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Greetings Patrons,

I feel like a broken record each time I mention that the thing I started working on isn't the thing I ended up with. But, I guess it happens to me a lot. A few iterations in to this piece, I started thinking about thieves, shadows and stealth. It was just a kernel of an idea and as I worked, it informed my choices.

One important realization I've made is that there is no rule that says that a particular style or genre must be scored in a certain way. Often, my default for fantasy music is orchestral or acoustic. But so many people have used my electronic tracks as backgrounds for dungeon crawls that I realized that the instrumentation simply informs and doesn't dictate.

This track, Thieves' Guild is a slow burn, action track that isn't bombastic. It moves the action along steadily, introduces uncertainty and never goes over the top. The thieves here can be used with cyberpunk, fantasy, or sci-fi. The important commonality is not the setting, but the intention of the characters. Stay in the shadows, hold your breath, make your move, vanish. It's also a fine general dungeon crawl background track.

As an experiment, I wanted to see what it was like if I removed most of the rhythmic propulsive elements of the track. I was pleasantly surprised that it still worked and actually gave it an even more stealthy vibe. I've included this Stealthier Version here for Patrons.

Thanks for listening to my rambling and thank you, as always, for your continuing support.

All the best,






This is awesome! :thumbsup: I can see both versions being on repeat during my work (I work as a software developer) a lot. I can't decide which one I like more -- but that's a good thing. Thanks for the great work again! :)


Another gem!


This is great! I am definitely adding this to my "Coding" music playlist too.

Stu Driver

Really nice! :D


Dude, this is pretty much exactly what I was looking for! Suspenseful, hinting at impending action -- or threatening it -- this is perfect for underscoring dramatic tension.