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Chapter 8 – The New Normal Life 2

I walked into the guild’s staff lounge, a little embarrassed by the mess I had made in the men’s toilet, but to my surprise, none of the other staff had heard Oriondiehl and me.

Did Oriondiehl put up some sort of magic barrier every time she appeared?

Come to think of it, I had heard of this world, but I hadn’t heard of Oriondiehl or any trace of her existence. If you think about it, she is a being who can do all sorts of crazy and amazing magic, such as enchanting forced charms on a monstrous scale and moving to parallel worlds.

Just what kind of fairy is she?

Since she can use such amazing magic, I might be able to find out something about her by checking her name and appearance in literature and folklore.

Let’s check the guild archives when I have time…

“――Ryou, where are you sitting?”


I was reminiscing these thoughts 10 minutes before the Adventurers’ Guild opened its doors.

As usual, I sat down at my desk, but the guildmaster looked down at me with a scowl – although that scowl was his normal face.

“Ryou, you’re our receptionist, have you forgotten? The guild’s precious black spot. So get back in there. Or are you not feeling well again?”

Precious black spot?

What is that? Some kind of mole?

Has the guildmaster finally gone mad?

Well, he’s been working so hard these days…

No, no, no. Maybe it’s a description for some kind of superstar position equivalent?

This is a parallel world, after all. And if we are to believe Oriondiehl’s story, it is a world where the values of beauty and ugliness are reversed, and where the ratio of men to women is extremely small.

So maybe the use of their idioms has also changed?

In my world, women were supposed to be receptionists in the Adventurers’ Guild.

But since women outnumber men by far in this world, and most adventurers are women, it was natural for me to be placed as a male receptionist, as a kind of poster girl.

If you think about it, it makes sense, as this is a world dominated by the female gender.

“Sorry, I was just in a daze.”

“Oh, you’re still not feeling well? Pull yourself together. You’re the only male employee here besides me.”

Says the guildmaster with a sigh.

In the original world, if the guildmaster, a giant rock-like man, showed his depressed state like that, no one around him would pay much attention to him.

But here, it was different.

“Ahh, guildmaster…! His sighs are as sexy as ever!”

“That furrowed brow expression too. It’s so dreamy!”

“Did you know? Some adventurers come to this town just to catch a glimpse of the guildmaster, who is rumoured to be the most handsome man in the world.”

The female members of the guild are whispering these kinds of topics among themselves.

…the hell is the most handsome man in the world…

In the original world, the guildmaster was so fearsome that he was mistaken for a golem monster and attacked by adventurers as he walked the streets at night. The values of beauty and ugliness have certainly been turned upside down, haven’t they?

If you pay attention, some of the female guild officials are clearly making sexual advances and catcalls towards the guild master.

It’s just… that these women… um, let’s say they’re doing it because they’re confident in their appearance?

In this world, people who consider themselves “beautiful” have eyes that are extremely far apart, or a nose that is squashed and points upwards.

Yes. They are not considered beautiful in my sense of the word.

And to put it bluntly, the sight of all those people eyeing at the rock-like figure of the guild master gives me a shivery feeling.

Not with joy, of course, but with chills.

…At first I thought it was unfair that I hadn’t become a certified hottie, despite the fact that the values of beauty and ugliness are reversed, but when I realised what I was up against, I immediately felt relieved.

And now that I see it for what it is, I’m really glad that even in this parallel world, I’m less than average looking.

“Ahhh… I’m tired…”

When I left work today, I was already exhausted.

I expected this, but being a receptionist is a lot of work.

In this parallel world, where the number of female adventurers has increased dramatically compared to the original world, I wondered, “In a world where there are more women than men, wouldn’t there be less progress in, say, subjugation quests?” and at first I was worried, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.

Well, even in the original world there were already a fair share of skilled female adventurers.

Rosenkreuzer is one of them.

Incidentally, the team of B-rank adventurers living in this town – the highest we have so far – consisted of three “beautiful” old ladies, whereas in my original world they were three mature men.

For some reason, they wore matching Mad Tiger and Mad Leopard patterns, just like their counterparts in my original world.

They were not bad people, I thought to myself, but “Boy, you look tired today! Could it be that day?” “Boys don’t have that day, have you forgotten!” “Sorry, Ryou, ha ha ha!” I cringed a little whenever they came to tease me with their machine-gun talk.

But all in all, being a receptionist is quite fun.

Once I get used to this world, I wonder if I’ll be able to handle this kind of exchange well? In any case, I still have a long way to go.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Good work! See you tomorrow!”

There is still some time before the guild closes, but the guild master has told me that I can leave earlier than the other staff and go home after the receptionist’s work is done.

This is also a good thing compared to the previous world.

Actually, I did not feel guilty about leaving earlier than the other staff, but when I asked out of curiosity why, everyone told me seriously that I might be attacked if I stayed too late and that I should leave early before it got dark.

Apparently, from I was told, in this world where there is often trouble over men, who are few in number, assaults on them are at an all-time high.

Looking around the city, it is not that I see no men at all, but the number of women is even more noticeable.

In light of this, I, as the only male employee other than the guildmaster, have been told to go home earlier than the others.

“Hmmm. Is that a bad thing or a good thing?”

I don’t know.

But being attacked by a woman seems like a pretty good thing by my standards.

With these thoughts in my head, I walked through the staff entrance, the back door to the Adventurers’ Guild.

Outside, the sun was setting, and the city of Cassandra was turning orange. But the sky is still bright.

Yep, that’s a good thing, after all.

It’s nice to be home at this hour.


――or not.

As I was leaving the staff entrance, someone called out to me from behind.

Reflexively, I turned around,only to see a familiar face.

“You are…”

Jade eyes framed by long lashes, silver hair flowing smoothly.

Pure white skin and a slender body.

And pointed ears peeking out of her hair.

“H-hello. M-my name is Iris of the Rosenkreuzer.”

The elf, or rather Iris, introduces herself to me with a curtsy.

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