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Greetings Patrons,

 2 new features have been added to the Custom SoundPad.

First, music tracks no longer play over each other. They correctly cancel/replace each other the same way they do in the individual SoundPads.

When playing a music track, playing another music track, will stop the currently playing track and replace it so they don't play over each other.

The second update is that scenes are now included in the 'Get Link' feature.

This was a big one (well, for me and my coding skills anyway!). SoundPads always saved scenes inside them, so recalling a saved SoundPad would also load any associated scenes. However, when generating a link to your Custom SoundPad, any scenes that you had created were not included. This has now changed and scenes are included in the links.

The benefits of this feature are fairly obvious, but perhaps most important is the ability to backup and save your work as well as share it and load it onto other devices.

If you already have saved SoundPads on your machine this should not change anything. They should still load as they always did. The only difference is that the link generated will include any scenes.

(You may need to clear your cache for this one. It should say version 1.9)

One quirk, that I believe is actually a bug in the Firefox browser, is that the scenes will appear in a different order. Other browsers I've tested  don't exhibit this behavior and I don't think it's that big a deal.

Hope you find these useful additions and thank you for your continuing support.



Custom SoundPad 




This is great! Thank you!


I love the automatically switching music. Trying this out today onstream, it'd be wonderful if the music faded into one another instead of suddenly cutting. I used to turn on the new one before cutting the old one to have a nice transition. Great work.


Transition would be great addition some day! But the soundpad is already really excellent and keeps getting better! :D And I'm again the one to bring you a minor bug report – if you play music in a custom soundpad and remove it, you can't play another music as the pad is trying to end a now non-existent music first. Another minor bug I've noticed - if you save a soundpad that is supposed to replace another (with the same name), it seems that the old one is not replaced but there's two pads with the same name. If you delete the old one you'll lose the newly edited pad. Reloading the page lists the pads correctly.


This is PERFECT!