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Chapter 9 – Joint Rescue Attempt ※

“W-wait, please wait! At least unbind my husband, please!”

The demon lord started to run, but stopped at the holy knight’s words.

“Fuumu. In that case. See that big jar over there?”

“Um, that one?”

The female warrior also noticed the huge jar.

“Yes, that’s it. If you can fill that jar with his sperm in waves, I will release him from his bonds. I’ve also magically taken away his speech, but I’ll give it back to you when you’re done. So do your best, intruders. Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha.”

With that, the demon lord chased after the priestess.

The two of them did not follow the demon lord any further.

Instead, they entered the drawing room and looked at me in my unfortunate state.

“What a horrible sight… his cock exposed and all…”

It was the holy knight, who had been forced into a similar situation the other day, who spoke first. She said it with a furrowed brow.

But the female warrior, who was also watching, contradicted her.

“Don’t worry, he’s fine. You may not know this, but he’s the kind of person who would be happy to be treated like this.”

I wanted so much to disagree with this female warrior’s unreasonable words, but I couldn’t speak, no matter how much blood rose to my head in frustration.

“Well, I can’t make our baby if I do not do this, and since we don’t have much of a choice…”

“I will also help. That’s what your wife is for, isn’t it, dear husband?”

The two of them said such wretched things as they crawled toward my cock.


Have you ever had the experience of passing out from too much ejaculation?

I seem to have just had one of those pitiful blackouts.

When I woke up the second time, the first thing I saw was the familiar blue-lit candles in the dimly lit room, then the realization that I was still unable to move.

In the middle of it all, I recognize the silhouettes of the female warrior, the holy knight, and the demon lord’s secretary surrounding me on the sofa.

Seeing their three shadows swaying alluringly frighteningly reminded me of my current situation.

“As expected, the quantity is decreasing.”

Naked and unarmoured, the female warrior spoke first.

She was thrusting her hips out and holding her vagina over the jar.

Then my semen dripped from the girl’s precious parts, and plop, plop, plop, it dripped down and was collected in the container.

“But is it okay? Once inside, it’s…”

Then the holy knight spoke.

She too was half-naked, contrary to the neat appearance of her close-cropped blonde hair.

She wore only a white camisole-type undergarment and no panties, and I could see her clitoris fluttering under a thin layer of pubic hair covered by skin.

“It’s okay. This is nothing to worry about.”

The spell the demon lord had cast on me made it impossible for me to speak, so I could not tell the girls that I was so emaciated that I already fainted from their torment.

The female warrior immediately tries to straddle me, unable to move, after she has emptied all the semen from her vagina.

“Ah. Hold on! It’s my turn next!”

“Ku… is so attentive. I can’t help it then.”

With that, the female warrior got off the couch, took out a pen, and made a tally mark on the front of my thigh.

『|||| – |||| – |||| – |||| – |||| – |||| – |||| – ||||』

The number of ticks indicates the number of times they have done it.

“Hey. How many times is that?”

“You can’t even do basic arithmetic? You really are a musclehead.”

“Shut up. You think you know?”

“Of course I know. There are eight sets of tally marks. Each set represents five. So five times eight is thirteen times!”

This was the first time I learned that the seemingly wise holy knight was also illiterate.

“What, so low? That means he should still be in good shape.”

“But he looks rather haggard, doesn’t he? I’m a bit worried.”

The Holy Knight says this, but still tries to straddle me, who is unable to move.

However, the direction is not toward me.

Instead, she was facing backward, sitting on top of me in an upright position.

In this manner, she rubbed my cock against her own genitals.

I donn’t know why, but for some reason I imagined that from the front, it would look as if a cock had grown out of the holy knight’s crotch.

“Mmm, it’s still hard…”

Says the holy knight, continuing to rub my cock against her fleshy flabs and especially her clitoris.

“But this jar is so big. I wonder if we’ll ever fill it to the brim.”

Then, says the female warrior. She was observing the amount of white liquid in the jar.

To which the holy knight couldn’t help but reply.

“Mmmm. But we’ll have to. We are the only ones who can save him from the poisonous fangs of the demon lord. Ahhn~.”

“I know. Let’s do our best.”

No, I would rather have the demon lord accompany me instead of you two!

The two of them seemed to be burning with a sense of mission, but I was already running out of energy and was about to die.

Or rather, the demon lord was better, because she still seemed to have an idea of my limits.

The female warrior and the holy knight, these two dunces on the other hand, don’t know the difference between strength and weakness.

Because of them, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve passed out.

Incidentally, now that I ’ve observed it, the back of the holy knight in front of me curved gently to the left and right.

This reminded me of a certain quote.

My father, who is also my teacher, used to say that “a woman’s femininity is in her back, not in her front.”

Looking at the back of the Holy Knight, I can see that he’s making sense.

Healthy but slender, with delicate shoulders.

A back line that forms a smooth, supple curve.

A spine uniformly centered, aligned, and concaving.

Well-nuanced hips, with buttocks protruding well under the crotch of the undergarments.

Her figure looks slimmer than the plump female warrior, but her well-proportioned back and the way her buttocks are flushed as it reflected my eyes is enough to raise my blood pressure.

In a sexual sense, of course.

“Oh, I think he’s about to come. Get the jar ready.”

The holy knight says, as if noticing my signs, and the female warrior bends down to hold the jar.

I ejaculated for the forty-first time, feeling the warmth of the vaginal fluid overflowing from the holy knight’s precious parts and the warmth of the eruption on my cock.

Then I fainted again, thinking that from the front, it would look like the holy knight was ejaculating from her ‘cock’ again and other unimportant thoughts.

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