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Chapter 6 – First Night with the Female Warrior 3

…eh? Carla is still a virgin?

And just now, this virginity of hers… it was taken by me?

H-how can it be?

I had thought that since she invited an ordinary guy like me, there was a possibility that despite her appearance, Carla might be a “bitch who is a sucker for any kind of guy”.

If Carla is a virgin, that means I was wrong.

I quickly looked at Carla’s face.

But her face was still happy and mellow, like that of a pure virgin.

“Ahh♡ Finally I’ve graduated from being a virgin♡♡ And I never expected to lose it from a man, too♡♡♡”

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Fufuh, and what a nice person…♡ But I’m fine, so if you want, you can even move right away…♡♡ Otherwise, I’ll leave Ryou behind and cum on my own again…♡♡”

I don’t know what she’s referring to here, but it seems like she’s okay.

Well, if she says she’s okay with it, then I just have to keep going.

It’s hard for me to stop here, too.

So I grabbed Carla’s slender waist to increase the force of the piston and started to move my hips.

“Ahhn♡ Aaah, aaahhhhh♡”

Carla’s hips bounced up and down with each of my thrusts.

Suddenly, I thought of something and put a hand on Carla’s breast, and pinched her nipple with my finger.

“~~~♡♡♡!! W-wait, you can’t♡♡ That place is no good♡♡”

“You don’t want it?”

“Because if you do this to me, in the end, it’s only me who will come♡♡♡ Earlier, I promised Ryou that I would make you feel good with my pussy♡♡ But it’s not fair if I’m the only one who feels good♡♡”

Although she said that, she was wrong about being the only one who felt good. Because every time I flicked her nipples with my fingers, Carla’s insides squeezed my cock and I couldn’t get enough of the feeling.

I continued to move my hips, teasing her nipples in response.

My hips began to move slowly at first, but soon became a series of violent movements.

“Ahhh, there, yes, it’s reaching all the way to my deepest parts, ahhhhh, no! You can’t play with my breasts like that when you’re fucking me…!♡”

The best tightness was when I pushed my hips up from below while pulling my fingers up hard on the nipples.

Every time I did this, Carla would tilt her head back, and with a “Kyauuun!!”, she would let out a puppy-like scream.

As I moved my hips in this way, I noticed a spot-on Carla’s body that was particularly sensitive.

I thrust up to rub that rough spot with my cock, at the same time giving the nipple a light pinch, and Carla stretched out her toes, wriggling and shaking her whole body in response.

“Ahh, nhaaaa♡♡ Aaaaaahhhhh~~♡♡!!!”

In the end, Carla climaxed again, all by herself, before I could ejaculate.

And as Carla climaxed, my cock was squeezed and all the folds of flesh tightened like glue.

The sweet pleasure made my cock spurt a lot of cum into Carla’s orifice.

“…haaa♡ ahh♡ Ahnnn…♡”

With my cock still in her pussy, Carla breathed heavily.

I was still spewing out semen, and Carla was also clamping down on my cock as if to say, “More, more!”

It’s as if her whole pussy is trying to flirt with my cock to keep it from being pulled out.

“Ahhh… mm, ah, fuaah…♡”

Carla’s face, melting with pleasure, was no longer the dignified appearance of the S-rank adventurer who had come to town.

As I watched Carla’s face while I caught my breath, I suddenly realized that we had never kissed.

So I drew my face close and kissed her soft lips.

“Mmh!? Mmh, fuu♡♡♡”

Carla’s eyes widened and she looked extremely surprised when I did that.

However, she immediately accepted my lips and aggressively flicked her tongue against mine.

I was a little taken aback by her vigor, so I pulled back a little.

“Mmpuhaaa…♡♡ To kiss even a person like me, Ryou is really a nice person…♡♡♡”

“Is that so?”

“It’s true♡ I never thought there would be a man who would not only take my virginity but also give me my first kiss♡♡♡”

Huh? That kiss was her first too!?

I almost swallowed my surprise.

It’s not a good idea to say something like that now. If you say that at this time, then I…

I don’t know what’s going on with Carla and why she’s doing all this, but I do know one thing.

If I ask her about the circumstances behind it, then this mood could collapse in an instant.

If that happens, I may never have this chance again.

Then there is only one question I would ask her.

“Um, do you want to do it again?”

“Eeeh!? Y-do you want to do it again? R-really? You’re not joking, are you?”

“Yes. I want to do it again. Or do you not want to?”

“No, no, no, I want to do it again! T-Then… will you kiss me again?”

“If it’s okay with Carla, I’ll do it again, even more than a kiss.”

“-!!!!!! I’ll do it! Kissing, fucking, I’ll do it as many times as you want…nhaaa♡”

Of course, we started the second round.

Ahh, what a beautiful morning.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, Ryou~.”

I’ve never come to work at the Adventurers’ Guild in such a good mood.

This feeling that it’s wonderful to be alive. The air tastes so good. And the world is filled with such splendor.

Mm-hmm. Like, I don’t care what happened to the guild staff anymore, or why they’re suddenly being replaced by the female staff, except for the guild master.

I was so excited that I arrived at work early enough to make it in time for the daily staff meeting.

I decided to go to the toilet first to do my business.

Looking back, yesterday was the best thing that ever happened to me.

That female warrior member – Carla. In the end, she said something like, “Ryou is amazing…♡ not only that you get a hard-on from an ugly person like me, but to be so aggressive with my body…♡ On top of that, you are very sweet…” No, stop. Let’s not remember any more. I’m afraid I’m gonna let out something other than pee.

But when I stood in front of the urinal to look at my son, suddenly…

“What do you think, my savior! Do you like this world you live in?”

A girl’s voice that sounded out of place echoed in the toilet, all bright and cheerful.


“Oh, please, no need to thank me. This is all to repay the kindness of my savior!”


“Yes! Oriondiehl is here!”

The fairy – Oriondiehl – appeared and replied with a hearty “ahem” as I shouted.

No way… so the incident with the fairy was not a dream? Or rather, what a time to talk to this fairy!

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