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Chapter 2 – Back to Lambda

“This is… the outside?”

It seems that I moved using a teleportation trap and was sent to the outside.

The Succubus Hideout had always been at night, so I couldn’t tell, but it was now nearing dusk when I came out.

“Oh, thank you, Lily! Well then…”

“I told you to wait for me.”


I thanked her and was about to run away when she grabbed me by the belt around my waist and pulled me hard.


Lily pulled me close and hugged me tightly around the waist.

Ah, a farewell hug, I guess? Well, if it’s just this, then I’ll gladly ――


My body suddenly floated in the air.

Looking closely, I could see the wings in the back of the succubus queen flapping.

“Hold on tight, okay?”

“Eh? Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!”

Without waiting for my reply, the Succubus Queen began flying at a tremendous speed.

She is flying faster than a roller coaster in my original world, and not even the all-out sprint of a greathorse could match her. The town of Tokus came into view in no time at all.

Also, I did not feel any wind resistance, probably because of her ability.

“I guess this is it.”

Lily dropped me off about a kilometer from Tokus.

“Well then, Alfred, good luck.”

“Thanks, Lily!”

“Kufufufu. This is nothing compared to what you gave us in return.”

Lily, who turned her head down a little, caressed her lower abdomen lovingly, then raised her head with a new expression on her face.

“We of the Succubi Tribe pledge to remain grateful to the Holy Knight and the Goddess of Fertility until the end of our species. Remember that we will always be there for you if you need us. Farewell.”

After saying that, Lily flew away without waiting for my reply.


“Ah… Sir Alfred!?”

I heard a familiar voice behind me when I opened my eyes again after touching the goddess statue in Torkus.

“Hello, Alma. It’s been a while.”

I turned around, and there was a priestess with a big belly looking at me with her eyes wide open.

“You surprised me… you just suddenly appeared out of thin air.”

“I’m sorry I startled you.”

I prayed to the statue of the goddess in Tokus, and the next moment I was in front of the statue of the goddess in Lambda.

This is the new ability that Xaneela gave me. The ability to move between the statues of the goddesses in temples around the world so that I can be there for the birth of my child, wherever distance I may be.

Originally, it was supposed to be given at the time of my first child’s birth, but with the help of Gigliola, the goddess of love, the schedule was moved up a bit.

“I’m sorry, but we’ll talk later. I’m in a hurry right now.”

“Yes, I’ll see you later.”

Perhaps seeing my impatience, Alma smiled kindly and sent me off.

“Hey Karina, I’m coming in!”

“Nyanya!? Aru!?”

After leaving the temple, I ran through the town of Lambda straight to the inn “Cat’s Forehead.”

I was approached by a resident who noticed me on the way, but I only returned a short greeting and continued to run.

“Hey, Aru! Wait!”

Ignoring the landlady’s voice which was trying to stop me, I went to the guest room building and ran up the stairs.

When I got to the floor I wanted, I ran down the corridor and stopped in front of a certain room.

It was none other than Emmy’s room.

“Emmy! It’s me, Alfred!”

I called out and knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

I turned the doorknob, but it was locked, so I couldn’t open it.

“Emmy! She’s not here!?”

I called out for a while, but there was no answer.

“Huff.. huff… weally, you… hewe I was thinking why are you back all of a sudden, and nyot even a few seconds you’we aweady stawted to make a wuckus!”

When I turned my eyes toward the lisping voice, I saw Karina, whose belly was even bigger than Alma’s, coming up the stairs.

“Karina!? Hey, don’t push yourself…!!”

I rushed over and lent a shoulder to the cat-tribe beastfolk, who was walking towards me with her hands on the wall.

“Nyufufu. You don’t have to wowwy too much. I have the bwessing of the goddess, wemember?”

Well, that’s true, but…

“Emmy is at the owphanage.”


Karina, as if she knew what I was thinking, told me. Then, seeing my astonishment, the heavily pregnant hostess exhales loudly as if she is exasperated.

“If you shout out Emmy, Emmy, Emmy out woud so many times, anyone can undewstand. Though I knew it from the moment Aru came wunning in.”

With that, Karina winked at me.

“I was going to tell Aru that, but you just stwaight up ignored me and zoomed past me without stopping.”

“Sorry about that…”

“Nyufufu, it’s good exercise, so it’s fine, nya. Oh, this kid is happy too.”

As she catches her breath, Karina pats her growing belly.

Perhaps the baby inside her tummy is moving.

“Is it coming already?”

“Nya. He will be born in a wittle more than a month. Beastfolk usually gives birth in around six months.”

I see… so it’s been almost half a year since I came to this world.

Time passes by so fast.

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