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Chapter 3 – The Beginning of the Reckoning for Lucy

I took Lucy out of the house and dragged her by my side while our collaborators are having a good time at our first success of our plan.

The sun had just set, and no citizens were on the streets.

I could see figures walking around with lights in some places, but they were probably military police.

“Yuushin, it is no longer safe to go out at this hour.”

“They won’t recognize us easily in the dark, so its fine. Plus, even if the military police approach, we should be the first to find them as they have portable lamps in hand. But just in case, you should wear a black cloak.”

I put on Lucy’s jacket that I had taken out of the safe house to cover her conspicuous clothes.

With that, we evaded the military police’s patrols easily and headed for a nearby church.

After passing through the quiet cathedral, we headed for the top of the tower where the bells are.

“Yuushin, Yuushin! This is the church, the church! No matter what, it’s a terrible idea to sneak into a church!”

“Don’t worry. It’s not like we’re stealing anything. The military police won’t break in, so it’s perfect.”

After climbing the spiral staircase, I saw a bell as tall as I am, and my view broadened.

From here, one can see a 360-degree panoramic view of the city.

The city is beautifully illuminated by moonlight and pale street lighting.


Lucy’s expression softens as she looked at the night view, and her nervousness seems to have faded.

“I wanted to bring you here during the day, though.”

“No, it is enough. It’s very beautiful. When did you learn about this place?”

“When I was coordinating with some of our collaborators, someone told me about it.”

As I said that, I recalled that I have met several kinds of people in the past few months.

Since the marquis targeted me, I had to gather as many allies as possible to fight back before he kills me.

There, I found people opposed to the current regime, informed them of the evil the marquis was doing and promised them rewards after the coup.

Gradually, I gathered trustworthy collaborators, and now we have a total armed force of more than 3,000 men.

If it were an army, it would be a large force commanded by a marshal.

“Tomorrow is the day. When the mission is over, this view will be Lucy’s.”

“It’s mine…? I don’t really feel like it.”

Lucy smiles bitterly at what I just said.

Well, it can’t be helped. Though she plays an important role as the flag bearer for the coup, I was the overall in charge of negotiating with the collaborators.

“Though the primary reason I was doing this is all because the marquis had me on his sights, I have to promise you at least this much for making you cross a dangerous bridge.”

If she were to lose here, it would not be just a case of her house being demolished, but she would also be executed.

But Lucy shook her head.

“For me, the only reward I want is that I get to stay with Yuushin forever.”

She took my arm and continued.

“If anyone gets in my way, whether it’s a monster or my uncle, I will definitely crush them. So please stay by my side forever, okay?”

Lucy looks at me with a crazy hot gaze.

I nodded and held her body in my arms.

“Oh, how could I let you go after coming this far? I’ll be with you no matter what.”

I was already completely bonded to Lucy.

I will use her as a stepping stone and take advantage of her! There is not a shred of that emotion left in me anymore.

I thought I had entered the cracks of her heart, but before I knew it, I was the one completely enveloped by her body.

This passionate look of affection, which at first, I was so reluctant to receive, is now so pleasant and dear to me.

“I’m not going to run away at this point. Also, if I don’t stay by your side, they’ll probably chase me first. And probably kill me on the spot, too. Hahaha.”

“Fufu, you’re right. Only I can protect Yuushin from the bad enemies.”

Lucy mumbles comfortably as she buries her face in my chest.

She still looks like she could pass for a college student, but it is true that I am being protected by her.

I feel a little pathetic.

“I want to stay in Yuushin’s arms until morning comes.”

“I’d like to do the same, but we can’t, because somebody might find us.”

As I said this, I mocked myself for always being like this.

Lucy has now grown into a woman who can say her feelings straightforwardly, but I have still not changed. I am still unable to respond to her feelings head-on.

Or rather, I’m the one who always took advantage of her weakness of her liking me.

I feel much more pathetic with this than having her protect me on the battlefield.

(Should I continue to stay by Lucy’s side in this convenient relationship? No, have some pride. It’s no joke for a grown man to be protected by a woman younger than me all the time.)

I’m about to plunge into the vortex of strife. The opportunity is now or never.

I grabbed Lucy by the shoulders and pushed her away from my body.

“Um, Yuushin?”

She turns her head and looks at me.

She doesn’t seem to know what I am about to do.

“Lucy, you know…”


I was nervous to death, seeing her waiting for me in her natural state, but I mustered myself and opened my mouth.

“I love you, Lucy. Stay with me forever.”

After saying this, I was so embarrassed that I almost looked away.

But before I could look away, I was hit by an impact.


I was knocked to the floor, and Lucy was on top of me.

I looked at her again and saw that she had a big smile on her face.

“If I’m not hearing things, Yuushin, you said you love me, didn’t you? Right?”

“Ah, y-yeah…”

“Fufu, fufufufufuufu~! Ah, I never thought the day would come when Yushin would say it to me… My answer, of course, is obvious. I won’t let go even if I die!”

Lucy’s voice is raspy with excitement.

There are small tears at the corners of her eyes.

“Aaaah~. I am at the peak of happiness. Yuushin, can you say it again?”

“But it’s pretty embarrassing… Ah, whatever! I love you, Lucy!”

When I told her bluntly to hide my embarrassment, she smiled like an angel and kissed me.

It was not as romantic as during sex but as modest as a little bird pecking at her food.

“I love you too, I love you.”

Lucy says, breathing feverishly.

It seems that my resolve has been rewarded.

I’m feeling my strength leaving my body at this very moment.

But this is just the beginning.

I owe Lucy more than I can count.

How long will it take for me to pay it off?

“Damn, I was really nervous. I haven’t been this nervous since my first job interview.”

“I don’t understand what you mean. Are you really not trusting me that much?”

I could see in her darkened eyes that Lucy seemed somewhat dissatisfied after hearing my complaint.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Lucy. It’s just that I get nervous when even I don’t know the outcome.”

I took a breath, waited for myself to calm down, and got up.

But Lucy, on the contrary, was still in the clouds.

You can even say that her mind is floating in the air right now.

“I’m so happy. I feel like I’m going crazy. Ah, now all I have to do is get rid of the obstacles in my way, and then I can spend a slow, everyday life with Yuushin!”

“Oh, and if you do get into the castle, don’t attack Milena because she’s now on our side. Got it?”

I remind her so, feeling a little uneasy.

Looks like I now have to bring this Lucy back to her senses before we go out tomorrow.

Thinking about this, I let out one breath that was not my usual sigh and walked down the tower with her.

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