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Greetings Patrons,

Off to the stars this week. Or, perhaps, a galaxy far far away? Yes, I made a location on Tatooine. Only I couldn't call it that - or could I? I did toy with calling it "Moss Isley" but then, well, that's a bit awful.

This came about while I was re-watching the first season of The Mandalorian and in my notepad I scrawled 'droid market'. I sketched out the ambient sounds fairly quickly. Even the alien voices (all mine) came pretty fast. But there's always something, and while the music for this is fairly minimal, I just couldn't get it right for the longest time. Everything I tried became 'too' something.  

I substituted the shakuhachi for Ludwig Göransson's famous bass-recorder riff (doo-dee-doooooo) and adding some synth underscore and percussion to keep it scifi-ish. I finally got it to the point where I believed it, and that, it turns out is the bar I always try to get over.

This is obviously based on bustling Arabian souks and bazaars and I've created a few different versions that I think will expand its utility. First, there's the familiar music-only version, and followed by ambience-only. Then I decided that if I spent a bit of time sub-grouping all the alien sounding voices and machinery and muting them, it could be useful in a non-scifi setting. So I made an ambience-only-no-aliens track as well. 

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support. 







Ok Tim, get out of my head: I just wrapped up my 3-year Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign and am starting to work on my next campaign which will kick-off on a post-apocalyptic desert. Thanks for all the versions!


once I ll get back to work I ll deffo use your backgrounds there too. I d love some more of those low key busy settings. I use them too provide bg for books I m reading. So awesome. Thank you mate

Simon 'Landmine'

That would work nicely for games like 'Coriolis' and 'Infinity', especially the alien-free version. Thank you! (You make a good alien, too, by the way!)

Stu Driver

Smashing, thanks! :D