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Chapter 6 – The Ground Hardens After It Rains 2

On the next Iris looked up, she was in tears in her jade-green eyes and staring back at Carla with a snap.

“We ‘Rosenkreuzers’ have sworn to support each other and to pursue martial skills as adventurers, haven’t we? We know that neither marriage nor lovers are forever possible with us, so we four women have vowed to live as adventurers for the rest of our lives!”

Why did you say the second half? You only needed the first half!

“And yet… and yet… you dare to steal a march on us after the thick and thin we have been together? Is it not unfair that only one of us graduates from being a virgin?”


“It’s true that I made some excuse to do something naughty to Ryou. It’s also true that I had a bit of an ulterior motive when I went to see him earlier. But wasn’t it Carla who ditched her friends first and graduated from being a virgin on her own?”

“Well, if you put it that way…”

Iris’s enigmatic reasoning has now made Carla flinch. But why?

“Besides, you weren’t the only one who thought Ryou was kind from the very beginning in the Adventurers’ Guild! He didn’t frown when he saw our faces, and he even said nice things to us. I just didn’t have the courage to meet him in the tavern…”

What the hell. What are they doing, those employees of the Adventurers’ Guild in the royal capital?

Or were the receptionists just put in there at the wrong time and in the wrong place?

Still, you can’t behave like that towards adventurers, especially if you’re a service worker.

“I mean, sure, I was a bit later than Carla, but that doesn’t mean that Carla should hog Ryou all to herself! I was only allowed to suck his dick with my mouth! I want to graduate from being a virgin too!”

“Eh? He let you suck his cock with your mouth? Then Iris is the one who is being unfair! I didn’t get to do that!”

“Um, you two… sigh… Can you please stop yelling about graduating from virginity and sucking my cock in my own house!?”

If I don’t, I don’t know what kind of stares I’ll get from the neighbors tomorrow morning!

Damn, what kind of face am I going to give them tomorrow when I hand out the neighborhood newsletters!

If they keep on screaming like this, it’s going to spread all over Cassandra City that I’m a low-life scumbag who cheats on women…

No, well, that’s how it really is, though.

No, wait, since this is an inverted world, then am I considered a slut?

Or more like a “bitch”? Either way, it wouldn’t be decent…

Anyway, it is not good to put Iris and Carla on the wrong side of this.

If the fight between Iris and Carla goes on for a long time, it might prevent Rosenkreuzer from completing the exploration of the Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf.

Also, if they found out that the Rosenkreuzers had canceled the dungeon raid because of this incident… that would be very bad for my reputation!

At the very least, if the guildmaster finds out, I’ll be given disciplinary action, and at the very most, I’ll have to say goodbye to this year’s bonuses!

In short, I must somehow mediate between the two!

But what should I do?

The current situation is that Carla and Iris are fighting over me.

In other words, if you think of it in terms of my original world – they are two unattractive men fighting over a slutty girl.

To successfully resolve this situation, there’s only one way to go.

…bitch…to think like a bitch in this situation.


I swallow my spit and look at Carla.

“W-what is it, Ryou?”

“You two have been saying whatever you want for a while now, but the point is that you seem to misunderstand something just because I’ve had sex with you once. I had no intention of taking this relationship any further”.


I’m sorry!

“Sike, I’m just kidding,” I want to say, but deep down, I know I shouldn’t.

The only way to make this whole situation go away is for me to become the bad guy.

Eh, but Ryou was so nice to me…”

“That’s just lip service. I have no intention of going out with Carla, so please don’t get carried away like that.”


“Both Miss Carla and Miss Iris are S-rank adventurers who came to this city after a long time, so I thought I might as well give you a little service for your stay. Now that you understand, can you please go home quickly? Ah, I’ve already had my fun with Miss Iris, so I have no further business with her. You can take her with you.”

That’s right. The only way to mediate between two people who are fighting – is to create an enemy with whom they can fight together.

In other words, me.

I look at them with the same bored expression on my face as the bitch in my former world who, after playing with me for a while, threw me away as if she no longer had any use for me, and then I walk briskly to the front door, open it and gesture for them to leave.

Carla still stares at me as if she can’t believe it.

But as soon as she realized that my attitude was not going to change, her eyes filled with tears.


Then, as a single tear ran down her cheek, Carla turned her face down and ran straight out of my house.


Iris looked at my face and Carla’s back as she ran, and after a little hesitation, she seemed to decide to follow Carla.

But as we passed each other, “Thank you, Ryou,” she thanked me in a low voice, and then she, too, ran out of the house.

Ah… Iris has realized that my words earlier were an act?

Come to think of it, when we met in the alley, I said a lot of things like I wouldn’t mind becoming Carla’s girlfriend.

Well, I did what I could.

This way, Carla and Iris won’t get on the wrong side of each other.

I’m glad the S-rank party in the royal capital didn’t have to break up because of me. The worst-case scenario has been averted.

“Sigh… Still, it’s really hard to be a bitch… even for me…”

I wonder what the bitches in my original world did when they were put in this storm-like situation?

Until a few minutes ago, “This world is wonderful!” that was all my thoughts, but maybe I’m not cut out for this after all…

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