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Chapter 5 – Let’s Play with the Beautiful Blonde! 1


Yoichi couldn’t help but be impressed by the spectacle before his eyes.

The room Karin took for themselves is already a high-grade one, but as soon as they stepped inside the new suite, it was as if he was put in a deep awakening about what it means to have the greater luxury.

The room is spacious enough to hold a small party, with a living room space, a bar counter, and a kitchen.

Cabinets are lined with expensive glassware, together with a small wine cellar which held several bottles of wine, whiskey, and bourbon.

There is also a large refrigerator, which he anticipated to have a great variety of food inside.

In the living room, present is a comfortable velour sofa, large enough to serve as a good bed, with several luxurious chairs for one around a glass-topped low table.

In front of the large sofa is a 100-inch TV, which, as he was told, could play the latest movies and dramas that had not yet been released to the public, even those in Japan.

There is also a door at the back of the spacious living room, to which the bedroom is located.


But just as Yoichi, who was more shocked than when he first visited another world, was being impressed by the luxurious room, a voice was suddenly whispered in his ear.

“Would you like to take a shower first?”

Catherine suddenly hugged him from behind and announced in a sweet voice.

And considering the way she felt against his back, Yoichi immediately could tell that she was as large and elastic as Alana’s.

“Uhm, what do you mean?”

“Ufufu… You don’t have to play the fool. I’m sure you already know what I mean.”

“Well, yeah, I mean…”

Although it is somewhat predictable from her unnaturally heavy makeup and the fact that her uniform does not suit her size at all, added to her seductive attitude upon entering the room, it all suggests that she is probably a call girl prepared by Ed.

“What about you, Miss Catherine? Do you want to take a shower too?”

“What is that? Don’t you like my current smell? I thought you guys like a woman better that way.”

“Between like or hate… well, I don’t mind either way.”

“So you’re okay with me as is?”

“Well, if you insist so much, then――”

However, when Yoichi tried to walk toward the bathroom, Catherine lightly squeezed the arm around his waist as if to hold Yoichi at bay.

“Your clothes. I’ll take them off for you.”

After these words, Catherine deftly undid Yoichi’s belt and unzipped his pants in a flash.

Then, she ruffles Yoichi’s pecker through the top of his trunks.


“Oh my, this is surprising. I didn’t expect you have a really fine one over here.”

These words were said in full seductiveness.

Being hugged from behind by a beautiful blonde and having her whisper sweet nothings in his ear, it was natural for a man to get an erection, even if he had no intention of doing so.

Added to the fact that he was walking beside such a beautiful woman before this, Yoichi’s penis has never been more erect.

From here, Catherine gently unbuttoned Yoichi’s shirt with her left hand while gently rubbing his crotch with her right hand.


But when the buttons were undone, Catherine’s hand left his crotch, causing Yoichi to let out a sigh of regret.


Giggling as if amused by her partner’s reaction, Catherine runs her hands on the hem of the undershirt, the only piece left of Yoichi after all that stripping.

Yoichi did not resist, and he was stripped on his upper part in a couple of seconds.

“Oh my, to think you also have such a magnificent body under those clothes. You truly are getting interesting by the minute.”

Once again hugging the naked Yoichi from behind, Catherine slowly strokes his body from his pecs to his lower abdomen as if checking the crevices of his muscles.

Then she reaches his crotch, where she wraps her hands around the erected object and begins to rub it gently.

“Fufufu… how is it? Care for a round here?”

“That’s good, but… I prefer to save the fun for later.” The woman tried to entice further, but Yoichi only shook off the temptation, causing Catherine’s hand to leave the object and her body to leave his back.

It was obvious from Yoichi’s tone that he was barely holding himself back, though.

“In that case, have a great time. I’ll wait for you here.”

He was given a light push, and Yoichi walked straight to the bathroom without looking back.


“Fufufu, to think they’re all worked up over such an easy man.”

Catherine murmured with a scornful smile when she heard the sound of water from the bathroom.

Upon confirming the sound of the shower and verifying that the target was taking a bath properly, Catherine began to explore Yoichi’s undressed clothes.

His luggage has already been moved from their previous room to this room. This means that the contents of his suitcase have already been inspected.

As for Ed assigning Catherine to be his company, it was to have her investigate Yoichi based on what he wears, including his behavior. If anything suspicious is found on him as a result of the investigation, she would call security in the room using the phone they provided in the bedroom.

