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Chapter 2 – To the Adventurer’s Guild of the Royal Capital

“Uhm, Ada, what are you doing?”

“What do you mean what am I doing? Also, why don’t you get in the carriage first?”

The following day, after finishing breakfast and getting ready for my journey to the royal capital, I searched for Ada to bid my farewell, but she was nowhere to be found in the living room.

Then I heard a noise coming from the stables, so I went out, planning to say a few last words, only to find Ada sitting in the coachman’s seat with the carriage, which was ready to go.

“Uh, are you… giving me a ride halfway through or something?”

“Again, what are you talking about? I’m going with you to the capital.”

“What? No, no, no, it must have been a misunderstanding. When I greeted you yesterday saying thank you for taking care of me for a long time, I mean that…”

“Hm? Ah, you mean it was for a final farewell or something? But I only told you I was glad that the house was of use to you, remember? Even though I myself didn’t particularly take care about it.”

What a misleading sentence…

“Still, I think it’s not good for a pregnant woman to make the trip to the royal capital….”

“Hey, hey, don’t put this guy together with those street wagons pulled by those crappy horses around here, okay?”

Usually, when traveling from this town to the royal capital, it is common to use street carriages, which are inexpensive shared carriages with fixed routes and scheduled stops in advance.

However, the distance between the town of Kejisa and the royal capital is quite long, making it difficult to go directly to the capital with only one carriage.

Therefore, many people take several horse-drawn carriages to get there, and they would spend almost half a month to a month just for a one-way trip.

“My carriage, pulled by a Greathorse, can reach the capital in about seven days. The carriage is made of good quality materials, so it is not only easy on the horse but on the passengers as well.”

As Ada said, her carriage is much more powerful than the ordinary horse-drawn carriages of this world, and because it has been magically enchanted to reduce vibration and other problems, it shakes less.

In terms of my original world, it was the difference between a local bus and an express bus?

“No, what I mean is a long trip for a pregnant woman is…”

“Fufufu, even so, my answer stays the same. Also, isn’t it foolish to compare me, who received the blessing of a Fertility Goddess through you, with a typical pregnant woman?”

“It is true. You may be right, but still…”

The woman I impregnate will receive the blessings of the Fertility Goddess in her body.

Thanks to this, both mother and child can be healthy until the unborn child comes of age.

In fact, this blessing is so extraordinary that many people become healthy the moment they become pregnant.

Some had long-standing ailments healed, and others had old wounds healed.

Moreover, the power of the blessing also keeps external accidents and bad luck away.

In other words, those who conceive my child will be fine no matter where they are or what they are doing.

“I should mention that I have more contacts in the royal capital than Greg, and I have my own information channels. Some people would be better off if I were to put a face-to-face with them. Besides…”

Ada cut her words there and smiled forlornly, her eyebrows lowered.

“What you’re doing… it’s for your and Emmy’s own good, isn’t it? So you can count on me more.”

I’ve made a lot of acquaintances now, but in the royal capital, I’ll have to make connections from scratch again.

Of course, because I have relied on the guild, I have made some friends who have a good face in the royal capital.

But it would still be quicker if Ada was there.

Above all, she cares deeply not only about me but also about Emmy.

Who else could be so dependable?

“I’ll be in your care.”

“Yeah, you can count on me.”

I bowed my head, and Ada nodded happily.


Setie, the royal capital.

The city is ruled by a family of heroes who became the standard bearers of mankind during the Evil God War, and after the war ended, they brought together all the survivors.

As one would expect of a royal capital, the scale of the city is incomparable to the towns of Lambda and Kejisa. Of course, there are also many people.

As Ada had declared, we arrived here seven days after leaving the town of Kejisa.

Of course, we did not just go straight there.

Ada did minor business along the way, and I gave blessings in the villages and towns we stopped at.

“Fufufu, the atmosphere around here is unique as expected.”

The royal capital is huge, and townscapes can vary greatly from place to place.

I was currently visiting a place called “Megi District” in the corner of the Royal Capital, guided by Ada.

In the royal capital, there are many areas where some races gather and have cityscapes that reflect the climate of their homelands.

This Megi district is one such area, and the buildings and people’s clothing here are particularly unique from other places.

However, it was a very comfortable place for me.

“It’s Japanese style….”

Yes, the streets around here are Traditional Japanese style.

I dare to call it Traditional Japanese instead of only Japanese because it reminds me of ancient cities such as Kyoto and Nara.

Buildings with black tiled roofs and plaster.

Wooden row houses with several private homes in a row.

The townspeople wearing clothes similar to kimonos.

And although most of the residents were women, many are dressed very much loosely in their kimonos, perhaps because there are few male eyes on them.

I was a little troubled by the fact that many of them have their collars open that their breasts were about to spill out, or their hems rolled up so that not only their legs but also their shitaobi, which served as underwear in ancient Japan, was visible.

Many of them had long, slanted eyes, a slight complexion, light orangish skin, and black, brown, or gray hair, which is not very common in this part of the world.

The average person is about the same height as I am, with a rather stocky physique and large breasts and buttocks.

But their most distinctive feature is the horn that grows from their foreheads.


Yes, this is the Megi district, where the Onis live together.

“Alfred, we’re here.”

“This is…”

It was a house that was much larger than the other houses.

The house was a two-story building, which was unusual in a town where most places are one-story, and it had a large lot. The garden was beautifully landscaped, and what looked like a warehouse was also noticeable.

“Is this where the client is?”

Umu. Correct.”

With a bit of apprehension, I remembered what had happened earlier in the day.

We arrived in the royal capital just before sunset yesterday, stayed overnight at Ada’s inn, and went to the Adventurers’ Guild early this morning.

We reported our arrival in the capital, handed them a letter of introduction from the guild master in the town of Kejisa, and greeted them.

With this, the request for information submitted to the guild in Kejisa would be carried over to this guild, and I would come back later to ask for the results.

“Well then. Now that the request has been sent….”

While I was going through the procedures, Ada was looking at the bulletin board where the request had been posted.

It seemed that she was looking for something that had been posted there.

“There it is. Alfred, get over here!”

Ada called me over, and I scuttled over to her.

“The first request you should get is this one.”

Then, she nudged me at a single request posted on the bulletin board.

“Let’s see… Huh? Is this for real?”

“Yes. For real.”

Ada nodded broadly in response to my question, which leaked out unintentionally due to my surprise at the contents. The request form had this written in large letters.


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