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Chapter 5 – The Ground Hardens After It Rains 1

“Carla!? How did you find my house?”

“I had my companion look it up with her search magic.”

“Oh, I see…”

Iris also mentioned that there was a user of search magic in their party, if I remember correctly.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause trouble for Ryou, but…”

Carla said with a really sorry look on her face, to which I replied, “It’s all right.”

But Carla’s expression changed in the next moment.

She turned from her apologetic look at me to a fierce stare at the person behind me. Her eyes were like a ferocious beast.

“I was worried because Iris hadn’t returned by this time, so I asked Tsukikage about it. To my surprise, she said she had something to do at the reception of the Adventurer’s Guild and left on her own?”

Tsukikage… Tsukikage… if I remember correctly, that is the name of the female Beastfolk who was a member of their party. And if I remember correctly, she’s from the East?

So the fox-eared, bushy-tailed, twin-tail-haired mage carrying what looks like a magic wand that I saw in the guild last time is Tsukikage?

But… what is it?

This, Carla, isn’t she somehow very angry?

I cast a glance behind me.

Iris seemed to have sensed Carla’s visit and hid in the bedroom at first. However, she must have realized from the conversation that her companion’s search magic had revealed that she was here and that there was no point in hiding. She was just coming out of the bedroom.

She is properly dressed, by the way. She must have changed just then.

“So, Iris? What are you doing here?”

Behind me, Carla smiles as she looks at Iris.

It was still that of a dazzling beauty, but for some reason, it was an absolute zero-temperature smile that sent shivers down the spine, even to a bystander like me.



“………uhm, would you like something to drink?”

I spoke out, but we don’t keep drinks or cups for guests because I don’t entertain guests in the house.

But even though I knew, I couldn’t bear the heavy silence.



The red-haired warrior, Carla, glares at Iris, who is sitting across the table from her, with a look that befits her title as an S-rank adventurer.

If this were a low-ranked monster, it would probably run away from the look in her eyes, which are now at maximum killing intent.

On the other hand, Iris looks away, her cheeks puffed out.

She is taking a determined ‘it’s not my fault’ stance that can be understood without words.

“Anyway, why is Iris here?”


“Iris came to see me because she was worried about Carla. She was worried that Carla might be seduced by a bad man.”

Carla looked at Iris, and I opened my mouth quickly.

At my reply, Carla’s steely gaze softens a little.

“Oh, really? Were you worried about me? That’s… no, but wait a minute! But that doesn’t mean that Iris and Ryou have any reason to do anything naughty with each other!”

“Well, about that, it’s to explain my constitution…”

“Ryou’s constitution?”

I explained to Carla the same thing I had explained to Iris.

But even so, Carla’s eyes remained stern.

“So that’s what it was. But even if that’s true, it’s obviously an excuse for Iris, isn’t it? If you wanted to know if Ryou was lying or not, you could have just called Tsukikage and asked her to use her mind-reading magic!”


Iris is speechless at Carla’s statement.

I, on the other hand, tilted my head at the magic of a name I had never heard before.

“Mind-reading magic? Do you mean a spell that can tell you what they’re thinking? Magic that powerful exists?”

Before you say anything, Oriondiehl is a legendary creature, so she doesn’t count.

“It can’t really do a detailed reading, but at least it can tell if they’re lying or not. It can only be used for a short time, though.”

“Wow. Even so, for that kind of magic to exist.”

“It’s very rare magic that only a few people in the East can use… Iris, you didn’t tell Ryou about the Tsukikage’s magic either, did you?”

“Ugh, because… if I told him, then that…”

What was that? Speaking of magic,

“Carla, you came to my house using search magic to find your friend Iris, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Can search magic really tell you so much about a person’s situation?”

How did Carla know that Iris and I were in my house doing naughty things in the first place?

Search Magic, as the name suggests, is magic that reveals the location of you and your party members, monsters, and other items.

But it couldn’t tell you what they were doing, could it?


Then, for some reason, Carla blushed and looked down.

“…Carla, you were spying on the conversation between me and Ryou, weren’t you?”


“I-it’s not like I have a choice! When I rushed off to look for Iris, you two were already in the house, so… that…”

“But that doesn’t mean we condone your eavesdropping. After all, it’s an invasion of Ryou’s privacy, not to mention mine as a fellow member!”

“T-Then, what do you want me to do? Are you saying that I should have just gone into the house and confronted you? But then it would be you who would suffer! Do you really want that?”

“Uuu…. Well, it’s true that I didn’t want you to visit me in that state, but…”

“So that means it’s not my fault!”

That’s all well and good, but doesn’t it confirm Carla’s eavesdropping?

But why?

“In the first place, why is Iris laying her hands on Ryou? I found him first. And it was even you, Iris, who tried to stop me at the tavern!”

“I… it’s because I didn’t know what kind of person Ryou was back then.”

“Now that you know, can you promise me that you won’t touch Ryou anymore?”


There, Iris was at a loss for words. And when she looked down, the room was silent again.

Seeing Iris like that, Carla looked at her with a quizzical look and “Iris?” she called to her.



“Just Carla doing it isn’t fair!”

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