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Chapter 1 – To the Royal Capital

It’s been about half a month since Emmy went back to Lambda.

During that time, I had been working hard to find women of the endangered races to procreate with, as assigned by Gigliola.

I thought it would be no good just searching in the dark, so I first consulted with the guild.

They were able to gather some information, and I was able to meet with some women, but maybe because they became annoyed by my frequent inquiries, they suggested that I should submit a request.

Well, I am usually an adventurer on the receiving end of requests, but no law says I can’t make a request.

As a result, the information I gathered increased dramatically, and I had already completed about half of my assignments.

“I’m not sure how much more you can do here. How about going to the royal capital for a change?”

The person who said that on the other side of the reception desk was Milia, the receptionist of the Adventurer’s Guild Kejisa Branch.

Of course, I have already had a baby with her.

She does not belong to any of the endangered races, just an average human, but I am not going to reject her just because she has nothing to do with the mission.

After all, I already had more than 100 partners in half a month. So going more than that doesn’t matter.

“I see. Thank you for all the help you’ve given me.”

“You’re welcome. You’ll come again, won’t you?”

“Of course.”

In addition to Milia, many other people in the Adventurers’ Guild have conceived my children.

I have done it with other receptionists, part-time office workers, cooks and waitresses at bars, adventurers, and even guild masters.

I left the guild with a light greeting to those I had befriended and headed for Ada’s house. After all, I was allowed to use her house throughout my stay in this town.

“Yo, Alfred, welcome back. Uh, should I say welcome home?”

“Hello, Aida. I’m back.”

“Umu. I got Emmy back safely to Lambda.”

“Thank you.”

I bowed deeply.

Ada’s trip back and forth between Kejisa and Lambda takes about ten days in her carriage.

As for why it is long this time, well, Ada is a peddler, not a transport service, so her business days are also added to the total.

This is why I was only meeting Ada again for the first time in this month. It was almost half a month since our last meeting.

“But, well, you see…”

When I lifted my head, Ada let out a deliberate sigh.

“Even though it’s been a while since you separated from Emmy, it seems like you’ve become quite active in one way or another.”

Ada smiled as she patted her stomach, which was beginning to grow a little.

Although she was out of town, she was still a peddler.

She must have a decent information network, so she must have grasped my movements to some extent.

“I can’t afford to neglect my mission. I’m a holy knight, after all.”

I answered with pride. There is nothing to be ashamed of; in fact, I should be proud of it.

If not, it would be disrespectful to the people I’ve dealt with so far.

“Heh… I see… I was trying to keep Emmy from hearing your movements, but was that unnecessary?”

“Thank you for your concern. But I’m sure Emmy will understand.”

“Fufufu… what a selfish yet manly way of saying it.”

Ada was laughing like she was looking at a fool, but she seemed somehow happy.

“So, Alfred. Are you going to the royal capital?”

“…so you already know.”

“What? Knowing what you’ve been up to lately, something must be going on, right?”

Perhaps she is aware that I am looking for women of certain races.

When I sent a request for information to the Adventurers’ Guild, the peddlers were the first to bite. In fact, I also received some excellent information from Greg.

“I can’t talk about the details, but I needed to give priority to some races and give them divine protection. And I am very grateful to Greg for that matter.”

When you place a request to collect information from the adventurer’s guild, it goes without saying that you need to pay the information provider a suitable reward.

If the guild initially has the information, the guild will scrutinize the information carefully. Of course, through my relationship with the guild master, I was also able to receive information from guilds in the surrounding areas.

However, for those who responded to my request itself, their information has to be examined personally.

After all, because of the substantial reward, it was unavoidable that false or duplicate information would also be mixed in them.

“I would have gone bankrupt by now if I had done it alone.”

Greg helped me sort through this vast amount of information, which was indeed a mixture of many different types of information.

Of course, the guild members also helped a lot, but Greg was good at scrutinizing the information by himself, whereas the staff members were more concerned with the content of the data.

“He’s got a strange way of being so broadminded because he’s been attached to me since he was a kid.”

Ada’s face had a slightly proud smile on it as she said this in a playful manner.

Greg looked at the list of informants, and if there was a name he knew, he would go and talk to them directly or introduce them to me.

Of course, no matter how many people Greg knew, I paid him a reasonable fee for arranging the information they gave me.

If there was a name with a bad reputation, he would eliminate it without question, and he would also eliminate any information that might be duplicative.

While we were scrutinizing the information in this way, I also got to know more people.

This is a side note, but of course, there were women among these acquaintances – or rather, most of them were women – and I would go out with them if they asked for my company.

“In any case, that’s how the information gathering went to me.”

As my number of acquaintances increased in this way, more information would come in within this newly created connection, and the accuracy and speed of information processing via the guilds would increase at an accelerated rate.

Because of this, I was able to complete almost half of the assignment in about half a month.

“I’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you for your long-time help.”

“Yeah. I’m glad to know that this almost empty house has been of use to you.”

“I’m going to bed early today. But, Ada, you are a pregnant woman, don’t be too hard on yourself, okay?”

“Yeah, I know. Good night, Alfred.”

“Good night.”

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