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Not every story is all action, drama, or suspense. Sometimes you need a little lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek downtime. Maybe you need to think, or do research, or create a montage of events. For this we need a musical track that implies time - or more importantly, the passage of time. 

Waiting Time is a 10 minute musical track that works well as a humorous interlude, but it can also be a bit creepy - think Alice-in-Wonderland or The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I can see this being the backdrop for a crazed wizard working in his tower, or a gnomish clockwork dungeon.  In fact, if the story you're telling is frightening, this track can can make it terrifying. But if it's funny, this could make it hilarious.

Music is cool that way.

I look forward to hearing how you use this in your stories.

On a technical note, I've enabled lazy loading of images on the homepage which basically means the page should load to it's usable state faster and images that aren't on the screen will load in the background when you need them.

I've got some more technical fixes regarding the Custom SoundPad. I think I've finally figured out how to save scenes along with your saved SoundPads, which should make backing up and sharing your creations a lot easier. I hope to have that done in a few days.

Thank you as always for your continuing support and patronage. None of this would be possible without the support of the community.







I'm hyped to make some soundpads and keep them long-term. Thanks for this!