New Ambience: Mind Flayer Chamber (Patreon)
Greetings Patrons,
This didn't have anything to do with Mind Flayers when it started. It began as an orchestral tension track, but the longer I worked with it, I kept seeing these floating, tentacle faced creatures in my mind.
For the ambience portion, one of the things I did was create a sampler patch out of all the squishy, brain-like sounds I could come up with. Then I 'played' this on the keyboard along with the music. I do this occasionally and it's a fun alternative to placing clips on the timeline and allows a slightly more organic flow. Obviously this technique doesn't work for everything but it's a nice alternative and a more tactile way to design sounds. Additionally, there are some creepy tones and whispering which should add to the slightly disturbing reality that mind flayers live in.
I've included ambience-only versions as well as music-only versions here for patrons. I hope they'll both be fairly useful on their own.
Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.