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Chapter 12 – Emmy’s Illness

The next day, we registered as adventurers at the Adventurers’ Guild.

After all, our main source of income from now on will be the money from selling the materials of the monsters we hunted.

We could have asked Ada to buy them for us, but she is a peddler and would often be out of town.

She’s also pregnant now, so it’s better for her if she doesn’t move that much, but when I said that….

“I’ve already been blessed with the Goddess’s Divine Protection, aren’t I? In that case, shouldn’t I use this chance to make even more money for the baby?”

And so, it seems that she will not likely be taking a break for the time being.

This leaves me no choice but to register at the Adventurers’ Guild, where I can always sell monster materials to them whenever I want.

“Ah. S-sorry…!!”

“It’s okay! Hayaah!”


Emmy’s arrow missed its target and flew off the side of the orc, but I quickly stepped in and slashed down on it to finish it off.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes… I’m sorry….”

The day after we arrived in the town of Kejisa, we had been on a two-day hunting spree, and this was the fifth battle we had successfully completed that day.

Half-human, half-pig monsters – Orcs, inhabit the forest a short distance from the town.

The adventurers of this town, skilled to a certain extent, made defeating these orcs their main source of income.

Orcs, which are about two cubits larger and stronger than adult humans, are incomparably stronger than goblins. Unless one of them has some experience in combat, a single one of them could even destroy a small village.

But for me, a holy knight, and Emmy, a skilled hunter, they were nothing more than sitting ducks.

“Do you want to call it a day?”

“No… I’m fine….”

Emmy was breathing heavily as she answered.

Thinking back, Emmy didn’t seem in very good shape yesterday – the morning after she stayed at Ada’s house in the town of Kejisa.

Even today, she seemed to be having a tough morning, so I suggested she take the day off, but she insisted that she was fine and pushed me to come here.

The time is still a little after noon, and I can normally be active for another three hours or so, but….

“Kyaaa!? A-Alf?”

I picked Emmy up and started walking out of the woods.

“Uhm, Alf… really, I’m okay….”

“Nope. We’re going home today.”

“Auu… I’m very sorry….”

Emmy murmured quietly as she nuzzled her face into my chest.

“We’ve been on the move and fighting for a while now, so be obedient and take a rest, okay?”

“…okay… fuuh….”

(She must have been pushing herself very hard.)

After giving me a small reply, Emmy immediately fell asleep, and I headed back to town with her in my arms.

“Mm, what’s going on?”


When I returned to Ada’s house, I was surprised because I didn’t expect her to return this early.

These days she’s pretty busy, going to various places around the town, selling wares and such.

But still, even though she hadn’t left the town, this made her rarely at home during the day, so I found it surprising to see her around this time.

“I think Emmy isn’t feeling well, so we went back early.”

“I see. Let me help you.”

Ada assisted Emmy by opening the door to her room and pulling the sheets over.

“Can Alf go outside for a moment? I want to get her dressed.”

“Ah, okay.”

I left the room, returned to the living room, took out a cup of coffee from my [Storage Unit], and sipped it for quite a while.

“Uhm, how is Emmy?”

As I finished my coffee, Ada came out of her room.

I immediately asked as I made her a cup of rooibos tea.

“Oh, Emmy’s fine. She’s not sick or anything.”

“I’m glad to hear that. So… is she tired or overworked or something?”

“No, no, it’s not like that… I’ve never tasted this tea before, but it’s quite good.”

I stood up, a little annoyed at Ada’s somewhat relaxed attitude.

“Hey, hey, where are you going, Alfred?”

“Where… to nurse her of cour-“

“Don’t do that.”

“But, if she’s tired, at least let me cast a recovery spe-“

“I told you not to do that. It is not something that can be remedied just by magic.”


She’s not sick, she’s not fatigued, but it can’t be resolved by magic. What is that?

I mean, why is she so relaxed? I’m already panicking inside here!

“The girl has elven blood running through her veins. The longer the cycle, the longer the duration, and the heavier it tends to be than for humans.”

Cycle? Duration? What the hell are you talking about?

When I asked her that, Ada looked at me, slightly displeased.

“Muu… I’ve already said much, and you still don’t get it? Why don’t you use your head a little bit and take a guess?”

“Even if you told me that….”

When I said that with anxiousness, Ada shook her head and sighed.

“Seriously, even though you’re a Holy Knight with a body count of a hundred, you’re the same as any other man… Listen. Emmy right now….”

Ada cut off her words there, looked up, and opened her mouth with a dismayed sneer on her face.

“…is on her period.”


I stood there for a while, stunned.


After that, I slowly conversed with Ada for a while.

Well, I was a bit in a panic, but what Ada said calmed me down a little.

She also told me a funny story about how Greg was very anxious when he encountered this with his first wife and how he panicked he was when his first daughter had her first menstruation, which helped me to calm down a lot.

“Uhm… I’m sorry that I troubled you.”

About an hour later, Emmy came out of her room.

She looked much better than she was in the morning.

“Emmy, if you’re having a hard time, just tell me… Well, I’m a guy, so I don’t understand those kinds of things, but still, don’t hold back, okay?”

Yes… I’m sorry….”

“Fufufu… don’t blame her too much. It is precisely because men cannot understand these things that women find it difficult to talk about it.”

“Ada… Uhm, thank you very much.”

I don’t know if it’s because of her words or her actions, but Emmy thanked Ada and sat down slowly in the chair.

It’s true that it’s hard to talk about things like menstruation, which is why she feels apologetic.

Still, instead of saying “I’m sorry as well” which would only make the situation more awkward, I also served Emmy a cup of tea, also to relax her more.

But when we started sipping our own drinks…

“Hey, weren’t you guys married?”

“ “BUFUUuhhh…!?” ”

Ada’s unexpected words made us spit it all out.

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