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A couple of months ago I mentioned that I had been asked to contribute ambient audio tracks for Grant Howitt's (Goblin Quest, Unbound, One Last Job) new RPG, The Spire

I asked Grant and company if they would allow me to share the work I did on the site and - lovely people that that they are, they agreed!

Here then is the first of seven tracks that I did for the game. It's called 'The Heart'. Before I began working, I got a design brief for each of the locations that I was to do sound for. This included artwork from the upcoming book by the excellent Adrian Stone (Check out Adrian's art here).

These are the design notes from the section for The Heart:

"A rotting hole in reality buried at the centre of the mile-high, ancient building that is Spire. Decay, moths, blood diseases, madness, impossibility. The size of a town, or the size of a small room, or the size of a vast forgotten kingdom, depending on when you go.
Characteristic sounds: Scratching, clawing, buzzing, fleshy wet noises, ominous drones."

 I got to do some really fun Foley for this and several of the other tracks, which lead to the messiest my studio has been in a long time.  

More of these tracks coming soon!

Thank you all so much for your continuing support. I couldn't do this without you.







Good one Tim, It seems to be lower volume than other tracks like the Astral Plane and Ethereal Plane ones. On my VU meter, this track barely moves it while the other 2 get to 3/4 on it about halfway through the tracks. I might be off base but I was just wondering about it.


One of the big differences in the plane tracks is increased high frequency content. This gets the levels you see on VU meters higher. With Spire, I wanted it to be fairly low mid and low-end rich and reserve the higher frequencies for the occasional skittering noises, so it's intended to feel a bit more sparse. It's mixed more like a film track in terms of db levels. That being said, I will occasionally revisit tracks and update them if I feel like there's too much or little of something.


Yes, I can see that. It just making queuing them up on your website, then playing several ones in a row kind of strange with the volume changes. But, I can try to normalize the volume my self with a program I have. BTW, how do we know when you adjust tracks as you mentioned earlier, so we can download the latest ones?


If I change one I'll announce it and just update the file with a new name and link it to the button.