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*EDIT*  The music-only track I originally uploaded was the same as the track on the site. I've since fixed this and the new music-only track is correct. Sorry about that. If you grabbed the file right away make sure you get the new one attached below. - Tim

Greetings Patrons,

I've really been enjoying the brilliant new HBO series "Lovecraft Country" lately. It got me thinking (again) about Lovecraft's stories and how he used fear of the unknown as a central element to his fiction. 

I set this ambience in the woods, although you won't hear any evidence of that. These are Lovecraftian woods. The lurking threat is all your brain can process and trees, roots and underbrush are simply obstacles to your salvation. 

While the track as presented on the site sits squarely in the horror/action category, don't get too hung up on the 'Terror' in the title, that's just the name I gave it because - well, tracks need names.  If you take the music track on it's own (I've included music-only, and ambience-only versions here for patrons), it makes a good all-purpose action/tension style track for multiple genres. Admittedly, it's more of a chaotic, frenzied action track so use it for when things go a bit sideways. 

As always, thank you all for your continuing support.







Absolutely fantastic!


The "music only" track posted doesn't sound like it's music only? Is that the right file?


Oh dear, i've done it again! I'll have the 'actual' music only track up in a jiff. -Tim


Classic. Love the slow beat, the key changes and the muted trumpets(?) Do you do synthesize all this? And should I be watching Lovecraft Country? I'm terrible with horror shows.


I'm not that great with horror either. This show is intriguing in the way they weave together the American black experience of the 1950s with Lovecraftian themes. It's very well done and I only hide my eyes a couple of times each episode. For this I used sampled orchestral instruments as well as synthesizers to create a hybrid type of sound.




Tim, really love this one. Could have used this several times when having encounters with necromancers or evil things. Looking forward to using it on the show. Thanks!! - Jud

Justin Fletchall

This one makes me mildly anxious when I listen, which I think means you nailed it.


I use this one in my stream for almost every combat now. I would LOVE if you could make some more action tracks, particularly ones that could work for vampire or other World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness modern games too. Also, thanks for stopping by and saying hi on youtube.com/dorktales!