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Greetings Patrons,

I wanted to let you know that I'm in the process of making some behind-the-scenes changes to the SoundPad broadcast function. As some of you know, this is the only component of the site not written entirely by me, luckily, dear friend of the site and original broadcast coder Merten Popp has had a bit of time recently.

A number of things necessitated this change.

  • Google has been taking measures against unwanted auto-playing of music so the original way of joining a session - by simply entering a link, results in errors for many people. User action is now required to establish a link.
  • The frequency timer information was never passed to the broadcast function.
  • The messaging server I've been using is shutting down next month.

At this point, I've made all the necessary changes - but only to the Vampire SoundPad. I'm doing it this way so it can be tested a bit before rolling it out.

The main difference is that now, in order to join a game, after using the link - you'll see a new "Connect" button. That's it. Click it and you're connected just like before. 

I'll be rolling this out on the other individual SoundPads soon.

Just an FYI that I'm not considering new features or anything else at the moment. I'm simply trying to fix what was currently in place. 

Many users have been getting great results doing their broadcasting using Voicemeeter Virtual Audio Cables and setting up their system to send both microphone and any desktop audio via skype/discord etc. I myself have not played around with this but I was sent this video link which has been helpful in getting a number of you set up.


That's all for now, I'll have something new for you on Wednesday!





Hi Tim: Great news on the update, but I have a request. I use a program called Fantasy Grounds, along with an extesion called Audio Overseer. It is this extension i wish to write you about. (Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53583-AudioOverseer-(Audio-Management-Extension)). At present, this extension supports Syrinscape sound links via web links. I wanted to ask if you would consider an update that allows tabletop audio to create similar links that could be used by the program. This would be a huge boost for your patrons who use this program, and this has been requested by some users of the extension. The author has indicated that the main problem may be in the way tabletop audio creates links. (you can reach the creator via the forum link above, or by directly messaging him on the forums. If you were to agree to this update, some addtional features that are frequently requested are: 1) the ability to adjust volume of specific sound link 2) playback features such as: looping, repeat, playback count, or random play repeat timers Adding the ability to use these features would not only help the fantasy grounds community, but may also bring a few new patrons to the group. I realize this request may take additional time and effort. If that is difficult, perhaps setting a goal for the patron to help facilitate this could be created. I would be interested in discussing the concerns and challenges you would have in making this request a reality, but hope this can be accomplished. Thanks for reading!

Bart Heird

Since we're asking... any integration opportunities in Foundry VTT? SoundPad integration anyone? :D