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Chapter 20 – A Female Adventurer’s Struggle and Reward 1

“Ow, ow, ow, ow…”

“Miss Carla!?”

The one who fell to the floor on her butt and was rubbing her forehead – the part that was probably hit by the sudden opening of the door – with teary eyes was the red-haired swordswoman, Carla.

I quickly reached out and helped her to her feet.

“Sorry. Are you hurt?”

“No, I’m fine. It’s my fault for sticking to the door and not noticing Ryou coming out.”

“Sticking to the door? Why?”


Carla made a face that said, ‘Oh crap!’

Then she continued, fidgeting and looking uncomfortable, as if she got no other choice.

“Well, I was just a bit curious, you see…”

“You mean you were concerned that I might take advantage of Tsukikage’s or Lieselotte’s weakness and behave violently towards them?”

“Uh, no, that’s not it! I just wondered what kind of sex Ryou would have with them… Tsukikage and Lieselotte.”

That part is what you are curious about?

But it seems that Carla isn’t joking.

But even if she is, why the door? Couldn’t she just eavesdrop from the next room?

Ah. If it’s in the next room, the walls are probably soundproofed, so maybe she can’t hear it?

That doesn’t explain why she has to stick that close to the door, though.

I’m glad I was the first to find it, but if it had been found by a third party who knew nothing about it, it would have been a sight for horror.

However, in contrast to my feelings, Carla is blushing and covering her cheeks in embarrassment.

“But, as I thought, Ryo is very nice. And… oh yes. I’m sorry about the other day.”

“The other day?”

“Yes. At your house, remember?”

“Ah, so that’s what she’s talking about.

Last time, Carla and I parted in a rather awkward way.

I’d completely forgotten about it.

“That time, you acted like that on purpose so that Iris and I wouldn’t get on each other’s nerves. After I made up with Iris, she told me the whole truth, and only then did I realize that your attitude was unnatural. I’m sorry, Ryou.”

Yes, I remember now. I acted like a bitch on purpose so as not to cause a rift between them.

But man, it’s a bit embarrassing to talk to Carla like this after everything’s been revealed…

“Besides, not only did you do it with me, you did it with the other three as well. I’m ashamed of myself. Ryo was so kind to me and my friends, but I was only thinking of myself….”

“That’s not true.”

“No, it’s not. I’m not… Well, about that, I eavesdropped partly because I was curious about you but also because I wanted to thank you again, face to face. I don’t think that if I ever had the chance to have sex with another man, he would embrace me as tenderly as you did. So, um…”

There was a moment of silence.

“Oh… I’m sorry. I’m not as smart as everyone else, so I’m having a hard time getting the words out. Hehe.”

“No, I understand well enough.”

When I said this, Carla blinked her eyes and then smiled happily.

“I’m really glad that Ryou was my first partner. That’s what I wanted to say the most. Well, it’s a bit of a pity that I couldn’t have Ryou all to myself. But that’s okay with me.”


“Un? What is it?”

“Starting tomorrow, Rosenkreuzer will take on the ‘Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf,’ right?”

“Yes! We’ll take on the deeper levels and come back with lots and lots of materials. You can count on me!”

“Well, if you make it back in one piece, can we have sex again? That is if Carla wants to have sex with me.”


Carla is a sweet and really wonderful woman.

Of course, I’m not just talking about her looks but also about her heart.

With her smile and the words she had just said, she only reinforced these thoughts.

No wonder Iris described her as a straightforward person, in good times and bad.

When the Rosenkreuzers first came to this city, I was delighted.

I thought these adventurer had finally come to challenge the Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf, where deep exploration hadn’t progressed for a long time.

But now it’s different.

I don’t need these four people to challenge the deeper levels. I just want them to come back safely.

I sincerely hope they don’t get hurt.

That’s why――

“Carla, you guys don’t have to get reckless. How about this? If you come back safely, I’ll have sex with you as much as you want as a reward, if you don’t mind.”

“F-for real?! You’re not making this up, are you? Can I take your word for it?”

“Uwaa. Heh. Of course. You can take my word for it.”

“I heard that! No takebacks, okay! That if we challenge the depths and come back safely, Ryou will let us do anything!”

“Eh? Yeah. Huh? No, I didn’t say you have to go deep…”

“No, no, you can’t go back on your words now! You already promised! That if we could brave the depths of the Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf and come back, Ryou would let us blow him, have sex, and whatever else we wanted as a reward!”

“Could you please not shout too loudly about blow jobs and sex!”

We’re in the corridor of the inn, for goodness’s sake!

“Then it is a promise! Wait, I cannot decide this alone. We need to rethink our plans for exploring the Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf from the ground up!”

“Uh, um, Miss Carla?”

But my attempts to stop her did not work, and Carla ran down the corridor and into the next room.

The door slammed shut with a huge bang.


Carla’s excited exclamation could be heard from behind the door, albeit in a muffled voice. Perhaps she was reporting to Iris as soon as possible.

I wondered if I should go into the next room and correct Carla’s mistake, but the sound of her excited voice made me hesitate.

“Should I go home?”

After thinking for a while, I decided to leave quietly.

Carla is so happy right now, and I don’t want to do anything to dampen her spirits.

It was definitely not because I was thinking, ‘I had enough’ or ‘I want to go home as soon as possible.’

Well, they are S-rank adventurers. They themselves should know when to back off when they are exploring a dungeon.

Actually, I’m more worried about what kind of demands Carla will make on me when she returns.

It was Carla who actually said ‘anything,’ which I agreed on (assuming it had to do with sex, which I had actually promised), but I couldn’t help being curious. What is she going to ask me after this?


But that’s a bit early, don’t you think?

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