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Greetings Patrons,

I have a notepad on my desk that is covered in scrawl. It's got ideas, criticisms of in-progress work, time stamps for movies and television programs that I'm watching and...well, apparently a recipe for ramen. 

One thing stood out this week which said: "Claustrophobic action brimming with tension. Escape from ???"

I've been watching the excellent TV Show called Counterpart and was struck by Jeff Russo's excellent score so, naturally, I tried to mimic the vibe as well as pilfering an ostinato or two! 

The interesting thing about the series is that it's nominally modern/scifi but is really, at its heart, a Cold War era spy thriller. I highly recommend it if that sounds like your thing.

So I give you Secret Facility, a hybrid score (synth and traditional instrumentation) that burns and brims alternatively and will hopefully inspire some interesting stories of breathless pursuit or escape from ??? In my case, I decided that a secret facility was a good catch-all.

I've included a music only version of this in case you wanted to use it on it's own or over a different ambience, and an ambience-only version as well which is cavernous and 'clangy' and would work well under a lot of different styles of music - or alone.

I hope you enjoy this, I'm quite pleased with how it came out.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.






Stu Driver

Really nice! Thanks :)


I really like this one. Lots of versatility.


This is a great one. Could be used for Night's Black Agents...


...or even a DramaSystem (Hill Folk) game scenario called Moscow Station by Kenneth Hite: "What’s the only place on Earth more paranoid and dysfunctional than Brezhnev’s Moscow? The CIA station spying on it. Adrift and alienated in a deadly police state, the personnel of Moscow Station work to discover the truth, and then to keep it hidden at all costs."

Travis M. Erickson

I agree -- well done! You've really captured the essence of things.


Thanks Tim, this is a great track. And it fits in amazingly well with my current campaign - I'm running Alien RPG, they landed in a jungle to find a ruined spacecraft (perfect with your track from 3 weeks ago), and tomorrow they will investigate a... secret facility. Incredible timing, thanks!


Great ambience! And I loved Counterparts.

Pensive Primate

This music track is just plain great for *any* tense situation. I love it.