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Chapter 10 – Priestess, at the Land of Exile, III

“If a friend is not good, then how about a sex friend(fuck buddy)?”

Hearing the priestess’ dialogue, along with the sound of the sea and the crackling of the campfire, the naked and hunched merchant let out a sigh in response.

“You really are… it’s already impossible for us to be ‘friends,’ so why are you putting [sex] in front of it like some sort of alternative version? It doesn’t work that way. Or rather, it’s pointless to talk about it any further.”

“Pointless? No, it’s just that you’re afraid to talk about it.”

The priestess answers with her usual sharp stare.

But the merchant is unfazed.

“I think you are fundamentally mistaken. I know what you want, but you cannot find it in just being a sex friend. Or rather, I think you are fundamentally mistaken about what a sex friend is. First of all, a sex friend is not just a friend with the added factor of having sex with you”.

The merchant felt strange saying this because he found it strangely sexy when he said those words above.

“Huh? Then what is it?”

“Listen, a sex friend is a friend for the sole purpose of having sex with you.”

But the merchant’s answer only brought several question marks over the priestess’ head.

“But you’re still ‘friends,’ aren’t you? I don’t get it. What’s the difference?”

“Well, let me explain. A friend who also has sex with you means that you are still friends, but with the difference that you ‘also’ have sex with each other, right?”

The priestess let out a single, guttural cough at the question.

But the merchant didn’t mind and continued.

“On the other hand, a friend who has decided to be your sex friend (fuck buddy) is not really a ‘friend.’ She is just a person you know who comes to you for sex. In short, there is no ‘friendship’ between the two of you.”

“What a filthy relationship you have with your women.”

He has absolutely no right to react, but the merchant seems taken aback by the priestess’ words.

“Then again, you’ll never consider me a friend anyway. So I will be your sex friend instead. Whatever it takes. Fufufu”

“Uwaa, have mercy, Miss Priestess! Wait, no, stop. Don’t cling to me!”

The priestess approached the merchant with even more fierce-looking eyes.

But contrary to the merchant’s expectations, she only nuzzled him, who had curled up into a ball.

Add to that the way her little lips sucked on his cheek like a cute animal, and the result was purely an expression of primitive courtship.

“Please, stop… I don’t want you to be my sex friend. It’s immoral.”

“Fufufufu. Your mouth may say it doesn’t like it, but your cock doesn’t. At least your body is honest.”

The priestess stretched out her girlish, white, slender fingers in the direction of the merchant’s stiff crotch while uttering such a cliched old perverted bastard line.

But after a few seconds, they stopped.



“Something doesn’t feel right, does it?”

“Yeah, I thought so too.”

For some reason, they are somewhat unenthusiastic about what they are doing, enough to tilt their heads and think, “That’s weird.”

“I see.”

Then the priestess murmured as if she had had an epiphany.

“Perhaps we feel this way because it is the woman who is begging to be the sex friend and not the man.”


“Yes. After all, it’s widely believed that this is something a man should ask for, and that he has to do it in a groveling way before the woman can agree.”

“So what do we do now?”

“Well, we’ll just have to start all over again, I suppose?”

And so, just like that, the two restarted the ceremony (or so these two oddballs think in their heads) of being sex friends.

Specifically, they decided to start by having the priestess go around the bonfire to the right, the merchant to the left, and then meet in the middle.

“‘All right. From now on, you and I will break off our friendship. And when we meet again, you will offer to be my ‘sex friend.’ Got it?”

“I-I understand…see you then.”

They parted with those words, but the bonfire wasn’t that big or anything, so the priestess just ended up going clockwise and the merchant counterclockwise, and they quickly ‘met’ again.

“Ahh, what a pretty girl, no, maybe she’s the prettiest lady I’ve ever met! Would you like to be my sex friend? No, please be my sex friend! I beg you!”

It was nothing more than a farce, and if seen by a third party, it would surely make them cringe, but the merchant wanted to have it and was down on his knees as he made the offer. And his prostration was so perfect (from the priestess’ point of view) that she could not help but think that “there must be no other person in the world who would look as good as him when they are prostrating.”

Despite this, the priestess just stared at the scene and did not answer.

“What’s wrong?”

“N-not fair… suddenly calling me cute…”

The priestess looks away with a grim expression, but the truth is that she is so happy to be called ‘cute’ that she is embarrassed.

It is understandable, as no man has ever called her that before. In addition to her high rank, there was no man who could speak lightly of her being a pretty lady.

The priestess fiddles with the hem of her robes, her eyes wandering aimlessly.

“B-but that’s not good. Yes, no good. I guess we’ll do it another time. This sex friend initiation thing.”


She was a former High Priestess of the State Church of Andersen, but she is a girl, after all. She must have been feeling embarrassed somehow.

That’s what the merchant thought.

“Don’t say that, please. Miss Priestess.”

That’s why the merchant didn’t back down.

Sure, if the other person is aggressive, they will feel a little withdrawn. But if the other person is passive, they will get persistent and think, “I have to stick this penis in this girl’s naughty crack no matter what.” It’s just one of the annoying traits of men.

What’s more, the man’s true strength lies in his perversion.

In an instant, a mass of naughty feelings well up in the merchant’s heart.

So the merchant got down on his knees once more and bowed in sincerity.

“No. I’m still a virgin, you know. I’m new at this, so…”

“I’ll be gentle!”

“B-but it’s still broad daylight…”

“It doesn’t matter! We’re on a deserted island!”

“You’re not dry yet, are you? I mean your clothes…”

“No, look! It’s perfectly dry now!”

In response to the merchant’s thirty-five heartfelt prostrations, the priestess refused thirty-four times.

But by the thirty-fifth time, did she feel bad about having to refuse so many times, or did she run out of refusal phrases, or did she lose her patience?

“W-well, if you really want it so much…”

The priestess finally replies in a forced tone.

At that moment, the merchant, who had been on his knees, jumps to his feet.

Wait a minute. I knew it――mmmmh!?”

The priestess’ words were cut short by a kiss.

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