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Chapter 3 – With Emmy… Part 1 ※

“But you don’t have to wowwy about me, just go to Emmy’s place. She’s been wonewy ever since she came home alone, nyaa…”

“I see. In that case…”


I picked Karina up in my arms and carried her down the stairs until I reached the lobby, then set her down in front of the reception table.

“I’m really sorry, Karina! But I’ll come back to you later! Promise!”

As I left the inn, it was already a little dark outside.

The sun goes down early from here, so the night will be upon us in no time.

I ran through the town of Lambda, where the street lights were beginning to light up in various places. In less than five minutes, I arrived at the orphanage.

I ran through the gate, onto the grounds, and into the plaza. There I saw Emmy, who was working with the children.


Before I could raise my voice, she had already turned in my direction.

Her bright light green eyes caught mine.

We stared at each other in silence for a while and then ran out almost simultaneously.

Emmy and I then hugged each other, ignoring the kids who were starting to wonder what was going on.

“Mmhh! Mnn… chup… mmmmh…”

As soon as we embraced, our lips met, and we immediately began to play with each other’s mouths with our tongues.

“Kyaaa! Kyaaa!”

“Big sis is amazing… and she’s totally sucking on it…”

“Ah, it’s Mr. Alf!”

“Awawa… To think Emmy would… kyuuu~…”

While embracing Emmy’s petite body, our tongues entwined in sync, as if we were a single body.

I want to feel her more. Her clothes are bothering me.

Thinking that, I put my hand on her jacket, but then a dull shock ran through my head.



Emmy, too was the same. She also lightly screamed as she held her own head.

“Good grief. This is not a place for you to make out!”

I looked toward the voice, and there, we saw Sister Vilma, the director of the orphanage, swaying her cane and looking at us in dismay.

“Ah, is it over already?”

“Ahahaha~, big sister is blushing!”

“Big brother Alf! Can you make dinner for us again?”

“Uuuu… Em… my…”

I suddenly realized that the children were surrounding us.

There were kids covering their faces and looking at us through the gaps between their fingers, kids laughing because they thought it was funny when we were hit on the head with a cane, and kids saying crazy things because they couldn’t quite grasp the situation. Oh, and the wild Barum boy has collapsed and is groaning…

Well, he seemed to have a crush on Emmy, so…

I’m sorry.

“You are poisoning the children’s eyes. Do that kind of thing somewhere else later! Now hurry up, kids. It’s getting dark. Let’s go inside!”

She admonishes us in the first half of her speech, then in the second half, she calls out to the children and us and leads everyone into the building.

“Yeah! Big brother Alf is cooking dinner for us!”

“Yay! I can eat big brother’s delicious food again!”

“Big brother’s food! Yum yum yum!”

“Oh no… I guess there’s no other choice then.”

For some reason, the kids are expecting me to cook something for them…


Emmy, too, looks troubled and lets out a dry laugh.

“No, no, no! You can’t just request like that! Alfred and Emmy are busy with something right now!”

“ “ “Eeeeehhh!?” ” ”

The children began to complain, but Vilma clapped her hands together without any particular agitation.

“Instead, how about this? Let’s eat outside today! You can eat as much as you like at the food stalls! Also, I won’t be mad if you have leftovers of something you don’t like!”

“ “ “Yaaaay!!” ” ”

The children are overjoyed, their frustration from a moment ago swept away.

“With this, you won’t have ro tend the kids, Emmy. As for Alfred here, I’ll charge you for this later, okay?”

Then she whispered in my ear and winked at me with a teasing smile.

“Sorry, Sister Vilma. And thank you.”

“Thank you, Sister Vilma!”

Hearing our thanks, Sister Vilma began to walk away with the children.

“Here, Barum, get your ass up! …good grief, you’ve become so sloppy now.”

After a few touches and pokes to the side, Barum wouldn’t get up, so he was grabbed by the collar and was forced to drag along.

“Come, come, let’s wash our hands and faces first and change out of those dirty clothes. I want all of you go out in our best clothes today.”

“ “ “Okaay!!” ” ”

Seeing the director and the children like this, both of us couldn’t help but break into a smile.

“Shall we go home as well?”


We left the orphanage and walked around the town.

The sun had already set, and it was getting darker, though there was still a bit of time before nightfall.

On the busy street now lit by streetlights, we walked silently, hand in hand.

We were walking in sync, but we didn’t know what to say. Now, our palms are getting sweaty.

However, I also know it’s not just my fault that our clasped hands are in that state.

“Welcome home, Nya.”

We arrived at the “Cat’s Forehead” when the sun had completely set.


“T-thank you…”

We were a little uncomfortable with Karina’s cheeky welcoming, but we still made our way through the lobby.

“The woom Aru used before is vacant. But thewe are also a lot of empty wooms awound these parts, so feel fwee to use them as you like.”

So you’re telling me to only use these areas because we will become a nuisance to our neighbors later?

Well, it’s a nice suggestion. By the way, Emmy was red-faced and had her head down throughout.

“O-Ou. S-sorry about this in advance.”

After that, we walked through the lobby and into the guest room that Karina pointed us to.

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