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Greetings Patrons,

I'm getting packed up to leave tomorrow morning to pick the kids up at camp and then drive down south for a week with my wife's family. I guess the South was on my mind because I started laying down the broad strokes for this several days ago. The end result is Crossroads.

It may appear to be a sleepy intersection on a rural road, but if you’ve ever read any of the great Southern authors: O’Connor, Faulkner, Welty, McCullers – the list is actually endless – you’ll know that there’s a sub-current that’s deep, wide, and pervasive. 

This could be the backdrop to a murder mystery, or a ghost story. It could be a story about a deal that’s about to go down. Or did. It doesn’t have to be dark, but southern stories usually end up there at some point. But you could ignore all that and use it as it appears on the surface. A small town, stuck somewhere in the not so distant past, where things don't change much.

My week in North Carolina is always bittersweet as it represents the official end of summer. So here's a last taste of the slow life. 

This is a patron-only sneak peak - the rest of the Internet will get this later.

Thank you all for your continuing support.






It's like you're reading my needs for my Deadlands games! This one is really great, excellent work. And keep the Western style stuff coming!