What will happen next will be the staff immediately storming here and detaining Yoichi for whatever crime they could apply to him.

Of course, if the investigation turns up with nothing and he’s proven to be just a tourist with good instincts――,

“Ufufufu… I guess tasting a hard Asian cock once in a while won’t be so bad…”

――she will just let him off with a good dream.

“I wonder if I should take that “hard” as a compliment? But really, though. That sounds like you can’t come up with anything else to praise me.”


Surprised by the unexpected voice behind her, Catherine stood up and took a large step forward as if to leap, and upon landing, she struck a fighting pose while ducking down to confront the owner of the voice.

(When did he get behind my back!?)

With her ability, she should have been able to notice even the slightest noise around her, even if she had her attention focused on investigating the clothing.

But there was no sign of the bathroom door being opened, at least not yet, and the shower was still running.

Nevertheless, the man appeared behind her with a wry smile on his face.

And he was even wearing a set of tracksuits before she knew it as if he had prepared it some time ago.

Even if that was not already abnormal in itself,

“…Who are you people!?”

there were now three women standing by Yoichi’s side.

The first one was an Asian woman with dark brown hair who looked like she could be found anywhere.

The second one is also a plain Asian woman with a short bob of black hair and glasses.

The last one was a silver-haired Westerner, a dazzling beauty.

But despite being confused by the unexpected situation, Catherine decided not to think about what she did not understand first in order to calm herself down.

She did not think about “how” it happened. Instead, she thought of “what will happen” and what she needed to do after that.

Catherine is currently not wearing any communication or listening devices on her person to avoid suspicion, and since the room is not monitored, only the five people in the room know what is going on.

In order to inform the staff of this situation, she needs to contact security using the telephone located at the bedside of the bedroom or to leave through the entrance, which was currently where Yoichi and these other “guests” are in the way.

Thankfully, the phone here is designed to automatically connect to the front desk as soon as you pick up the receiver, so even if she doesn’t dial the tone, Ed would know without having her say a word.

Not to mention, the corridor on this floor is monitored, so as long as the door is opened even slightly, Ed would still be able to do something.

Right now, the five are currently facing each other four-to-one in the fairly large suite’s living room, with Yoichi and the three blocking the door, which was the only way out.

Catherine thought about the two choices she had in hand.

(If I am to take the bedroom route, I will be able to lift the telephone beside the bed within a few meters of dashing from my position and opening the bedroom door. It is the ideal route right now as the bedroom door does not have anyone guarding it and is also closest to my current position.)

But doing so would seal her way out, and her only saving grace is how fast Ed’s staff would respond before the four could do something to her.

As for the entrance door route, it has a higher risk, but it also poses a higher reward. If successful, she will be able to get out of the place safely and report to the ones guarding the corridor about Yoichi. However, to do that, she has to confront all four of them, all to make her pass through.

Yoichi, who seemed to be just standing there in a daze, the brown-haired woman who was also just standing beside him, and the black-haired woman who was cowering behind did not seem to pose much of a problem. Still, Catherine’s intuition warned her that the silver-haired woman was a formidable opponent.

(The entrance is undoubtedly safer if I succeed, but it looks like I can’t go that way unscathed. Then I guess I have to go to the bedroom―) “I see. You have a telephone in the bedroom?” “Eh?”

The timing of the statement, as if she had anticipated her own thoughts, caused Catherine to let out an audible gasp and freeze.

Still looking at Catherine in that distant manner, Yoichi began to walk leisurely, then blocked himself in the way of the bedroom door.

Catherine could only watch this action in amazement.

(But this also leaves one less obstacle to the entrance…)

Although she could still sense something inexplicable about the silver-haired one, the two remaining women were ordinary people and should not pose a threat.

(Especially the dark-haired four eyes behind. Since she looks like the easily frightened type, let’s surprise her a bit and slip past her in one swift motion ――!!)

Catherine, who has mastered specialized martial arts, is able to move quickly without any spare movement.

Even the best of the specially trained agents cannot capture Catherine’s first move.

By the time the silver-haired woman realizes it, she should already find Catherine flanking the dark-haired woman.

Catherine feels sorry for using this meek-looking girl as a cover, even though she also intends to push her to the silver-haired woman just to create an opening, but at this moment, her mission to escape and report to Ed is more important than anything.

Indeed, when she started to move toward the frail-looking woman, the silver-haired woman’s reaction was a bit delayed.


