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Side Story – A Secretary’s Prank II ※ (LN Exclusive)

I prodded the “thing” again with my fingertips.

It jerked and bounced.

Like a living thing.


I think it might be a communication monster disguised as a penis.

The proof is that it doesn’t ejaculate at all when I look at it like this.

If it really was a penis, it would ejaculate, wouldn’t it? 

If it ejaculated, I would gladly accept it as a penis.

By the way, how does a penis ejaculate?

According to the stories I heard from an employee of a company that milks human females, it seems that you are supposed to squeeze their breasts until it comes out.

Does the same apply to male ejaculation?

I try to squeeze the penis with the palm of my hand as if I’m milking it.

“Mmmm, mmh…”

He seems to be in some pain.

The penis also seems to become less energetic.

Is it not good enough?

Maybe I should try a gentle approach?

This time I tried stroking the tip of his penis with the tip of my finger.

Only then did it become big and hard again, as if his earlier loss of energy was a joke.

This seems to be the right direction.

This is the first time I have seen a human penis in the flesh, for the details of its majesty are becoming rare.

It has a different shape on the front and back.

It also reacts differently when you stroke it.

Best of all, it’s a much more honest and good-natured child than the man to whom it is attached.

I gradually got the hang of how and where to stroke it and how to make it bounce with pleasure.

But will he really ejaculate if I do this?

Just when I thought so.

Suddenly, the stiffened cock bounced up and down, spewing white liquid.

I was so surprised that I just stood still, and it almost hit me in the face.

No, I think I got some on my cheeks.

“Ha. Oh dear. What a bummer”.

I sigh as I wipe it off with my fingers.

I can feel the slippery liquid spreading across my cheeks.

When I look at my finger, it is indeed a liquid similar to the semen that is often sold.

It’s not unusual or anything, but now that I’ve seen it ejaculate, I can guarantee that this is indeed a penis.

“Sniff, sniff. Hmm. This looks exactly like the sperm they usually sell. There’s no way this is particularly tasty…”

I mumbled, smelling the white stuff.

And then, without thinking, I put my finger in my mouth.

Wawawa, what is this? How can this be?

This richness, this bitterness, this pungency.

I feel like I’m going to melt away, with electric shocks running through my body!

This is no commercial semen!

I hurriedly wiped the rest of the cum off my face and licked it off, as well as sucking up the spilled cum on the bed.


As I hummed and sucked on the semen-soaked sheets, I looked back at the penis.

There was still some sperm floating on the bell-shaped tip.

I hurried to suck it off with the pointed tip of my tongue.

Maybe there was still some inside, because every time I suck it, a little bit comes out.

The concentration is a little thin, but still delicious.

From then on I desperately sucked, sucked and sucked, drinking it all up.

Even after I’ve sucked up all the remaining sperm, I can’t take my mouth off the penis because I feel sorry for leaving it behind.

It is as if I am compelled to suck this penis with unfulfilled perversity.

I remember myself wondering in the past whenever I saw human children sucking on a stick long after they had finished their popsicles, but now I understand how they feel.

In other words, I am basking in the afterglow of a delicious sensation similar to it.

That sucking a penis in this way is a way of recalling the splendor of his semen in my memory.

But this lingering feeling soon ended.

Because when I was sucking the penis like that, I could feel another hardness of the penis in my mouth.

Don’t tell me… no way!

And just as I felt my heart pounding in my little chest.

Splurrrt, spluuurururut! Splurururut!

It came! Another ejaculation!

The cock bounced around on the top of my mouth and on my tongue and ejaculated vigorously.

It was much more than before.

I swallowed it frantically.

The force was so great that it was hard to breathe.

I could feel tears running down my cheeks, but it didn’t matter.

My mind was occupied with the thought of drinking it all down without spilling a drop.

When the penis stopped pulsating, my head calmed down, but I was still thinking about the deliciousness of the liquid.

Then, as I sucked the penis again, I had another cool thought.

Maybe if I keep sucking like this, that wonderful sperm will shoot out again.

Once again I sucked his penis with all my might, my heart pounding with anticipation and my ass shaking with excitement.

Since that day, the merchant’s face, already emaciated from being squeezed by the demon lord, has become even thinner, but only I know the real reason.


After the contract was signed and arrangements made for the future, the merchant said he was leaving Newland.

He also said that if he said goodbye to the demon lord in person, he would be forcibly detained, so he said he would only leave after telling me.

He is a cold man, even though the demon lord liked him so much.

But, well, maybe it can’t be helped.

“I owe you one. Please say hello to the demon lord for me.”

“I see. So this is goodbye then.”

As soon as I have answered, he spins on his heel and leaves.

I stare at his back as he walks away alone.


“P-please wait.”

“Hmm, what is it?”

I run and grab his shirt.

Then, after a few hesitant words, I ask.

“Hey, when are you coming back?”


After I asked, I realized that it sounded like I was going to ‘miss’ the merchant.

“Wait, no! That’s not what I meant.”

“What are you talking about?”

“What I mean is, when you’re gone, our nightly entertainment is… wait, why are you saying that, me?”

This confusion was completely out of character for me, so I had no choice but to be honest about my feelings.

“I-I hate people like you.”

“Oh… I see…”

The merchant’s eyes are downcast, as if he is actually hurt.

As expected, it is very unwise to say exactly what is on my mind.

“But I still think you’re a useful merchant. Please bring us more wonderful stories the next time you talk to us. The demon lord seems to have taken a liking to you.”

“I see. I understand. I’ll see you later.”

With these words, he really left this time.

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