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Chapter 11 – In the Town of Kejisa

“How about a drink? I can get you a glass of wine in a minute.”

After arriving at Ada’s house and showing us a spare room we could use, we finished unpacking – well, just putting a bag or two in the storage room since we had left most of our stuff in there – and then we gathered in the living room.

Ada had already opened a bottle of wine and had three glasses lined up, so we decided to have some.

However, I was a little concerned that Ada did not pour wine into her glass, instead she just poured herself just plain water.

“By the way, what is the relationship between you two?”

The female merchant suddenly asked with a serious expression as we were chatting over a glass of wine while eating cheese and wieners that were separately prepared for us.

“What kind of relationship? Erm…”

“Uhm, Alf and I are… that.”

As we glanced at each other and mumbled a few words, Ada suddenly put her hands on the table and bowed her head.

“I’m sorry!”

“ “…eh?” ”

While we were both puzzled by the sudden apology, Ada looked up and looked at us alternately with an apologetic expression.

“Though it is also my fault not knowing that you two had such a relationship… I… with Alfred….”

At a loss for words, Ada looked away from us once, then blushed a little, glanced at me, and opened her mouth again.

“I… made a child… with him….”

I see. She has already found out that she’s pregnant.

So that’s why she didn’t pour wine on her own glass.

“I don’t know how to put it, but you see, it’s hard to have a baby at this age… ah, I’m not thinking of binding Alfred or anything like that with this child of ours! But still, I won’t probably have a child in the future, given my age, so like, “I’d like to have one if I can,” it went on my mind that time….”

Emmy, who had heard Ada’s story, stared at me.

“What does she mean, Alf?”

“Well, the other day, in that… carriage, you see….”

“Emmy, it wasn’t Alf’s fault! That, it was I… who invited him to….”

Emmy shook her head lightly, stopping Ada from speaking further.

“I don’t mind. After all, it’s his mission.”


Emmy looked at Ada, who tilted her head in the direction of her eyes, and turned a sharper gaze on me.

“You’ve explained everything to Ada, haven’t you?”

“Well, about that… because I heard from the Goddess that you can’t have children with someone who doesn’t want them anyway, I…didn’t.”

Bang! Emmy stands up, slamming the table.

“Just because they want them doesn’t mean you don’t have to explain it to them!! Look! Because you didn’t convey it properly, Ada had become this anxious!”

Emmy then turned to face Ada, who was bewildered because of her lack of understanding of the conversation, and bowed deeply.

“I’m sorry, Ada. Alf did not inform you enough.”

Thus, we explained to Ada that I was a Holy Knight and the mission assigned to me by the Fertility Goddess.

“…so that’s what it’s all about. But… to think I can still have a baby… and that I can give birth to this child safely… I’m glad….”

Saying this, Ada exhaled loudly as if she was deeply relieved, and with a smile on her lips, she patted her belly lovingly.

I reflected on my foolishness as I saw Ada with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Sure, there are times when I’ll just get carried away by the atmosphere. But this time was entirely my fault, as I didn’t see the importance of explaining it to the person involved, even if the deed was done.

Or rather, I didn’t think it would cause the other party this kind of turmoil.

Polygamy may be acceptable in this world, and sure, I am a Holy Knight on a mission, but that doesn’t mean I can just grab a woman and impregnate her without her knowing about the situation she’s gonna be put in.

“I’m sorry, Ada. It’s because I didn’t explain enough….”

“Fufufu, I don’t mind. But for real, though, when you found out that I was pregnant, did it even come into your mind that I would worry like crazy?”

“Uuu… I’m really sorry.”

“If you mean it, Alf, then please reflect properly!”

Ada spoke accusingly, but her words and expression were calm, and Emmy’s response, though in a high pitch, was laced with a bit of a smile.

It appears that the matter has been settled.

“But though it’s great that you can always make someone pregnant, is it true that you can change the size of your thing? To be honest, that size of yours that time was… really big if I remember correctly.”

Ada was blushing as she said this, and Emmy seemed a little embarrassed, too, for some reason.

“Yes, apparently. For example, suppose my partner is a halfling with a receptacle only half the size of a human. In that case, the size of my ‘holy object’ will inevitably change to a small one to accommodate her small stature and provide the utmost comfort.”

“In other words, the bigger the partner, the bigger your thing will be?”


After receiving my response, Ada shuts her mouth as if she is pondering something.

“Um, Ada, is there something wrong?”

“Oh, no, it’s nothing. By the way, it’s already late. We should take a rest soon.”

“Then, Alf, please clean this up, okay?”

“Eh? Me?”

“Is there a problem? Or do you want to bother Ada any further?”

“Ah, no. I would love to. Leave it to me.”

As Emmy glared at me for being so carefree, Ada giggled a little and stood up.

I was slightly concerned about Ada’s attitude earlier, but I didn’t bother. If something goes wrong, she can just ask for my help again.

“We have prepared two rooms for you. Use them as you please.”

After saying this, Ada disappeared into her room.


“Whew. Done. Shall we go?”

After cleaning up the empty wine bottles and glasses with Holy Purification, Emmy and I went to our rooms, or more specifically, my room.

Emmy’s cheeks were slightly red from the wine, and I could smell her sweet scent wafting through the air.

I then realized that I hadn’t slept with Emmy since I met up with Ada.

I have had sex several times with other women during that time, sure, but Emmy is special.

Just being around her and smelling her like this makes my dick swell on its own.

“I see. Good night, then.”


But just as I was about to open the door to my room, Emmy left my grasp and put her hand on the door to the room provided for her.

“Uhm… are you mad at me? You know, about Ada and stuff….”

I asked fearfully, and Emmy opened her eyes wide in surprise and shook her head.

“No, it’s not that. Well… the thing is, I’ve been feeling sick the past few days.”

I didn’t know that.

That being said, since I had been with Ada for the past few days, I probably didn’t pay as much attention to Emmy as I should have.

“In that case… soon as you feel better, can I ask you again?”

I don’t know if her cheeks were red from the wine or from embarrassment, but Emmy nodded up and down at my answer and then disappeared into her room.

“What was that creature!? So cute that it should be illegal!”

Emmy’s gestures just now were so cute that I couldn’t help but mutter to myself.

“However… damn… It won’t go down at all.”

I went into my room and lay down on my bed in just my underwear, but my penis, which had not deflated at all, remained hard.

In fact, it seemed it would break through my trunks at any moment.

If this were any other woman, my holy organ would have deflated already if the other side wasn’t willing to do so, but the other party is Emmy, so this is not the case.

I’m not sure if the [Divine Skill] is playing a role in this, but I also get excited even if I’m on my own.


I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t get it under control, so on that day, I masturbated for the first time since my reincarnation into this world.

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