However, before she could reach the dark-haired woman, he found that the silver-haired woman had closed the distance to her side.


Catherine released a backhanded fist in agony, but the silver-haired woman easily slammed her wrist and blocked it.

“In that case, take this!”

Catherine had not expected to be grabbed by the wrist so easily, but she took this as an opportunity and began a counterattack.

Because of the nature of her mission, she was not allowed to put on too much muscle, making her only as powerful as a mosquito when it came to striking techniques. But to compensate for it, she made herself a moderately skilled fighter when it comes to using her joints.

She grabbed her opponent’s forearm with her right hand, which grabbed her left wrist, and used it as a fulcrum from which she swung her legs up.

Then, she went on to entangle those legs in the silver-haired woman’s arms, locking and securing the woman’s joints around it.

(I’ll just need to yank her arm like this, and… what?)

To her surprise, instead of the expected outcome of pinning the woman on the floor with her bodyweight, the silver-haired woman didn’t budge. Instead, she lifted her arm that was being joint-locked by Catherine, along with her whole body.[1]

[Are you done?]

“What language is that?”

Catherine muttered such a thing as if to escape the fact that she was being lifted lightly by one arm. In response, the silver-haired woman, who looked a little puzzled at the words, looked at Yoichi, where after seeing him nodding about something, she looked at Catherine again.

[Sorry about this.]

After letting out those words that are still incomprehensible to the woman, Catherine’s vision blacked out.



Catherine, who had been hit in the back of the head by Alana, which caused her to lose consciousness, woke up a few minutes later.

But when her blurry consciousness gradually became clearer, she found herself unable to move her body properly.

(I’m… all tied up!?)

It wasn’t only that. When all her senses returned completely, Catherine also began to feel something chilly. Only when her vision of her body became clear that she let out a cute gasp.

(Not only was I bound in my hands and feet, but I’m also naked?!)

Before her eyes were her breasts, all lying bare and full, and her legs, which extended from her crotch and were covered with light pubic hair.

Both legs are lightly spread apart, with ankles apparently tied to the bed with ropes.

And moving her eyes further, she could also see that her arms were in the same way, spread out with ropes bound tightly at her wrists like her ankles.

(What a nasty way of binding…!!)

Feeling sorry for her own failure but trying not to let it show on her face, Catherine observed the three women and one man surrounding her.

(The man was Yoichi Todou, and the woman in the suit was his companion, Karin Motomiya. But who are the other two?)

As she stifled the urge to raise an eyebrow at the spectacle-wearing oriental and the silver-haired woman who had easily subdued her, the man known as Yoichi stepped forward. After taking a good look at Catherine’s face, he finally opened his mouth.

“Can I talk to you for a moment, Catherine? Or should I say, Charlotte Herschel?”


Going back to the time when Yoichi entered the shower.

While Catherine was inspecting Yoichi’s clothes in order to confirm his identity, Yoichi was also doing the same, activating [Appraisal+] to investigate hers.

From here, he discovered that “Catherine” was not her true name. It was Charlotte Herschel, and she is a former special investigator from this country’s government intelligence agency. She is playing the role akin to a private investigator to Ed, the current manager of this hotel.

“Shall I leave her alone? Since her research on me hasn’t yet come up with anything…”

Yoichi muttered as he looked at the results of the [Appraisal+] while staying outside the shower head’s range to avoid getting wet.

(But if I keep going like this, sooner or later, that guy Ed is going to bite me.)

If nothing else was getting in their way, he would have sex with Charlotte, aka Catherine, then and there, as he was also thinking it might not be so bad, tasting a blonde foreigner for a change. But he opted out in the last minute, as the thought of making Karin and his other women wait for him at a cheap motel while he nails a woman in a luxurious suite behind their backs, even for him, that was still too much for his consciousness.

“―――So, what do you think we should do?”

After taking out his tracksuit and underwear from his [Infinite Storage] and wearing them, Yoichi [returned] to the motel and explained the situation to the three, whom he asked to go home early.

“So you’re saying they’re not satisfied with just stealing my money, and they also want to get their hands on Mr. Yoichi!? He, hehehe.”

Alana, sitting on the bed, answered with a dark smile. Apparently, she had lost a lot of money at the casino, hence her frustration.

(Even if it’s such a case, you lost fair and square. Or not really fair and square but in a legitimate manner. Saying such a thing as “stealing” is a bit too much.)

“What do you think, Karin? Misato?”

“I’m with whatever Yoichi wants to do.”

