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Chapter 9 – Priestess, at the Land of Exile, II

“Eh, why?”

“Because you know… aren’t you embarrassed?”


This was so shocking that even the priestess widened her always sharp-looking eyes slightly.

“Really? You’re talking about this now?”

For goodness sake, this man!

“Ugh, shut up. And don’t come over here!”

But instead of staying put, the merchant screams like an unruly brat, then runs off to the other side of the bonfire.

The priestess, seeing this, quickly chases after him, only for him to run back to the other side of the bonfire, and they run and run in circles towards the flames. At one point, the priestess turned to the right, but the merchant quickly caught on and turned to the right as well, and when he turned to the left, the merchant did the same, and so on.

“Don’t run away from me!”

“Then stop chasing me!”

“Take off your clothes. I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

“I told you I don’t want to! No matter how you try to convince me, I won’t do it!”

But after a while, they tired of the chase. They sat around the campfire, watching each other’s movements.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just get past that flame?”

Naturally, if you do that, your body will definitely burn. The merchant is saying this because, in the his mind there’s no way the priestess could do that.

“I see. There’s also that way. Let’s do that.”

“Ah, flying is unfair! You cheated! Fuck!”

At that moment, however, he realized that he had fucked up, because this opponent of hers had the ability to fly.

And for him, who could not fly, it was a big deal.

So, from the priestess’ point of view, the merchant gave her a shortcut without knowing it, and just like that, the merchant was caught.

“No, please stop! Priestess! Don’t take it off! Kyaaa!”

“Oh, shut up, will you! And stop screaming like a girl!”

What can I say? Usually, these things are exciting when the genders are reversed, but these people are really weird.

The priestess grabs him from behind, undoes all the buttons on his shirt, which is dripping with seawater, and immediately puts her hands on his trouser belt and starts fiddling with them. Her hands are deceptively small and white, but they are skilled.

The merchant impatiently grabs her hand from behind and tries to stop her. Still, her momentum is unstoppable, and soon, his clothes are slipping off.

“All right, all right. I’ll take them off myself! I’ll take them off myself, so let go!”

The merchant turned around.

But because the priestess’s head was resting on the merchant’s shoulder from behind, her lips brushed the edge of his lips.

A gust of wind blew, and the silver hair caressed the merchant’s cheek.


It was the priestess who said that.

At this point, the merchant reacted like the female lead in a romance novel – or rather, a middle school girl with an unshaved pussy she was too embarrassed to show her lover – whichever was more appropriate. The way he rushed away from the priestess, carefully removed his wet trousers, and sat down on his knees in front of the fire made the latter all the more appropriate.

The priestess was shocked.

“What has happened to you? And why are you acting so girlish and disgusting?”

The priestess glared at him.

“Ugh, shut up.”

“What? Did you eat something weird?”

“No, I haven’t. It’s just that I feel a bit uncomfortable.”

“About what?”

“You know, the thing between you and me, Priestess. I was your first love, wasn’t I?”

“Mm, indeed you were.”

Her answer was magnificent and somewhat proud. And somewhat masculine.

“Well, it’s very embarrassing for me when someone you’ve always thought of as a friend turns out to be… more precious to that person than you ever imagined.”

I see… now I get it. Thought the priestess.

She finally understood why he had been so distant since they had escaped from Andersen and come to Newland and why he had stopped playing with her as often.

Yes, this merchant does business with some very famous people and has many beautiful women serving him and having sex with him, so people often tend to look at him as if he were some kind of big shot. But in the end, deep down, he was just a simple fool.

“That’s why, Miss Priestess. So that our relationship doesn’t deteriorate in the future, can you please stop talking as if we were friends?”

On top of that, he was also a cold bastard who would say things like that, which reinforced the big-shot character even more.

“Wait. No, no, no, no. I didn’t mean that. I mean… Yeah, it’s fine. There’s no need to be awkward. Just treat me like you’ve always treated me.”


The priestess was angry.

But it was the “Why can’t I just leave this piece of shit alone?” kind of angry, but the merchant didn’t know that.

“But in reality, you know, right? It just doesn’t work that way. I can’t stay friends with you like this.”

The merchant turns away.

The priestess, on the other hand, had tears in her always sharp-looking eyes when she heard this, as if his words had cut her deeply. Though her pupils glistened with the light reflected from the waves, she simply wiped them away with the sleeve of her slightly larger priestess robe.

But after the ripple of the waves had caressed the beach a few times, she stood up as if she had a great idea.

“Yes, that’s it! How about this?”

“W-what’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

“Just hear me out first.”

Then the priestess, with a not-so-ample bosom, explained.

“If a friend is not good, then how about sex friend(fuck buddy)?”

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