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Chapter 7 – Miss Priestess, the Ever-Reliable “Big Sis” VII (Light Novel Exclusive)

“I can’t imitate that!”

I protested after getting out of the water.

“Like I told you, this is my job.”

The priestess spoke, puffing out her modest, fully exposed chest.

Damn it.

“Ah. Hyaaan~”

I was so frustrated that I squeezed her unprotected breasts.

She immediately went wet and weak, and after that, let’s just say that my pent-up energy subsided.

Still, what an easy woman she is.

Then, as we grilled the fish she caught over the fire, ate it, and took a break, I realized that this had not solved the problem at all.

At the same time, I realized that there was no need to learn such a skill.

All that mattered was that I could eat fish.

So the next day, I made a fishing net and a harpoon.

The priestess said it was not fair, but there was no law that said I had to do it by hand.

The rest was just a matter of swimming and getting close to the school of fish, something I got used to over time, and so after that, whenever I get hungry, I go to the sea, and the priestess goes to the mountains.


In this way, a genuinely idyllic life went on for a while.

I find it quite interesting because I never had to worry about food, and if I put some effort into it, my life would visibly improve.

When it came to our relationship as sex friends with the priestess, I tried my best to keep my spirits up and keep my face like a man.

In the past, I would ejaculate about three times while the priestess came once, but these days, I could hold back until she came twice before ejaculating a third time.

However, if I hold back, she will try to find some creative way to make me ejaculate. Hence, as if in exchange for the number, the amount of ejaculation each time is now greater.

I get a little frustrated with the priestess for smiling at me every time this happens, but…

One day. Someday, I’ll…

As per usual, I would go to the mountains to ‘mow the lawn’ and the priestess would go to the river to wash our clothes.

Although we have created a starting point for some of the water to flow south by piling up earth and wood from the top of the mountain, we have not yet created a channel that will allow clean water to flow all the way to the foot of the mountain.

That’s because there are many obstacles, such as vegetation along the way, and in order to create a channel where the water will remain pure and clean as it travels, I have to clear it away, either by cutting it or pulling it out completely.

This enormous amount of work can’t be done with physics, so it’s mostly done with magic.

However, if I need to cut down a tree, my weak magic won’t do the job, so I have to use a stone axe and work up a sweat.

While I was working in the mountains, I suddenly noticed the priestess who was supposed to be doing laundry in the valley.

By the way, the fact that she’s doing the laundry meant that I didn’t have any clothes to wear, which means that I’ll be mowing and clearing completely naked today.

Yes, this is quite dangerous for me.

So I went to the canyon to see if I could at least get my underwear dry.

I went down into the valley and dipped my feet into the rock water, and sure enough, there was the silver-haired girl.

She was standing at the rock face where the magic ore was exposed.

I wanted to call out to her, but something seemed wrong.

I decided to hide my presence and see what was going on.

On the woman’s tiny neck.

A collar was attached to it.

The collar is embedded with a ruby-like red gem, an item that limits the amount of magical power that can be exerted over a certain amount.

Since she can fly a considerable distance in the sky, this collar should have been attached to her to prevent her from escaping when she was exiled to the island…

But now, this collar was removed by her hand without any resistance.

From here, the priestess places her hand over the magic ore.

The magic ore must be filled with mana.

This means that she must be filling herself with mana right now.

And then she looks up to the sky.

Now that I noticed it, she was wearing her priestess uniform, full robe and all, which is rare these days.

She put on her blue holy robe and flew away.

Her magic power must be enough.

After rising so high into the blue sky that she appeared to be nothing more than a dot, she flew away from the island at an incredible speed.

For a moment, I thought I had been left behind.

But then I remembered that the priestess would have no reason to do such a thing.

I ran to the mountain to follow her path with my eyes.

She was too far away to see, but I could still see the trail of magical energy left in the wake of her flight.

Then, I saw a ship ahead of us.

“A rescue ship from Newland! That means we must have been pardoned. Hey! Hey!”

I shouted, knowing it couldn’t reach me.

But at that moment, a ray of light flashed across the sky.

It was a flash of immense magical power as if it was meant to threaten a person.

Then, as if frightened, the silhouette of the rescue ship became smaller.

“Wait! That’s…”

The silhouette of the ship disappeared at the edge of the sea.

When I looked up to the sky, I saw another trail of magical energy.


It was the trace of the flying girl who left the island earlier, and now she is returning.

But since when was she able to take off that collar?

Wait. Does that mean we can leave the island at any time?

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