“From my point of view, I don’t know… However, I don’t like the idea of you being with a woman we don’t even know.”

But from here, Alana stands up with great vigor.

“Punishment! Such an insolent woman needs to be punished!”

“Punishment, huh.”

Naturally, Yoichi was skeptical of this opinion. If possible, he would like to stick to the most peaceful option of not harming the both parties. However, since with the other party was already beginning to get hostile to him, they would have to settle this one quick or it will cause a bigger commotion for them later on.

Of course, this was totally not for the reason that he was supporting the “easy” Alana and appeasing her resentment toward the other party.

The blunder was still his, and it is he who shall solve it.

(Besides, wouldn’t it be the perfect chance to test the skills I had acquired to see how far they could be applied in this world?)

Yoichi, who has finished deciding what to do, opened the function of [Return+] to check the location of the home point he just set.

And just as Charlotte turned her back to the home point, he activated [Return+].

“Ufufufu… I guess tasting a hard Asian cock once in a while won’t be so bad…”

“I wonder if I should take that “hard” as a compliment? But really, though. That sounds like you can’t come up with anything else to praise me.”

What came next was the expected jump after hearing Yoichi’s words from her back.

Yoichi immediately activated [Appraisal+] to read her actions in real-time, and when the other party thought of going through the bedroom door, he immediately stood in front of it to block her way.

As for why he did this even though the other party is a special agent, Yoichi has confirmed that he could take her on his own, that is after confirming through the skill that Charlotte specializes in honey trap missions, and her only skills are for self-defense and escape and not to cripple and overpower her enemies.

Seeing one of her escape routes blocked, Charlotte chose to escape through the entrance, just as Yoichi had intended her to do.

(Damn, she’s fast! However…)

Alana easily caught Charlotte, who moved as if she had disappeared.

But then, Charlotte entangled her legs in Alana’s arms and locked that arm in a Jumping Armlock.[1]

(This is bad!! ――wait. No way…?)

Yoichi tried to cover for Charlotte, but Alana showed no pain and – unexpectedly – lifted her arm together with Charlotte, who was supposed to be pinning her to the floor.

“Are you done?”

“What language is that?”

Charlotte’s reply made Alana look at Yoichi with a slightly annoyed expression.

For now, Yoichi nodded lightly to leave it to Alana.

After saying, “Sorry about this,” in her language, Alana slammed Charlotte to the floor.

“Oof…… that’s gonna hurt!!”

Ignoring Yoichi’s commentary and ensuring that Charlotte was unconscious, Alana pulled off her still entangled arm and stood up.

“Now then, it’s time we get spanking!”

For some reason, Alana looked happy.


“Uhm, Alana… how on earth did you do that? I mean, this world has no mana, right?”

Yoichi asked Alana as he tied ropes around the naked limbs of the now-unconscious Charlotte.

“That’s because I use magic to enhance my strength doesn’t mean that my strength depends on it. I have also trained myself physically, you know?”

“Is that true?”

“Well, not… exactly 100% true. Just now, I was able to pin her down because I channeled the mana inside my entire body to enhance my abilities. Though normally, it is done externally through magic and skills.”

“Huuh? Wait. I am in the same type as you, right? So you’re saying I can also manipulate my mana to strengthen my body in this world?”

“Seems like it. However, it is only limited to channeling your mana in our bodies. When I used the usual magic to physically enhance my body, it didn’t work. Perhaps it is also due to the lack of a system for magic in this world?”

“I see.”

In the meantime, Yoichi has finished restraining Charlotte.

“Putting aside the situation we’re in, what do you intend to do with her, Mr. Yoichi? Are you… gonna force yourself on her?”

Alana lowered her eyebrows apologetically, perhaps feeling guilty at the sight of Charlotte being restrained in the nude, although she also took part in why they had gone this far.

Karin and Misato were silent but were also looking at Yoichi with a somewhat worried gaze.

“Uhmm, forcing myself on women and things isn’t really my thing. I was wondering if I could use this to get her in the mood to ask for intel.”

In Yoichi’s hand was a small bottle taken from the [Infinite Storage+].

It was a bottle of energy drink, commonly sold at convenience stores in Japan.

Translator Notes:

[1]. I think Charlotte kind of moved like this? I don’t know any self-defense, so please correct me if I’m wrong. This is also the only move set I searched that the initial positions were close to the situation of Charlotte and Alana (starting with gripping the opponent’s arm)↰


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