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Prologue 10 – Departure

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was Xaneela’s ample breasts.

I didn’t realize that I had fallen asleep.

I guess crying with all I had did a toll on me.

“Good morning, Alf.”

The goddess greeted with her usual gentle smile,

“Good morning, Xaneela.”

to which I greeted back.

The room was already clean, and even though we are still naked, the sticky bodily fluids clinging to our bodies before were now gone.

This was the same on Xaneela’s part, as her skin is now smooth.

“You want to go take a shower?”

“Uh, yes.”

I know my body is already clean to the point of not needing to take a bath, but I still agreed. It was more of setting my mood for what will come next.


After I took a warm shower, my mind felt refreshed.

By the way, there were simple clothes in the dressing room, which I gratefully put on.

…although my underwear is just regular trunks with an elastic waistband right now, and not my usual briefs.

“Breakfast is ready.”

The menu consisted of grilled fish, miso soup, natto, and white rice.

Currently, Xaneela is wearing a sleeveless one-piece dress, not the dress she had worn when we first met.

“Xaneela made this?”

“Well, did I make it, or did I create it? It’s up to you to decide.”

Oh, I see what you mean.

It must be the latter, as there is no space for a kitchen in this room.

Or rather, does it need to have one? I mean, she’s a goddess, so food is unnecessary for her, right?

“Bon appétit.”

I put my unnecessary worries aside and dig in the food.

It’s… delicious.

It’s been a long time since I had a proper breakfast like this.

“I decided it to be a full Japanese course this time. After all, once you go over there, you won’t be able to taste these dishes any more. Make sure you savor them well.”

I see.

So this is more or less my last meal, huh? As a Japanese.

“By the way, the civilization of the world I’m going to, is it like medieval Europe?”

“Hmmm. I think it’s a little bit like that, but quite different as there are also more advanced parts because of the existence of magic. It’s difficult to compare it to the world you were in unless I go to the specifics.”

I see.

This was not strange, as, in some cases of novels about other worlds, some fields are more advanced than in modern Japan.

“In addition, since a number of Japanese people had already transferred there in the past, various technologies and concepts from your world had been incorporated into their system. So, describing its civilization as on the level of Middle Age Europe is a bit too much.”

“I see. I’ve heard that some Japanese have returned to Japan after completing their otherworldly adventures there. In that sense, once I accomplished my own, will I-“

“I’m sorry, but that’s impossible.”

From here, Xaneela spoke with an apologetic face.

“In the first place, their case is different from yours. They were [transferred], not [reincarnated], so it is no longer possible for you to go back to your world.”

That’s right. I almost forgot.

I died in my original world. Not to mention my existence was already erased in it.

But unlike when I was told the first time, I’m feeling fine now.

I’m not sure, but maybe it’s because I had cried so hard yesterday.

“You know…”


“Compared to their lives, your life will be a lot more fun from now on, so cheer up!”

“What is that, saying those words out of the blue…”

“Compared to those transmigrators’ lives that are full of hardships and conflicts, though I cannot deny that they are also more thrilling and exciting, your life in the new world will be much better and safer! On top of that, I’ll be there, supporting you, together with my blessing! So you don’t have to think so seriously about solving the world’s crisis or anything like that. Just be yourself.”

“Wait. But didn’t I have mission? That’s why I was chosen to be reincarnated in the first place?”

“What do you mean by mission? Did I say something like that? Scratch the mission! Or rather, your mission isn’t a mission at all! Meet all kinds of girls, have sex, and make babies with them. Isn’t this the dream life you’ve been waiting for?”

“Ah, y-yeah… I guess your right…”

“What a weak response. Anyways, don’t think too hard, just live the way you want to live, okay? For your actions will ultimately lead to the rebirth of this world.”

“For my actions will ultimately lead to the rebirth of this world… sounds like there is a little more than that, don’t you think?”

“Ugh! Just do what makes you happy, alright? Don’t fuss about the small details. Just trust me on this, alright?!”

