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Greetings Patrons,

This is an informal poll just for my own curiosity. I've never done one of these so if it doesn't automatically share the results with everyone, I'll make sure I post them. If you choose 'other', please mention what it is in the comments. 

(I'll leave voting open until 19, April)

- Tim



I voted for Roll20 but I use Zoom for the main roleplay and only really use Roll20 for battle maps. I share music over a separate program entirely too lol. It works for us.


I have been using Roll20 for the past 2 years. However, it has some issues so I am looking into transitioning to Foundry.

The Wandering Talespinner

I am using Foundry at the moment, but I am considering a switch to a more radically-designed(and low cost) VTT called “TaleSpire”, which is supposed to be released this Wednesday.


I use Owlbear Rodeo. Yes that's a real VTT.

Brian J. Parker

I am playing in one "theater of the mind" campaign that uses only Discord; this is temporary because of Covid-19, we will play in person again in the future. The campaign I DM uses lots of minis and handouts and music, and is played totally in-person. (Outdoors for now; we went on hiatus during the winter.)


I use Zoom exclusively. I find the audio sharing options (whether audio-only or audio with screen share, depending on the situation) work very well for me, quality-wise, when streaming Tabletop audio (which is almost constant during our gaming).


I second Owlbear Rodeo, it's super easy to use and has all the basic features required to play smoothly


I use Roll20 with the audio stream running through Discord


I'm still old-school, classic. We game at a physical table, and I control Tabletop Audio on my laptop through a portable bluetooth speaker.


Maybe a multiple choice poll would have been more accurate because I use Roll20 and Let’s Role and I’m sure I’m not the only one in that situation. Anyway I voted « other » because I know a lot will vote Roll20. :p


I use roll20 right now, but I do all my audio through Discord, and I'm in process of switching over to Fantasy Grounds.


I tend to go video only but, when I do need a VTT, I'm with the Owlbear Rodeo squad - it's free, it's intuitive and it's just what I need to run a great game 😁


We use Roll20 and Skype. I use the Jukebox on Roll20 to play music. Thanks, Tim.


There needs to be the ability to choose multiple options. :-) I use Fantasy Grounds, Shard Tabletop, and will be giving Talespire a go when it releases on Wednesday... I also use both Discord and Zoom for chat and voice/video.


Is there an option for "Roll20 but I'd prefer using Fantast Grounds but my players refuse to make the switch "?


Could this poll be multiple choice? I selected Fantasy Grounds but am sans-VTT just as often.


A combination of Discord and Owl Bear Rodeo. It is a super simple VTT.


I tried to edit the poll for multiple answers but it disallows it after the poll has begun. - Tim


I use MapTool because we have a very robust macro system for Pathfinder to use in it.


Right now I use Roll20 and Discord for the campaign I created last month or Discord and Twitch (I put the music and stream a video feed of the battlemap on twitch) for the campaign I started before Covid as I have terrain and minis for this one.


Zoom and Roll20 for battles. TableTop Audio runs through Zoom so I can use it in social encounters as well. I love the "save a link" because I can preload the music and ambiance I need in advance and just have a small list in the player. Things I would like: Make the player and volume controls a bit bigger when expanded. Thank you so much for your work - proud to be a Patron!


When I play RPGs, it has been through Roll20 (or in person), but I mostly use Tabletop Audio for streaming music during my writing streams for sprints. I love that they are exactly 10 min. long -- that is PERFECT for writing sprints.

David Folmsbee

I pretty much only use Roll20 as a virtual tabletop, and then use either Zoom or Discord for video and voice chat.


I tried roll20, and there is integration with your site, but I switched to Foundry (and very happy). Integration with VTTs is needed because everyone has their own headphones and laptops.


Shard Tabletop, and Discord.


Other—I mostly run Fantasy Grounds, but could see using Roll20 or just Discord on occasion.

Fabien de Serres

After several years of Roll20, I finally switched to Foundry. Most of my DM friends who use VTTs are leaving Roll20 as well. They just don't improve enough and listen to their paying customers. The competition is far ahead, for similar or cheaper prices.


Roll20 for my Saltmarsh campaign, audio only via Discord for Curse of Strahd.

Nobilis Reed

Roll20 in one game, and I improvise with Google Drawings in another.


Foundry VTT is the superior platform! I would love more integration between TTA and FVTT


We use Discord and the DM shares his maps/assets on one Microsoft Whiteboard with massive zoom. We have found atmosphere/music becomes too distracting when playing remotely because audio communication is already single-threaded enough through Discord/Teams. The thing I love about Tabletop audio is the subtly of the audio/ambience tracks. The subtle emotional resonance is not as easy to pull off through Discord.


Surprised with so many Roll20 users. We moved on to TTS.


Zoom for video, Roll20 for maps


Roll20 for game stuff, Discord for comms + playlist (Thanks, Discord bot).

Travis M. Erickson

Same as Mycroft. Would like to move to Foundry VTT as some point, but just lazy.


