back and forth on this for a while, until I realized I just liked it. I had a version where actors were on stage reading lines but I found it too distracting. Instead, simple footsteps on the stage, and occasional doors opening and closing sold the scene just as well.

The 3 patron-only versions attached here are a music-only version, an ambience-only version and a music version that omits the tuning section in the beginning, which makes it more appropriate for running as a loop.

This is definitely a more specialized track, but I hope you find it, and the variants, useful in your stories.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.







Just wanted to thank you again, Tim.!!!! Your work adds SOOO much to the gaming experience. Really takes it to the next level.

Austin Ballard

This would make a FANTASTIC Sound Pad, Tim. It'd be awesome to be able to control things like musical stings, fanfares, moments of musical tension in the play, etc., as well as when the audience laughs, applauds, boos, or gasps.

Major Powers

You are the fucking bomb dude. Rocking this while I build my D&D map. Such a good ambience.


I love it, thank you so much for your great music!