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Greetings Patrons,

Something on the peaceful side this week. I was thinking about a kind of psychedelic, Alice in Wonderland type setting and what could be more appropriate than a forest of giant mushrooms? 

I wanted to create a setting that seemed natural, but maybe was just slightly out of the ordinary. I started designing this by creating birds and insect sounds on a synthesizer. I thought if I could get those sounding right I'd be most of the way there. Naturally that wasn't the case. It never is, but at least it got me in the right head space to create the rest of it.

I've attached 2 alternate tracks, a music-only and an ambience-only version here for Patreon patrons.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.







Lots of uses for this plus it will be nice when I can’t sleep. SOothing......zzzz


I was just looking through your nature tracks for something to work to, this is great! Have you considered a 'shuffle all' function when you select a category (nature, etc) for people who just want a long ambient playlist? Thanks for all the great work and providing it for free!

Andy Kaufmann

It's a good one! And timely too as my home town's city council just passed an ordinance to "decriminalize entheogenic plants". ;)

Austin Ballard

Now THIS is the Feywild track I've been waiting for! Thanks! The only thing I wish I could change is less water trickling.

Justin Fletchall

What a great track you made here! Really interesting individual pieces that came together well.