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Chapter 4 – The Night Before the Decisive Battle, Part 1

I took Lucy down from the church tower and entered one of the nearby safe houses.

Since it was a spare of the many spare safehouses, it was not well prepared.

The air smelled a little musty, and there were only two chairs.

Plus a bed, probably the most decent furniture in the room.

“The hideout is kept in a constant state of cleanliness, so at the very least, you won’t end up fighting bug bites and itchiness while attempting the coup.”

When I entered the room, Lucy, who had been close by for some time, came up to me and hugged me.


I rushed to embrace her back.

She had her arms around my back and her face buried in my chest.

I gently patted her head to see if she was still flustered.

“How are you feeling? Have you calmed down a little? Or are you still nervous about tomorrow?”

When I asked her this, she shook her head.

Then she raised her face and looked at me.

“With Yuushin, I’m not afraid, no matter where I go or where I die.”

I certainly didn’t see any fear in her expression.

But at the same time, it was different from the determination she had just shown her collaborators.

It was an expression that she is pampering me as her partner, not a flag bearer for a coup d’état.

But I can’t accept a literal dead end after going this far.

“I’m not going to die just yet. After all, I went to the trouble of confessing my feelings to you.”

“I know. And I will do my best tomorrow, too, of course. I just wanted to tell you that I will be with you, wherever we end up being.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at how dependent she is still on me.

I was the one who silently watched her turn out like this because it was convenient for me, but even with that, I have no regrets.

Now, I’m determined to face it and pay back what I owed.

“I think we should calm down and rest early today. We will need all the energy we can get for the work tomorrow.”

We then joined together and sat down on the bunk, the wood creaking as it supported the weight of both of us.

“We’ll just need to hold it in until tomorrow morning. Hopefully, by tomorrow night, we’ll have a fluffy bed in the marquis’s castle ready for use.”

Saying that we should be patient for the night, I lay down on the bed.

But just before I did that, Lucy stopped me.

“Hm? What’s up?”

I turned to her to see what was wrong, and the next thing I knew, she had overlapped my lips with her own.

“Mmm, haaa… mmchuupuu…”

Along with it was her hands wrapping around my body again as she pressed her lips against mine.

I was a little surprised by the suddenness of it, but I quickly regained my composure and accepted the act.

I was going to stay like that until she calmed down, but her behavior started to get more heated.

“Yuushin… Yuushiiiin…”

Lucy spoke, calling out my name and begging me without a care in the world.

I thought it was unusual for her to be so promiscuous, but then I realized that she had been busy with many things lately, and we hadn’t been getting any physical interactions.

I, too, was in the process of finalizing the coup and didn’t have time to worry about my sexual desires.

Except for that latest one I just had with Milena.

Apparently, the night breeze wasn’t enough to cool Lucy’s excitement.

“Yeah, I’m right here. You can feel it, can’t you?”

I returned Lucy’s hug with my own and kissed her this time.

More intensely than the one she gave me, I invaded her mouth with my tongue and twirled my saliva around it.

“Whenever I do this with Yuushin, I would feel much more at ease… haguhh, chuu, mlem…”

Lucy, already looking horny, proceeded to undress her clothes with one hand.

I let her do that as we didn’t prepare any change of clothes. We can’t afford to dirty them.

It will be a morale-destroying disaster when they find out that the coup’s flagbearer has the marks of an affair on their clothing.

I took off my clothes as well, and we both became naked.

“Huaah… fufufu… it’s so warm…”

When Lucy hugged me again, she was leaking hot breaths from the direct contact with my body.

Meanwhile, I was moving my hands to enjoy Lucy’s soft skin as I feel hers with mine.

After that, we remained still for a few minutes or so, and Lucy calmed down. The direct embrace seems to have satisfied her desire somewhat.

Lucy then removed her arms from the firm embrace and let go of my body.

I was disappointed to lose the feeling of her big breasts pressed against my chest, but I held back, thinking I could taste them as much as I wanted later on.

“Yuushin’s… is already pretty hard. Did my naked body arouse you?”

“Yeah. Very. It’s so much I’d like to ram it on you hard right now. Unfortunately, we have to hold back, or the bed will give in.”

The bed, which supported the weight of both of us, had been making a creaking and scraping sound since we sat on it.

If we were to move as hard as we could from here, it would certainly break, no joke.

“I don’t mind if we take things slow. How about I serve you over here first?”

As Lucy said this, she bent down and lifted up my pole.

She looked at it lovingly as it began to harden in the clutches of her attractive hands and fingers, before sucking it into her pretty mouth.

“Fuuh, haamu! Mmm, mmhhh…”

Lucy started blowing and stimulating me with movements she was accustomed to doing.

The thought of her sucking my cock in her mouth, where she usually uses to eat so modestly, gave a wonderful sensation for my brain.

It was like comparing the gap between scenarios of her eating a full-course meal elegantly and her devouring a man’s thing sloppily.

The contrast was too immense that it was exciting.

“Nbuh, churup… It’s getting bigger and bigger…”

Lucy spoke as she stared at my dick, carefully licking the tip with her tongue.

The insistent, polished, and deadening movement almost made me buck up.

In addition to the skill of her service, there was also this unique sense of satisfaction when realizing that your partner is trying her best to serve you to the best of their ability.

I brushed up Lucy’s golden hair and stroked her head, enjoying the feel of her lovely, fine hair.

Then, as if in response, she squinted happily and began to suck more and more on my dick in her mouth.

“Kuh… it’s like my dick is being swallowed whole…”

“Puhaa… Do you like it? Coz I’m not just aimlessly serving you.”

After she proudly says so, Lucy resumes her blowjob.

Since she knew about my weaknesses, she was unrelenting.

“Haa, fuuh, you’re already hard to the limit. But it’s not over yet.”

After she said this, she sucked the entire thing into her mouth.

Her tongue working its way to the base resulted in my whole member getting enveloped in a moist sensation, rapidly heightening my sexual arousal.

“Mmmh, it’s throbbing hard…”

At this point, Lucy was now delighted by the way my mood was changing.

From there, and with an excited smile, she stimulated the entire meat pole with such vigor as if she doesn’t mind it clogging the back of her throat.

The repeated deepthroats almost made me give in.

“Lucy, I can’t…”

A sweet, numbing sensation started rising deep within my loins, wearing down my nerves.

“It’s fine, Yuushin. Just let it out. I’ll catch every drop of it for you.”

Like a skilled whore, Lucy laid out words that stimulated a man’s arousal.

And even as she seduced me, she did not forget to stimulate my pole with her lips.

“Mmmh. That warmth, let me taste a lot of it, Yuushin. Pour it all and fill me up in my mouth… Chup.”

By the time I knew it, these words had triggered me to spit out what had been building up inside.

I pulled Lucy’s head to me with my hand that had been on her head for some time, then ejaculated directly into her mouth.

“Mmmmhh!? Mm, gulp, gulp…puhaaa…”

With her mouth full of my cock, Lucy swallowed all my seed that was spit out.

Not spilling a single drop. Just as promised.

At the sight of this obscene scene, I felt the power of my pole that had just climaxed return to my body again.

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