I'm using Roll20 only on a temporary basis until our group can meet in person again full-time. That said, I love Roll20's feature that allows me to load Tabletop Audio content automatically when we switch to a new map.


Banning the foundryvtt module was a bad move, man.


Foundry - Really bummed we can't use TTA internally anymore - makes it much more difficult for my recording setup now.

Nick Vance

I play Gloomhaven in Tabletop Simulator and it would be really neat to have tighter integration with Tabletop Audio there.


Yea, what is it with people suddenly becoming tech incompetent when you try to play music/ambience over discord? Like, people, you're not 80 year old mennonites! Just adjust the volume yourself!


Currently migrating most campaigns from roll20 to Foundry


I use fantasy grounds, even if we are all meeting in person. It helps me organize all data from the whole campaign and setup custom modules to hold data that can be used in multiple campaigns.

Kelby B

would have been good to have a "no, i play at a table" as an alternative to only virtual, as it is, i didnt vote :)

Kelby B

Roll20 being the top used conforms to a recent MCDM (Matt Colville) poll, whose audience is mostly DM's as well. #justsaying


My "Other" is the fact that I play one game on Roll20, and the rest are audio only on Discord.

Simon 'Landmine'

If it were checkboxes rather than radio buttons, I'd have picked 'Roll20' and 'Audio Only (Discord)' - I run my game on Discord (Feng Shui 2), but several of the ones that I'm playing use Roll20, even if just for character sheet and die roll automation, when battlemaps aren't necessary. (I would play tabletop, too, if this global pandemic would sod off and stop making that a risky option.)


There was some pretty nice integration with Foundry - but Tabletop Audio requested the module developer take down his module, I believe. I imagine that triggered some soul-searching, and this poll.

Austin Ballard

Roll20 is best if you like grids, Discord is best if you just like theater of the mind.


Soon to be Talespire (14th of April is release date). Looking amazing!

Major Powers

Nothing beats backyard D&D around the campfire during COVID.


Roll 20, because we didnt think lockdown would last long enough to justify foundry. But normally we play in person and I stream music via Phone + Jbl


Zoom works just fine for us. I run a WoD game, and maps aren't needed very often. I just need to see and hear my players. Adding audio to these online games is something I haven't done yet, but it's coming.

Pensive Primate

Owlbear Rodeo + Discord = success for me. Wish I could add in TTA.


'Other' - don't play any RPGs - but love the soundtracks as background music/ambient noise while working (especially over the past year when working remote!). Also use the custom soundpads for work pacing (ie Pomodoro Technique timers, just more fun!).

Lloyd Ritchey

100% of my RPG gaming is done via Roll20, but the other 10% is on Tabletop Simulator playing board games.


We play D&D on Roll20, but use Zoom for our voice chat during game.


I really think that there is a lot of potential for packaging the soundboard files into a pack, and selling them to people who use VTTs with soundboard capabilities. In Foundry, there are several soundboard modules, but you need to upload your own files. I would LOVE to be able to use Tabletop Audio sounds with all of the cool automation features and soundboard modules of FVTT.


I use Dungeon Fog + Table Top Audio + 5e.tools and sitting around a Table with friends sometimes Discord.


yeah, i also inject TTAudio into zoom, it does a superb job blending my voice with background noises and music. I run linux bit probably same in other OS's. Vital is my app volume mixer on the second screen with the TT audio tab loaded :-) Roll 20 video and audio calls suck ass, and their in built playlist tool is hopelessly limited...


I've used Roll20 and I'm about to use upcoming Let's Role (kickstarter campaign a few weeks agoà


Foundry 100%, both remote and in person


Other, I gave up trying to play online as it wasn't as good as in person


Sadly, using Zoom, Discord, and Roll20 for now. Soon, we get to play in person again.


I chose "Discord" but it's not 'Audio Only'... [a] We have our cameras on so we can see each other - facial expressions, hand gestures, props, etc.; [b] Discord scripts enable all sorts of useful and cruncy die rolling processes; and [c] the GMs share all sorts of media (images, video clips, etc.) in the Discord. (of course, what we *don't* get via Discord is miniatures-on-a-map functionality)


I haven't played RPGs in quite a while. But love the soundscapes as background ambience for writing.


I actually use the top 4 VTTs listed in the survey. I also use Scabard as my RPG planner.


Same here, except Voice and Video on Zoom. I use Zoom's audio share feature to use Tabletop Audio's sounds.


I chose other because I use multiple. My D&D group uses Roll20, Star Wars group uses Fantasy Grounds (though I think we are moving to Foundry VTT). When I run Genesys, I only use RPG Sessions (https://rpgsessions.com). We use Discord for voice. I haven't used TableTop audio in a while. I used it mainly for in-person gaming because I never had any luck getting it to work for online games.


I've been using a combination of Zoom and then Owlbear Rodeo with Tabletop Audio and it's been great.


I use a home made, minimal VTT that recreates the live table experience. Plop down an image (usually a map, but sometimes I display artwork to set the scene), drag some tokens onto the screen and that's it.


Missed the voting, but another for roll20. I kind of hate it, but I'm committed... for now.