“Y-yeah. Thanks.”

I… I was being an idiot over there, wasn’t I?

But I can’t help it. It sounded too good to be true, especially with all that had happened in my previous life.

I was born again, met such a goddess, and above all, even had a lot of wonderful sex with her, whose beauty is literally and figuratively straight out of this world.

Frankly, it was already worth it for me when I did it once with Xaneela.

Much more now that we did more than a dozen of rounds.

On top of that, she will watch over me after this. If I don’t consider myself the luckiest man, I don’t know what I’ll be.



“Please take care of me from here on.”



I was in a brightly lit cave when I came to my senses.

Rock walls were all over me, but there was a crack in the ceiling, through which sunlight was shining faintly.

This place was originally called the “Shrine of the Goddess” where Xaneela was worshipped, but with the war against the evil gods causing a drastic decline in the population, not to mention destroying nearby villages and towns, no one was able to visit the place anymore.

The altar-like place had only two round rocks stacked on top of each other, and there was no statue of a goddess.

Yes, I had finally landed in another world.

I was now equipped with simple clothes, a thin leather breastplate, knee-high leather boots, a small buckler made of round wooden planks reinforced with thin metal edges, and a one-handed sword with a blade of about 80 cm in length.

Xaneela, the goddess of fertility and prosperity, is my main backup for my journey, but it seems there are also several other gods who had prepared to assist me.

It was kind of amusing to see Xaneela apologizing over the fact that she didn’t get good cooperation with the God of Smithing, who presided over weapons and armor, which also caused me to end up with the shabby equipment I am wearing now.

Maybe it’s because they are from contradicting doctrines that they don’t get along?

Well, in my case, I was already grateful that I was given the bare minimum of equipment.

Not to mention I already have reasonably high stats at the start of this adventure, so I think I can manage.

The god of blacksmithing is not mean-spirited but rather a hot-blooded man.

“You have to work hard to get good equipment!” That’s his stance.

Yeah, I can understand that.

Right now, I’m heading for the town of Lambda, about three days’ walk from here.

I was tasked to visit the temple of the fertility goddess in that town first.

As for what I’ll do once I get there, I was told to wait and see.

In the [Storage Unit], aside from the “magic coffee mug” that allows you to drink good coffee, there is also a “magic thermos” that allows you to drink good water at any time, a set of portable food and seasonings that will never run out, a few changes of clothes, a few towels, and some fire starters.

The portable food is the typical block-shaped biscuit type with a frizzy texture from my original world.

Anyways, I asked them to prepare the standard cheese-flavored one and a chocolate-flavored one that goes well with coffee.

They also seem to have a better nutritional balance than the original ones, so I will never go hungry as long as I have these.

As for seasonings, they had prepared me all kinds of seasonings: salt, soy sauce, miso, concentrated liquid soup stock, table salt with umami seasoning, soy sauce with soup stock, sugar, shichimi chili pepper, wasabi, curry powder, and so on.

Although she said I won’t be able to find any Japanese food over there because their flora and fauna are different, there is still the option of making it myself, and so she provided me with a wide variety of condiments.

I’m a former elderly virgin with a lot of experience living alone, so I’m pretty good at cooking for myself.

I can’t cook anything elaborate, though.

“Honestly, I think I’m having it way too easy.”

When I said that, Xaneela rebuked me.

“Why should we go to the trouble of making it too difficult when your task is already absurd on its own? I mean, you are singlehandedly tasked with the repopulation of this world. At least we should provide the utmost convenience for your body in one way or another.”

Certainly, it was true now that she put it that way.

Or rather, at first, she even wanted me to have the ability to be full anytime I wanted and was feeling bad that all she could provide was mosey portable food and condiments.

But I was already fine with it because I also like eating in general.

And I also have plenty of seasoning, so there will be no problems.

I heard that light magic can replace bathing and washing, but fire magic is needed to make fire, and being the [Holy Knight] that I am, I can’t learn it, so they prepared a fire starter for me so that I can use fire anytime I want.

