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Chapter 10 – Secretary, I

The next thing I knew, it was just me and the demon lord’s secretary in the drawing room.

With my cock still exposed, of course.

“Are you all right?”

The secretary called out to me.

But, unable to speak, I could only groan.

“Ah, sorry. You still can’t speak, can you?”

The secretary said, then twirled the fingers of her right hand towards me.

“Now you should be able to speak for a moment.”

“…Those two?”

“They went out to dinner.”

Really, that’s a hell of a way to treat me…

I looked at the secretary.

This secretary has little horns sticking out of her head, a modest chest bulge, and a slender crotch and waist.

For some reason, she is now wrapped in a navy blue one-piece swimsuit+servant’s outfit costume.

Minus the few differences, in my homeland, we wear a ‘school swimsuit’ for water training, which is very similar to hers.

She looks like a cute little animal, but don’t be deceived.

This woman is actually the brains of the demon lord’s camp.

In fact, you could say she is the head of thedemon lord’s “office” staff. She’s a smart one who thinks things through and decides things that aren’t needing the demon lord’s involvement.

“Oh, you know they’re idiots, don’t you? So you were the only one I could rely on. You could have helped me earlier instead of just standing there.”

“They seem very strong, so I wouldn’t want to get into a fight with them.”

But as you can see, she’s a very indifferent woman. Or heartless, if I am not being tact.

“Well, do you need water, food, anything? Of course, along with healing magic.”

“Yes, I want those things. But it’s hard to get a chance like this, so I’d like to talk about work first.”

The secretary’s eyes widened in surprise when I said that.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be treated first? Your dick is bleeding, you know?”

“I didn’t come all the way to Newland just to give the demon lord some semen, you know. Anyway, we need to have a business meeting while we can.”

The secretary nodded her head as if she had no choice.

The content is not that important.

It is a declaration to exercise part of the mining rights for the magic ore currently leased and to transport it to Venussa.

To do this, the company needs permission to land large ships and to build facilities for the sailors and other workers it intends to use in the mines.

All this seemed to be going smoothly, and the secretary nodded her head, but then she groaned.

“I just want to ask you one question…”


“Which country does the magic ore go to after it is transported to Venussa?”

“That’s a strange question. It’s going to Venussa, so only the market in Venussa knows.”

“That’s all well and good, but I can’t help but think that you’re trying to take advantage of Venussa’s special nationality and sell the magic ore to a country that’s hostile to our country.”

The secretary says sharply in a lisping tone.

“No, of course not.”

She was right, but I couldn’t just admit that it was true.

“Right, sorry about that. But, you see, this kind of suspicion, we don’t know when it’s going to be a problem. Don’t you see what I mean?”

“In a way…”

“Having said that, I would be able to give you a better answer if you would lease a few more mining machines here.”


In the end, I had to swallow. She was a shrewd woman, and she had me completely trapped in this situation.

“Is that all?”

The secretary asks, as if wanting to conclude the deal.

“No, just one more thing. I want to talk about the video of the priestess you recorded earlier. Is the demon lord going to give it to an Andersen’s newspaper guild or something?”

“From the looks of the demon lord, I don’t think she will. She seems to have grown quite fond of that priestess.”


I breathe a sigh of relief.

“But I’ll get to the bottom of it.”


“The demon lord is being a bit too lenient. It’s my job to follow up on it.”

That’s not good.

Convincing the secretary is much more difficult than convincing the demon lord.

“But you are also to blame.”


“Yes. Apparently, a pretty girl confessed to you, only for you to leave her behind. Those were the things that made the demon lord’s heartbreakingly wholesome nature come out naturally.”

“I didn’t do that. The priestess was probably mistaken when she said that.”

“Heh. But isn’t it possible that you were wrong? Or maybe you just forgot. You’re a heartless person when it doesn’t involve work, you know? Enough to earn my praise.”

No, no, I’m not that stupid – or at least I’d like to think I am.

“But whether you forgot it or not, the real question is, why would a heartless person like you care about the career of a priestess from another country?”

As expected, she’s sharp.

The reason in my heart was that I was afraid that Andersen’s condition would become unstable if the priestess lost her position.

Originally, though, I cared about that because Andersen was going to be a good customer for the magic ore.

So the priestess loses her job = an unstable Andersen = I unable to sell magic ore.

So to sum up, it is not wise to reveal my plans to this secretary.

Otherwise, all my investments will go down the drain.

“Yeah. That’s right. The priestess is my friend.”

The secretary chuckles at my answer.

“Friends, huh. Well, that’s good enough. But it’s true that our country needs mining machines, so I’ll tolerate it this time. Sometimes it’s necessary to drink from the same cup.”

The secretary shows a cunning that doesn’t quite match her appearance.

At the same time, we can hear a lot of activity outside the room.

“Well, it looks like the girls have finished their meal. I’m going to have to ask you to be quiet again.”

“Wait. At least get me some water…”

The secretary points her right finger at me, and I can’t speak again.

“But your stature alone will be the envy of the men of this world. Not only the priestess, but for you to have these two beautiful women in your grasp is a phenomenal achievement. I don’t understand. I don’t understand it at all. What is it about you that makes them like you so much? I would never bother to like such a cold man.”


“Then again, as a woman, maybe I knew it all along…”

The secretary blushed as she trailed off.

“…After all, your semen, it’s really delicious.”

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