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Chapter 19 – Fox-Eared Girl’s ‘Sunken’ Allure 5 ※

“Are you all right?” I asked as I saw my member stretching Tsukikage’s vessel as it filled her.

“Hehe, hehe, it’s ok…♡ It’s a little painful, but this one loves the feeling of having your dick in close contact with her whole pussy♡ Hehe, it was the right decision to stop growing with this body♡Thanks to that, this one’s pussy is now perfectly enveloping your dick♡”

“Wait… so you’re saying that Tsukikage intentionally stopping herself from growing is because—”

“Now, now! This is not the time for such things. Or rather, aren’t you impatient to get on to it? Come, Sir Ryou. This one wants you to enjoy this tight, petite woman’s pussy. Fuck it savor it as much as you like~♡!”

As if to interrupt my question, Tsukikage began to move her hips slowly.

But the moment she did so, this happened.

“Mmmh… as expected, Mister Ryou is impressive♡ Even after all we just did, you still have the energy to have sex with Tsukikage♡Still, this big sister couldn’t help but get a little jealous…”

“M-Miss Lieselotte!?”

I heard a familiar voice in my ear.

And with it came the feeling of something incredibly soft and huge pressing against my back.

T-This is…! This feeling!

“Mmm… oh dear, why, if it isn’t Lieselotte? So you are awake already? It seems that this one was so engrossed in Sir Ryou’s pleasures that she disturbed your sleep.”

“Yes, that is indeed what happened… but I have no intention of disturbing you and Mister Ryou, so please carry on.”

“From your tone alone, it seems that Sir Ryou has treated you well…”

“But when I saw you doing it with Mr. Ryou, I started feeling it again. Can I… do it again with him after this? Of course, I promise not to stand in your way.”

“It can’t be helped. Okay. But just wait a while.”

Ah, Tsukikage gave in.

Lieselotte then thanked Tsukikage happily and said, “Tsukikage, thank you♡”. From the sound of her voice, it seems that this is not the first time that Tsukikage has listened to Lieselotte’s pleas.

Maybe Tsukikage is weak against the younger generation. Well, considering that she was unusually excited by a kid like me… No, wait. I’m not a kid anymore.

“Then, Mister Ryou, can you move your body back a little? Please?”

“Like this?”

“Yes, like that♡ Well done♡!”

As instructed, I put my weight on Lieselotte behind me.

Then, something fluffy and soft was pressed firmly against my back.

It was Lieselotte’s large breasts, and I could feel them being squeezed between my back and her own body.

“How does it feel?”

“It feels wonderful.”

“I see. That’s good… Mmmm, chup♡”

At the same time, I heard the sound of water and something lukewarm crawling into my ears.

The moment I realized it was Lieselotte’s tongue, I felt an electric current shoot up my spine.

“Uhm, Miss Lieselotte!?”

“Sir Ryou, while it is wonderful to focus on Lieselotte, please give your attention to this one, too♡ Nhaaa♡!”

I thought about stopping Lieselotte as I felt ticklish in my ears, but I couldn’t when Tsukikage started to rock her hips up and down.

Tsukikage shook her body so violently that her tight and perky bottom bumped against the surface of my thighs.

Meanwhile, her pussy continued to squeeze my cock as tightly as ever, making it feel irresistible.

Pak, pak, pak, pak, pak!

Chup, chup, slurp, shup, slurp…

“Mmmchup…♡ what cute ears you have, Mister Ryou~♡!”

“Ahhn, hyaaa, mmh, Sir… Ryou…♡!”

The intense sound of flesh meeting flesh.

The obscene sound of saliva echoing directly into your ears.

They are two completely different sounds, but both seemed to burrow through my brain.

“Umuu♡! Come, Sir Ryou… please pour out your seed… please fill this one with your seed all the way to her womb♡!”

I grabbed Tsukikage’s slender waist with both hands, her body being a little shorter than mine.

Tsukikage was arching her body so much that it seemed to go beyond the limits of what it could bend. Just as her body was sinking down, I grabbed her waist with both hands and slammed my cock into her innermost part with such force that the impact almost seemed to make a loud noise.

“Nhooo♡! Aaah… ahh, aaaaaaaaahhhh~~♡♡!!”

Blurururut, splurururut, spururut…

The moment I was completely buried in Tsukikage’s vagina, the tip hit something soft and hot and undulating.

And by the time I realized it was the cervix, my cock was already squirting cum at it.

“Aaah, aahhhh, hyaaa…♡ Aaah, aaah… it’s here♡ Ryou’s cum is here, and it’s easily filling this one’s old pussy♡”

Tsukikage shakes her body with a face of ecstasy.

Meanwhile, clear love juice spurted from the gaps between our joined parts at irregular intervals.

I lifted Tsukikage’s limp body and slowly pulled my cock out.

As I did so, I noticed that Tsukikage’s eyes were open, but her consciousness seemed to have flown somewhere as she stared into space with a dazed face.

“Oh my♡ I’ve never seen Tsukikage like this before. Ryou really is an amazing person♡!”

When I put Tsukikage down on the bed, Lieselotte, who was still hugging my back, whispered this into my ear, as if breathless.

Then she pressed her ample breasts even closer to me. Amidst the soft flesh, I could feel the stiffness of her nipples in the center.

“Um, Mister Ryou… When I saw you having sex with Tsukikage, I got horny, and before I knew it, I couldn’t hold it in anymore♡ J-just this once is enough, so… Would you please have sex with me again? Please♡?”

Lieselotte whispers into my ear as she wraps her arms around my waist and presses her ample breasts against my back.

Needless to say, after receiving such a… passionate invitation, I wasn’t content in doing it just once.

After resting my body between Tsukikage and Lieselotte, whom both of which fell asleep as if they had fainted, I quietly got up from the bed, put on my clothes, and began to prepare for my return home.

To be honest, I would have loved to stay and have these beautiful women of my dreams greet me in the morning, but unfortunately, I can’t because I have to work tomorrow.

And even though I say ‘tomorrow,’ it is already ‘today’ because the day has already changed dates.

There is another option, which is to stay at the inn and go directly to work at the Adventurers’ Guild. Still, I think it would be a bad idea for the office staff of the Adventurers’ Guild to go to work accompanied by an adventurer.

Or rather, it’s not just a bad idea. It’s just straight up bad.

So I should probably go home before it gets light outside and while there are still a few people around.

I got dressed and took my luggage, opened the door to my room, and stepped out into the corridor.



At that moment, I heard the impact of something hitting the open door and a voice saying that which echoed throughout the corridor.

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