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Greetings Patrons,

Like many tracks, this one didn't start out the way it ended. I was working with some percussion sounds and coming up with rhythmic ideas and the more I worked on it, the more I kept thinking about Vikings in their longships. 

Before I decided to commit to this idea,  however, I thought it might be good to do some research as to what Viking music was actually all about. Well, it turns out we don't know a whole lot. There is quite a bit known about their instruments - various wind, string and percussion -  but not all that much about how they were played. But there is this:

"Never before I have heard uglier songs than those of the Vikings in Slesvig (Denmark). The growling sound coming from their throats reminds me of dogs howling, only more untamed." - An Arab merchant visiting Denmark in the 10th c.

It's also clear that as they travelled so extensively, their music most likely evolved quite a bit as they were exposed to new cultures.

So here's my take on Viking music. Nothing is authentic in terms of instruments, so it became all about the vibe. I used synths to create guttural drones, an unplugged electric violin recorded acoustically to create the scraping string section in the middle, choral shouts, drums and a sampled jaw harp. 

My original plan for this was for it to be a seafaring track so I created  the ambience portion with various wind, wave and rowing sounds but then I thought that the whole thing could also sound really cool as a shoreside encampment, or funeral perhaps. Something with a roaring pyre and a bunch of bearded men drinking something foul. So I ended up making that as well. 

I've attached 3 additional tracks for patrons, music-only, ambience-only (ship) and ambience-only (shore). I hope you find these useful.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.






Simon 'Landmine'

For alternative Viking-ish sounds, check out Wardruna, and their three-album work inspired by the Old Norse runes. They often use field recordings including ambient elements in their work.

Simon 'Landmine'

(Although they sound pretty similar to this piece, so that's a really nice job. Kudos!)


So excited for this one!


From that description, do you think they did something like the Mongolian Throat Singing?

Kelby B

This is great! Any chance of an airship style? Creaking ropes, wind ... :)


Have you checked out Steampunk Airship? Also the Strampunk SoundPad has some good airship building block sounds.