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Chapter 6 – Miss Priestess, the Ever-Reliable “Big Sis” VI (Light Novel Exclusive)

If you look closely, you can see that the priestess’ face is also flushed.

A beach breeze brushes her cheeks, and she closes her eyes lightly like a sleepy cat.

“It’s fun.”

My eyes opened wide at the priestess’ answer.

Not because I saw the usually emotionless priestess looking so happy, but because her words, which were supposed to sound cheerful, suddenly had a hint of loneliness in them.


Then, the priestess’ expression became truly sad.

I hugged her again.

Her shoulders felt narrower, and her body smaller than before.

I didn’t say clichés like “I wish time would just stop like this…”

I just stayed silent and let myself drift into that floating, warm feeling that can only be produced by mingling with the woman through a medium that is the hot water.


Now that I’ve largely succeeded in building a prototype bath, I’ve decided to use this improvised technology to improve our lives on the deserted island further.

Compared to the days when I was a mere sperm-producing machine with no job and a pimp, my days were more energetic than ever.

There were a lot of things I wanted to do.

First, I wanted to draw water from a spring that ran through the valley.

The groundwater stored in the mountains from the rains forms a river on this island, consisting of all spring water, which then flows into the valley’s canyons northward.

As you can see, this is quite inconvenient for those of us camping on the beaches in the south, as we have to travel a long distance to fetch water each time.

So if we want to ease our way of life, the first thing we need to do is to solve the difficulty of getting water, perhaps by diverting the water from the upstream side by making a branch heading to the south.

This is already on the level of a small civil engineering project.

But since we don’t need a huge amount of water, it doesn’t require a lot of work. After all, we only need enough water for two people.

Hell, it wouldn’t even be impossible to use the potential energy from the slope of the mountain to build a bathhouse with a heated bath for the two of us.

I am tired of living a proto-human lifestyle, sleeping and waking on the beach.

I want a house.

If I can make a bathtub, then I can surely use this method to build something even more extensive than that, right?

By the way, before that, we built a small hut to protect us from the rain and wind while we slept.

However, this is really an improvised one with only enough space for sleeping, so it would be better if I made an actual house that is a little more comfortable to spend time in.

Also, both the priestess and I already have tattered clothes, so I would need some clothes and bedding as well.

But this is a pretty daunting process, like finding the right plants and cocoons, making the thread, weaving the cloth, and finally sewing the clothes and bedding. So even if we get started, a pardon in Newland might be quicker.

That’s right.

Even if I do this, the exile will be temporary anyway.

But to say it was pointless would be an understatement, so I don’t know.

But in the end, I got carried away and did it.

Maybe it was because I had no other work to do, so I had no choice but to immerse myself in life on a deserted island.

However, since the situation in Newland did not turn out exactly as I had predicted, it taught me a valuable lesson. With that in mind, I also built a boat for escape.

The boat itself was of good quality, but since I didn’t know the tide and direction, sailing out without thinking was a bad idea.

So I decided that it should only be done as a last resort.

Finally, regarding food, I decided to learn how to catch fish.

This is because up until now, the priestess has been in charge of food procurement, and I have been in charge of production, civil engineering, and construction, which is also the most efficient way to divide our roles.

However, if the priestess gets injured or catches a cold, we will all starve and die.

It is a universal truth in all organizations that striving too hard for efficiency will only lead to a weak system.

My point is that it is better to let me participate in the procurement of food, even if it is inefficient so that I can deal with a broader range of irregularities later.

At first, the priestess insisted, saying, “That’s my job.” Still, I was able to convince her that, in return, she would also help with the water supply and the construction of the house.

But of course, I don’t like catching fish.

I do “fish” from time to time, but since I only did it to calm my mind, I developed a hobby of not putting any bait on the hook so as not to bother me while I was thinking.

Of course, because of this, I lost touch with what real fishing is like.

Naturally, due to our situation, I had no choice but to experience the real thing, whether I liked it or not.

Besides, the priestess’ method of catching fish was to dive in and catch them with her bare hands, so it’s not like I can learn from her.

Like, just what is she, a kingfisher?

Anyway, the fishing ground we had established was the rocky shore on the west side of the island.

The area was rugged and rocky, and from time to time, I could see the priestess floating just above the water, wearing only a pair of worn-out panties, her breasts exposed to the sun.

This time, her long silver hair was pulled back in a loose bun, preventing the sun’s rays from reaching the back of her neck.

Although there were a few loose strands here and there blowing in the breeze, I don’t know, but it gave her a homey feel and made her look even more beautiful in my eyes.

Her usual routine is that when she sees a target, she’ll dive some distance away from it and move underwater in a way you wouldn’t believe possible with such slender limbs.

So much so that even I, who was following her, couldn’t catch up with her once she became like this.

But the main highlight is what comes right after that.

As soon as this woman spots a school of fish, she approaches it slowly and gently, pretending to be a harmless creature.

Then, when the prey is within reach, she delivers what looks like a swift one-two punch, which makes me wonder if her profession is some kind of pugilist rather than a member of the clergy.

What’s even more surprising is that the school of fish is entirely undisturbed, even with not one but two fish in each of her hands.

It was a feat that could almost be called a master’s art.

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