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Chapter 3 – Dogfight II

“It can’t be helped. The hero said I would be no match for the female warrior. But all I have to do is kidnap you, and the best I can do is run away when I meet her.”

“Hero, you say?”

“Uuu… I slipped up.”

The boy wrinkled his forehead innocently, as if he had just realized his cover had been blown.

“Well, I’ve already kidnapped you, so it doesn’t matter. Yes, I’m part of the hero’s party. How’s that for a surprise?”

“Well, for starters, it’s quite an achievement at your age.”

The boy started to speak proudly, so I gave him a little ego boost.

After all, who knows, he might have something more to say.

“Ehehehe. You see, Sir Hero said I was the hope of the party. That’s why he gave this job to me alone this time.”

“The job of kidnapping me?”

“Yes, he said it was so important and only I could do it.”

I couldn’t help but feel that he was somehow being used like a one-time coupon only to be thrown away later, but I kept quiet about it.

“But I don’t think abducting me changes anything. I am not an important person.”

“Well, I’m not sure, but whatever it is, the hero told me that I should never let you enter Andersen.”

The hero is preventing me from entering Andersen?

With that, I could guess that the hero was about to do something, something that I would certainly oppose once I got through, but before I even had time to think about it,


I heard a woman’s voice behind me.

I couldn’t believe my ears, it was impossible to hear a woman’s voice in the air, but it was real.

The holy knight, riding a pure white Pegasus, was following me.

“T-the holy knight…“

The boy’s face changed color.

“Give him back to me!”

Well, the holy knight was a member of the hero’s party, so it was only natural that he knew her.

“Miss Holy Knight, please don’t get in my way. It’s Sir Hero’s order.”

“I can’t do that. He’s a very important person and I can’t have him taken away.”

“This man who has been peeing in the sky non-stop is such an important person to Miss Holy Knight?”


Hey. Your tone makes it sound as if I’m spraying urine all over the place because I want to, but that’s not the case at all!

“Come to your senses, Miss Holy Knight. Come back to the party.”

“What are you talking about? I was sacked by Sir Hero himself. I couldn’t go back even if I wanted to!”

“Still, if you apologize properly, I’m sure Sir Hero will forgive you. If you want, I’ll go with you to convince Sir Hero. Or rather, let’s do it together. After all, if it’s Miss Holy Knight, I’ll do anything for you…”

The boy suddenly stops talking and blushes when he reaches this point.

“Even if Sir Hero allows it, I have no intention of returning to the party.”


His eyes, which looked sad, now become truly melancholy.

“Because I am already his wife.”

The holy knight replies in a slightly embarrassed manner, despite her skillful manipulation of the pegasus and the wind.

This is bad…

The boy’s eyes, as he looked at me, began to take on a tinge of all sorts of negative emotions.

“Come to think of it, Sir Hero said something like if I didn’t succeed in kidnapping him, he wouldn’t mind killing him outright, or something like that.”

The boy mumbles and raises his sword to my neck.

What kind of training has this hero received? That’s so un-heroic, you know!

Anyway, with what the holy knight said, it’s too late to negotiate now.

What we have here is a completely pissed off young man.

“No, stop it. Don’t be rash! Hold it!”

I shouted, but the saber continued to approach my neck.

But then another force lifts my body out of the boy’s grasp.

The holy knight has grabbed me.

“I won’t let you do this!”

Ahh, so cool.

I had just been rescued by a knight in shining armor, on a pegasus to boot.

It was the kind of situation any girl would dream of.

But I’m a man, and I’m also pissing my pants, so I’m overwhelmed by my own lack of coolness.

Damn you, merchant! Get away from Miss Holy Knight!”

Saying this, he blew another finger whistle and attacked at breakneck speed, along with the hawk holding the boy’s shoulder.

The speed of the hawk and the boy was indeed impressive.

However, the holy knight seemed to be better than the boy, as she cleverly turned the pegasus around to dodge the boy’s attack.

It was clear to the boy that he was no match for the holy knight’s skillful control, be it of her ride or her defensive manoeuvres in the air.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

However, things were not as easy as they seemed.

Just as I was about to finish my long and tedious urination, I caught a little urine on the pegasus’s hind leg.

I thought it was nothing, but he – the pegasus – was different. His head immediately turned towards me, his eyes bloodshot and clearly hostile.

By the time I thought, “Oh no,” it was too late.

The Pegasus began to flap, trying to take me down.

And just as his wings hit my head, I’m out of the holy knight’s hands and my body is thrown into the air.

“Ah! Wait for me…”

The holy knight shouts, but she can’t move fast enough because the boy is holding her back.

Now I have finally finished urinating, but as I am thrown into the air without any support, I am now falling to the ground, as if to symbolize the danger of being given freedom without thinking.

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