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Greetings Patrons,

Firstly, I just want to say that I hope everyone is safe and well in these surreal times. I am fortunate that my quarantined life, as far as work goes, remains mostly unchanged. To that end, as long as I am able, I'll continue to work in the studio producing content. 


On to the new stuff: I got an email last week from a user who was playing a Vampire: The Masquerade game in a modern setting and had created a Custom SoundPad for it. He was still missing a few key sounds though and he went on to list them. As I always do, I record the suggestions, add them to my list and then go about work. But..I kept thinking about vampires. Modern vampires. Vampires in, say - Los Angeles.

The result of the past two weeks is the 25th SoundPad called, not surprisingly, "Vampire".

When I'm working on new sounds, especially SoundPads, I like to watch films in the genre. I like to see where scenes are set, what's going on in the background. Where are they talking? Where are they fighting? How do they get from place to place? From a sound perspective, these are the interesting bits.

But modern vampire films are, well, not that good for the most part. That may be putting it mildly. (Recommendations always welcome!) But then, I remembered John Wick.

I know what you're going to say. In John Wick movies, there are no vampires. Everyone is an assassin. But hear me out! They're all beautiful and well-dressed. There is a hierarchy, a system of government, regions, zones, rules -  a high table. It's like everything I want from a vampire film, except vampirism. So, what if we just make them all vampires? All of a sudden everything came together.

The result is 40 sounds of modern urban action locations with 3 layerable tone tracks and 4 musical tracks with a focus on vampires. My hope is that there is enough diversity here to create a variety of stories. 

I'm releasing this in patron-only sneak peak mode today so it isn't linked from any of the menus yet. Once released, I'll be adding these sounds to the Custom SoundPad tool for you to mix with any of the other 800+ sounds.

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.

Be safe, be well.







Brilliant! Now John Wick will always be a vampire series in my brain.


This is great. Combined with the Stranger Things soundsets, there are a lot of modern urban sounds to build scenes with.


Just letting everyone know this is live on the site now. - Tim