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Chapter 8 – Meeting Lezieune Again

“Hey, Lezieune! I’ve come to see you!”

“Fufufu…  Your attitude is very different from yesterday.”

I took Nara’s advice about my attitude toward Lezieune.

Apparently, she doesn’t like to be treated in a formal manner. And this is most likely accurate, as her words just now sounded somewhat happy.

“So, are we just gonna do it like this, chatting with me while hiding your face like a coward all throughout?”


The shadows through the blinds sway at the blatant provocation.

“I-I’m not scared of you!”

There is anger, frustration, and a hint of trepidation in her voice.

Lezieune, who is competitive and short-tempered, will take provocations, no matter how cheap they are… Nara advised me.

“If you are really not, then quickly lift this blind that’s in the way.”

“Ha! I’ll get rid of it right away without you telling me!”

Lezieune stood up, walked over to me, grabbed the curtain, and violently pulled it off.

Incidentally, since only Lezieune and I were present in the audience room, there was no one to blame for my rude attitude or her violent behavior.

“We are finally face to face, Lezieune.”

“Hmph. Just as I expected, you look like a wimp.”

Lezieune appeared from behind the curtain that had been pulled away and looked down at me contemptuously.

The audience chamber does not mean that the upper seats are raised.

She was simply taller than me.

“W-what’s the matter, wimp? Did you get scared?”

I observed Lezieune’s mouth twitching as she said this.

It’s not just her height that is big.

Her shoulders are bare, and her collar is wide open, revealing her huge breasts, which are about to spill out from her kimono.

She also has long and plump legs, visible as if the hem had been deliberately rolled up, and because of that, I can also see the black shitaobi underwear covering her crotch.

Her gray hair is shaggy and unkempt, and she does not look like a noble person in her disheveled kimono.

However, the two horns extending from her forehead are longer and more magnificent than those of other Oni, which is probably due to her ancient blood.

Her long, slit-red pupils are staring at me with a firm gaze, but they also seem somewhat frightened.

“I’ve met you face-to-face just as you wanted. So with this, you’re satisfied, right?”

“Hey, hey, going back already? We’re just getting started.”

“Hmph. I no longer have any business with the likes of you. And now that you’ve met me face to face, get the hell out of here.”

“Are you sure? Are you sure you want me to leave like this?”

“Ha, Of course! Why would I hesitate? I don’t have any need for guys. Not now, not ever.”

Lezieune, who was only slightly frightened, tried to turn me away with a bullish attitude, but her gaze and words gradually lost their power.

The “fascination” by “eye contact” seems to have taken effect when our eyes met firmly. And this time, I was happy that we could now have a proper conversation.

“Kuh… you… what did you do to me?”

Apparently, she is aware of her changes, but I’m not going to explain them in detail.

The fact that the Divine Skill is working is enough to say that at least she wants to have children.

If that’s the case, there’s no need to say anything else.

“I’m coming over there right now. Okay?”

Even though she approached me to pull off the curtain, there was still a distance of about 10 steps between Lezieune and me.

“Kuh… don’t come…!!”

As I took a step forward, the bullish expression disappeared from Lezieune’s face, and she lowered her eyebrows and backed away.

I stepped closer, uncaring, and grabbed her arm, which Lezieune held up in front of her chest as if to protect herself.


Lezieune, who trembled with a jerk, seemed to back away even more, but by grabbing her directly, the conditions for “skin contact” were met, and the [Divine Skill] became even more effective.

“Uaa…aah… what… you… what do you want from me…”

Lezieune’s eyes water, and her mouth half-opens.

However, fright was finally beginning to fade from her face.

“If you don’t like it, just tell me. I won’t force you.”

After saying this, I pulled her to me and used the momentum of her fall to hold her up.


The Oni Princess, who was carried in the princess’s carry like she was by a man shorter than herself, screamed in confusion and surprise.

“No, don’t… let go…”

“If you don’t like it, you can let go by yourself. You have that much power, don’t you?”

“Uu… because of what you did, my power…”

“Not strong enough? But it’s you who are holding on so tight, though, aren’t you?”


She was in a princess carry position, but I was only supporting her back and the backs of her knees with my arms so that she could leave me if she really didn’t want to.

But as soon as Lezieune was lifted up, she put her arms around my neck and clung to me. In other words, she was the one who entrusted her body to me voluntarily.

“This is… you’re wrong…”

But despite her confusion, Lezieune refused to let go of the arms around my neck.

“Where’s your bedroom?”

“No… that’s not… Put me down.”

But Lezieune’s gaze points to a fusuna sliding door behind the seat of honor.

“No, that one is…”

Ignoring her words, I strode to the back of the room and opened the sliding door with my foot.

“What the hell are you… Go home already….”

“You sure? I will really go home after this.”

“Isn’t that my intention? I… I don’t want you….”

While saying this, Lezieune clung to me even tighter.

She’s so cute when she’s this innocent.

“Ah, no, you can’t go there!”

I followed Lezieune’s gaze, continuing to move around the mansion, and eventually, we arrived safely at her bedroom.

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