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Chapter 16 – Fox-Eared Girl’s ‘Sunken’ Allure 2 ※

“You say you’re an old woman, but as far as I can see, Miss Tsukikage is the youngest of the group, isn’t she?”

“That’s not as easy as you think. With the existence of magic-sensitive human wizards and elves, no matter how deceptive one’s outward age may be, they can still find out one’s real age by looking at the age of their souls. Even if one choose not to, one can still be rejected once they reveal their true age. There is also the fact that this one’s height is typical of a Far Eastern person, who is much shorter than the usual height in these lands. But that is no longer news here. Still, people here might prefer taller people as it is more common than short ones like us.”

“Hmmm. But that doesn’t really bother me, so isn’t everything just fine?”

Actually, I find it quite nice that although she looks the youngest of the group, she acts like the oldest of them all.

Of course, it is Iris who is actually the oldest, but it is the gap between Tsukikage’s appearance and her real age that I find quite cute.

Well, considering that her real age is much older than my mother’s, I’m sure I’ll feel a bit confused, so let’s not dwell on that too much.

For now, let’s hit her with the finishing blow I’ve learned.

“Or do you not want to be with me, Miss Tsukikage?”

“T-this one is not saying anything like that! O-of course, if you want to hug this one, then this one will be more than happy to do so. It’s just… No, forget it. To be honest, this one had always been jealous of Carla and Iris when this one heard that you did it with them!”

As she said this, Tsukikage waved her fox tail from side to side.

I’ll definitely touch that tail later.

“To be even more honest, this one masturbated alone in the bathroom of the inn while watching the sex between Lieselotte and Sir Ryou with Farsight Magic earlier. At that time, this one was really jealous of our little Lieselotte here.”

“Okay, that’s enough. You don’t have to be honest up to that point!”

Somehow, thinking back to Lieselotte’s conversation earlier, I’ve been hearing more and more masturbation experiences from women lately…

What kind of blessed day is this?

“So it’s settled that we’ll do it then… but what about the place?”

“This room will be fine. Actually, the next room has been rented for Carla and Iris, and it would be difficult to rent another room at this time of the night, so…”

“You can go to my house if you like.”

“Mmm, it’s quite a tempting offer to do it in Sir Ryou’s house… but this one knows best to resist it today. In the worst case, this one can also put Lieselotte to sleep with a magic spell, so there will be no problems even if we use this room.”

I looked over at Lieslotte, who was asleep in her bed. She was “Munya munyaa…” mumbling something in her sleep, but there was no sign of her waking up.

This room is a double room with two beds in it. And since there are two beds in the room, all we have to do is move to the other one.

On the other hand, after seeing the expensive-looking furnishings in the room, I wasn’t sure anymore if it was really proper to invite Miss Tsukikage into my house.

I even wondered if she would recognize that shabby one-story house as a home.

“Well, shall we do it here then?”

“Alright! This one finally did it! This one never thought she could ask a man to consent for the first time, and it was a young kid to boot! It was all worth it, all those traveling from the East to this place! That means this one will be able to keep the blood of our family alive…!”

“Wait, are you calling me a kid?”

I didn’t expect to be called that at my age!

Ah, but considering the actual age difference between Tsukikage and me, is it not too much to say that I am a mere child?

Or rather, how long is the lifespan of the beast folk in the Far East in the first place?

But Iris didn’t say anything like that to me, did she?

Is it perhaps a different race’s unique perception of age?


――Okay. Let’s not think about the concept of whether one is a kid or not anymore. I feel like the insides of my head are getting mixed up.

“This one, who is nothing but an ugly woman, has never dreamed of being embraced by a young man like you, Sir Ryou. As such, this one is feeling all lucky and worth it that she has lived through all those hard years.”

Saying this with a smile full of lust, Tsukikage untied the obi around her waist and let her kimono fall to the floor with a shuffling sound.

By the way, before this, I had asked Tsukikage to untie her clothes by herself. Because I had no idea how to take off this traditional costume.

I am afraid that if I forcefully untied her clothes, I might tear them.

“However, since this one has a smaller-than-average body, she is afraid that she will not be able to entertain Sir Ryou very much. If this one had breasts as big as Lieselotte’s or even as big as Carla’s… but as you can see, these are all she has…”

Saying this, Tsukikage pinched both of her breasts on the bed with an apologetic face.

Her fox ears and tail also hung down.

Tsukikage had a body that could at least be described as that of a young maiden.

In addition to her height, which was below average but not so short that she could be mistaken for a child, although it was more her overall adult air that contributed to that, she had a flat chest without any undulations, a smooth crotch that could be described as a single stripe and a plump belly that slightly bulged.

“Come to think of it, didn’t Miss Tsukikage mention that you used magic to maintain that figure?”

“Mm. After all, no one would treat a woman so badly, no matter how ugly she looked, as long as she looked younger than them, right?”

“Ah, I see.”

“But no matter how much you try to improve your appearance, your soul will still grow old. So if this one meets a magic-sensitive race like the elves, they will realize her real age, and her disguise will be as good as gone.”

Oh, so that’s how it is.

I looked once more at Tsukikage’s body, which was lying sideways on the bed.

Her body was pure white and looked as if it didn’t have a scratch on it, soft and plump.

Mm… I have no idea what age of the soul she is talking about, though!

But as I looked at her body, I noticed one thing.

So I reached out and touched that spot with my fingertips.

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