In my [Storage Unit], time stands still, and items stored do not interfere with each other, so even if I place dangerous things alongside my food, they won’t affect each other in any way.

Yeah. It’s that amazing.

After leaving the cave, I found a small meadow and a forest ahead.

The forest is not that thickly overgrown, but there exist some animal paths that seem safe enough to proceed on foot normally.

As long as I keep on going straight to the north of this forest, I will find a road that will take me to the town of Lambda.

I walked and walked toward the forest.

When I realized it, I was walking through a meadow with knee-high weeds when I heard rustling noises.

What came out was a huge rabbit.

It was the size of a large dog, something you won’t see in the original world.

No, maybe there are rabbits that exist somewhere, but at least I have never encountered such a rabbit of this size.

Is this a monster?

I gave [Universal Appraisal] a try to see what I could find.


Race: Great Rabbit

Life force: 100 / 100

Magic Power: 100 / 100

Physical Strength: 15

Mental Strength: 7

Luck: 5


[Leaping: Lv1] [Kicking: Lv1] [Vigilance: Lv2] [Running: Lv3]


Great Rabbit, huh?

Well, I guess that translates into something I can easily understand.

I think the average physical strength of an adult male is 10, which means this one’s physical strength is stronger than that of a human adult.

Well, mine is 100, so maybe it’s just right for a trial fight.

I sheathed the short sword at my waist and readied my stance.

The Great Rabbit saw this and braced itself for a moment, but it didn’t show any signs of running away.

I held my shield at the ready and leaned in closer.

The Great Rabbit still did not move and only looked at me with its nose twitching.

By the way, I realized that thanks to [Swordsmanship: Lv1], the fundamentals of how to hold and swing a sword are already ingrained in my body.

Because of this, I was able to recognize my striking distance from the rabbit.

Soon, the enemy reached my line of fire.

“Okay, let’s give it a try.”

Although it was a spur-of-the-moment attempt, I held my breath and stepped forward at once.

The Great Rabbit was startled by my step and tried to dodge jumping to the side, but my attack was faster.

I swung my sword at it, aiming at its brain, but because it dodged at the last minute, my sword missed a bit and instead hit its shoulder area.

I thought the attack would be enough to stop the opponent’s movement for a while, but my slash went further that it almost bisected its body, and just like that, it died in a single blow.

“…that [Physical Strength: 100] is no joke.”

I couldn’t help but mutter, surprised at how fast I stepped and how easily I swung my sword through its flesh.

I’ve never made these moves before, but they seem to have been ingrained in me over the years, as there was no waste in my movements.

So this is the effect of the skill.

At first, I was a little scared of fighting monsters.

After all, it’s like confronting a wild animal, but bigger.

But after seeing the results of my endeavor, I couldn’t help but think this journey might be a piece of cake.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I have to let down my guard.

“Ah, right. Let’s try the dismantling function.”

I put the Great Rabbit’s corpse in my [Storage Unit].

Now then… how should I dismantle it again? Pray to the Goddess?


The Great Rabbit in the [Storage Unit] was suddenly divided into several materials such as meat and skin.

It seems it had been dismantled as I prayed.

Then came a thought of trying to use [Universal Appraisal] on the items in the [Storage Unit]. When I tested it, it went without any problems, making the need to take out the item to be unnecessary.

Based on what I read, I found out that Great Rabbit meat was commonly eaten as food in this world.

Even though I already had my “rations”, I felt lucky to be able to secure food right away.

There were also no problems in survival, at least in fighting monsters, thus solving the biggest worry of mine ever since I came to this world. At this pace, I would be able to reach Lambda quicker even while encountering monsters along the way.

“I’m going now, Xaneela.”

I muttered as I looked back towards the cave entrance, which I could now barely see at this distance. Then, I turned around again and walked in the direction of the town without looking back.

《Take care》

For a moment, I thought I heard Xaneela’s gentle voice.

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